import {Component, ViewChild, ViewChildren, QueryList, Input, ViewEncapsulation} from '@angular/core'; import {Location} from '@angular/common'; import {ActivatedRoute, Params, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {Title, Meta} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {DataTableDirective} from 'angular-datatables'; import {Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs'; import{EnvProperties} from '../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {ErrorCodes} from '../../utils/properties/errorCodes'; import {ErrorMessagesComponent} from '../../utils/errorMessages.component'; import {ClaimsDatatablePipe} from '../../utils/pipes/claimsDatatable.pipe'; import {RouterHelper} from '../../utils/routerHelper.class'; import {ModalSelect} from '../../utils/modal/selectModal.component'; import {ModalLoading} from '../../utils/modal/loading.component'; import {ClaimsByTokenService} from './claimsByToken.service'; import {Session} from '../../login/utils/helper.class'; import {LoginErrorCodes} from '../../login/utils/guardHelper.class'; import {properties} from "../../../../environments/environment"; @Component({ selector: 'claims-project-manager', templateUrl: 'claimsByToken.component.html', styles: [` #table1_info, #table1_paginate, #table1_length, #table1_filter, #table2_info, #table2_paginate, #table2_length, #table2_filter{ display: none; } `], encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None // this used in order styles to work }) export class ClaimsByTokenComponent { public openaireId: string = ""; public sub: any; public project: any; private claims:any = []; public pending_claims: any = []; public curated_claims: any = []; public selectedRight_PendingMode: Set; public selectedWrong_PendingMode: Set; public selectedRight_CuratedMode: Set; public selectedWrong_CuratedMode: Set; public editable: Set; public contact_person: string[] = ["Konstantina", "Argiro", "Katerina"]; private errorCodes: ErrorCodes; private errorMessages: ErrorMessagesComponent; public pending_status: number; public curated_status: number; // when 'valid' show proper claims, when 'invalid' show no matched entry-wanna retry public accessStatus: string;// = "empty"; public mode: string = "pending"; public showTables: boolean = true; public rowsOnPage = 5; public sortOrder = "asc"; public keyword1:string = ""; public keyword2:string = ""; public activePendingPage:any = {page: 1}; public totalPendingResults:any = {count: 0}; public activeCuratedPage:any = {page: 1}; public totalCuratedResults:any = {count: 0}; dtTrigger: Subject[] = []; private triggered: boolean = false; dtOptions: DataTables.Settings[] = []; @ViewChildren(DataTableDirective) dtElements: QueryList; //@ViewChild("table1") table1: DataTableDirective; //@ViewChild("table2") table2: DataTableDirective; @ViewChild (ModalSelect) selectModal : ModalSelect; @ViewChild (ModalLoading) loading : ModalLoading ; properties:EnvProperties = properties; public routerHelper:RouterHelper = new RouterHelper(); constructor (private route: ActivatedRoute, private _router: Router, private claimsByTokenService: ClaimsByTokenService, private _meta: Meta, private _title: Title) { this.errorCodes = new ErrorCodes(); this.errorMessages = new ErrorMessagesComponent(); this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this.curated_status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; } ngOnInit() { this.sub = this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => { this.mode = "pending"; this.openaireId = params['openaireId']; this.selectedRight_PendingMode = new Set(); this.selectedWrong_PendingMode = new Set(); this.selectedRight_CuratedMode = new Set(); this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode = new Set(); this.editable = new Set(); this.validateJWTandToken(); this.updateTitle("Claims For Project Managers"); } ); this.dtOptions[0] = { //"paging": false, //"searching": false, //"lengthChange": false, "pageLength": this.rowsOnPage, "columnDefs": [ { "type": "date", "targets": 2 } ], "order": [[ 2, 'desc' ]] //"pagingType": 'full_numbers', /*"language": { "search": "", "searchPlaceholder": "Search projects..." }*/ }; this.dtOptions[1] = { "pageLength": this.rowsOnPage, "columnDefs": [ { "type": "date", "targets": [2,4] } ], "order": [[ 4, 'desc' ]] }; this.dtTrigger[0] = new Subject(); this.dtTrigger[1] = new Subject(); } ngAfterViewInit(): void { $.fn['dataTable'], data, dataIndex) => { if(settings.sTableId == 'table1') { if (this.filterData(data, this.keyword1)) { return true; } return false; } else if(settings.sTableId == 'table2') { if (this.filterData(data, this.keyword2)) { return true; } return false; } }); } ngOnDestroy(): void { $.fn['dataTable']; // Do not forget to unsubscribe the event