import { ChartHelper, FilterType, Indicator, IndicatorFilterUtils, IndicatorPath, IndicatorPathType, IndicatorType, SourceType, Stakeholder, SubCategory, Topic, Visibility, } from "../../monitor/entities/stakeholder"; import {AbstractControl, ValidatorFn, Validators} from "@angular/forms"; import {Option} from "../../sharedComponents/input/input.component"; import {Session} from "../../login/utils/helper.class"; import {HelperFunctions} from "../../utils/HelperFunctions.class"; import {properties} from "src/environments/environment"; class Entities { stakeholder = 'Dashboard'; funder = 'Funder'; ri = 'Research Initiative'; organization = 'Research Institution'; project = 'Project'; country = 'National'; datasource = 'Repository'; stakeholders = 'Dashboards'; funders = 'Funders'; ris = 'Research Initiatives'; organizations = 'Research Institutions'; projects = 'Projects'; datasources = 'Repositories'; } export class StakeholderConfiguration { public static ENTITIES: Entities = new Entities(); public static TYPES: Option[] = [ {value: 'funder', label: StakeholderConfiguration.ENTITIES.funder}, {value: 'ri', label: StakeholderConfiguration.ENTITIES.ri}, {value: 'organization', label: StakeholderConfiguration.ENTITIES.organization}, {value: 'project', label: StakeholderConfiguration.ENTITIES.project} ]; public static LOCALES: Option[] = [ {value: "en", label: 'English'}, {value: "eu", label: 'Europe'} ]; public static FUNDER_TYPES: Option[] = []; public static VISIBILITIES: Option[] = [ {icon: 'earth', value: "PUBLIC", label: 'Public'}, {icon: 'restricted', value: "RESTRICTED", label: 'Restricted'}, {icon: 'incognito', value: "PRIVATE", label: 'Private'}, ]; public static CACHE_INDICATORS: boolean = true; } export class StakeholderUtils { get entities() { return StakeholderConfiguration.ENTITIES; } get types() { return StakeholderConfiguration.TYPES } get funderTypes() { return StakeholderConfiguration.FUNDER_TYPES; } get locales() { return StakeholderConfiguration.LOCALES; } get visibilities() { return StakeholderConfiguration.VISIBILITIES; } get isCachingIndicators() { return StakeholderConfiguration.CACHE_INDICATORS; } visibilityIcon: Map = new Map( => [option.value, option.icon])); defaultValue(options: Option[]) { return options.length === 1?options[0].value:null; } showField(options: Option[]) { return options.length > 1; } getLabel(options: Option[], value) { let option = options.find(option => option.value === value); return option?option.label:null; } getTypesByUserRoles(user, id