this.dtTrigger[0].unsubscribe(); this.dtTrigger[1].unsubscribe(); } /* Trigger a table draw in order to get the initial filtering */ triggerInitialLoad(){ this.triggered = true; //"triggerInitialLoad"); setTimeout(function(){ /*var table1 = $('#table1').DataTable(); 0 ).draw( false ); var table2 = $('#table2').DataTable(); 0 ).draw( false );*/ }, 500); setTimeout(() => { this.dtTrigger[0].next(); this.dtTrigger[1].next(); }); } rerender(): void { //"RERENDER"); this.dtElements.forEach((dtElement: DataTableDirective, index: number) => { dtElement.dtInstance.then((dtInstance: any) => { // Destroy the table first dtInstance.destroy(); // Call the dtTrigger to rerender again this.dtTrigger[index].next(); }); }); } filterData(row: any, query: string) { if(!Session.isLoggedIn()){ this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); } else { let returnValue: boolean = false; if(query) { for(var i=0; i <3; i++){ var r= this.filterQuery(row[i], query); if(r) { returnValue = true; break; } } if(!returnValue) { return false; } } return true; } } filterQuery(data, query){ if(data.toLowerCase().indexOf(query.toLowerCase()) > -1){ return true; }else{ return false; } } refreshTable(page:number, whichTable: string) { if(!Session.isLoggedIn()){ this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); } else { if(whichTable == "pending") { var table = $('#table1').DataTable(); page - 1 ).draw( false ); var info =; = page;//$event.value; this.totalPendingResults.count = info.recordsDisplay; } else if(whichTable == 'curated') { var table = $('#table2').DataTable(); page - 1 ).draw( false ); var info =; = page;//$event.value; this.totalCuratedResults.count = info.recordsDisplay; } } //table.mfActivePage=$event.value; //table.setPage(table.mfActivePage, this.rowsOnPage); } validateJWTandToken() { if(!Session.isLoggedIn()){ this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); } else { if(this.openaireId) { this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this.curated_status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this.showTables = false; this.pending_claims = []; this.curated_claims = []; = 1; this.totalPendingResults.count = 0; = 1; this.totalCuratedResults.count = 0; this.claimsByTokenService.getClaims(this.openaireId, data => { //this.closeLoading(); this.accessStatus = "valid"; =; for(let claim of { if(claim.targetType == "project") { this.project =; } else { this.project = claim.source; } if(claim.curatedBy) { this.curated_claims.push(claim); } else { this.pending_claims.push(claim); } } this.totalPendingResults.count = this.pending_claims.length; this.totalCuratedResults.count = this.curated_claims.length; if(this.project) { this.updateTitle("Claims For Project Managers - "; } this.showTables = true; if(!this.triggered) { //"initial load"); this.triggerInitialLoad(); } else { //"rerender"); var table1 = $('#table1').DataTable(); table1.clear(); var table2 = $('#table2').DataTable(); table2.clear(); this.rerender(); } this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.DONE; this.curated_status = this.errorCodes.DONE; }, err => { this.handleError("Error getting claims for openaire id: "+this.openaireId, err); this.pending_status = this.errorMessages.getErrorCode(err.status); this.curated_status = this.pending_status; /*if(err.status == '404') { this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.NOT_FOUND; this.curated_status = this.errorCodes.NOT_FOUND; } else if(err.status == '500') { this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.ERROR; this.curated_status = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } else { this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE; this.curated_status = this.errorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE; }*/ this.showTables = true; if(!this.triggered) { this.triggerInitialLoad(); } else { var table1 = $('#table1').DataTable(); table1.clear(); var table2 = $('#table2').DataTable(); table2.clear(); this.rerender(); } this.accessStatus = "invalid"; //console.log(err); } ); } else { this.accessStatus = "invalid"; } } } selectApprove(id:string, event, mode: string) { if(!Session.isLoggedIn()){ this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); } else { var value = event.currentTarget.checked; if(value){ if(mode == "pending") { this.selectedRight_PendingMode.add(id); this.selectedWrong_PendingMode.delete(id); } else { this.selectedRight_CuratedMode.add(id); this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode.delete(id); } }else{ if(mode == "pending") { this.selectedRight_PendingMode.delete(id); } // } else { // this.selectedRight_CuratedMode.delete(id); // this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode.add(id); // } } } } selectDisapprove(id:string, event, mode: string) { if(!Session.isLoggedIn()){ this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); } else { var value = event.currentTarget.checked; if(value){ if(mode == "pending") { this.selectedWrong_PendingMode.add(id); this.selectedRight_PendingMode.delete(id); } else { this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode.add(id); this.selectedRight_CuratedMode.delete(id); } }else{ if(mode == "pending") { this.selectedWrong_PendingMode.delete(id); } // } else { // this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode.delete(id); // this.selectedRight_CuratedMode.add(id); // } } } } isSelected(id:string, set:Set) { return set.has(id); } /* isSelectedWrong(id:string) { return this.selectedWrong.has(id); } */ isRight_CuratedMode(claim: any) { if(this.isSelected(, this.selectedRight_CuratedMode)) { return true; } else if(claim.approved == true && !this.isSelected(, this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode)) { return true; } return false; } isWrong_CuratedMode(claim: any) { if(this.isSelected(, this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode)) { return true; } else if(claim.approved == false && !this.isSelected(, this.selectedRight_CuratedMode)) { return true; } return false; } cancelEditOfCuration(claim: any) { if(!Session.isLoggedIn()){ this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); } else { if(claim.approved) { //this.selectedRight_CuratedMode.add(; this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode.delete(; } else { this.selectedRight_CuratedMode.delete(; //this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode.add(; } } } saveEdited(claim: any, editable_index: number) { if(!Session.isLoggedIn()){ this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); } else { this.curated_status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; let approved: boolean = this.isRight_CuratedMode(claim); if(approved == claim.approved) { this.selectedRight_CuratedMode.delete(; this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode.delete(; this.editable.delete(editable_index); this.curated_status = this.errorCodes.DONE; } else { let claimCurationInfo: {"id": string, "approved": boolean} = {"id":, "approved": approved}; this.claimsByTokenService.updateClaimCuration(claimCurationInfo, data => { this.selectedRight_CuratedMode.delete(; this.selectedWrong_CuratedMode.delete(; this.editable.delete(editable_index); this.validateJWTandToken(); }, err => { //console.log(err); this.handleError("Error updating claim curation: "+JSON.stringify(claimCurationInfo), err); this.curated_status = this.errorCodes.NOT_SAVED; } ); } } } saveChanges() { if(!Session.isLoggedIn()){ this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); } else { this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; //this.openLoading(); //"Changes Saved!, right-wrong", this.selectedRight_PendingMode, this.selectedWrong_PendingMode); this.claimsByTokenService.updateClaimsCuration(this.selectedRight_PendingMode, this.selectedWrong_PendingMode, data => { //this.closeLoading(); this.mode = "curated"; this.clearCheckboxes(); this.validateJWTandToken(); }, err => { //this.closeLoading(); //console.log(err); this.handleError("Error updating claims: right: "+JSON.stringify(this.selectedRight_PendingMode)+" and wrong: "+JSON.stringify(this.selectedWrong_PendingMode), err); this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.NOT_SAVED; } ); } } clearCheckboxes() { if(!Session.isLoggedIn()){ this._router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.NOT_VALID, "redirectUrl": this._router.url} }); } else { this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this.selectedRight_PendingMode.clear(); this.selectedWrong_PendingMode.clear(); this.pending_status = this.errorCodes.DONE; } } public openLoading(){ if(this.loading){; } } public closeLoading(){ if(this.loading){ this.loading.close(); } } curatorSelected(selected: string) { //"selected curator: "+selected); } public openSelect(){ if(this.selectModal){; } } public setMessageSelect(message: string){ if(this.selectModal){ this.selectModal.message = message; } } public setOptionsSelect(options: string[]){ if(this.selectModal){ this.selectModal.options = options; } } totalPages(totalResults: number): number { let totalPages:any = totalResults/(this.rowsOnPage); if(!(Number.isInteger(totalPages))) { totalPages = (parseInt(totalPages, 10) + 1); } return totalPages; } updateTitle(title:string){ var _prefix ="OpenAIRE | "; var _title = _prefix + ((title.length> 50 ) ?title.substring(0,50):title); this._meta.updateTag({content:_title},"property='og:title'"); this._title.setTitle(_title); } private handleError(message: string, error) { console.error("Claims Project Manager Page: "+message, error); } }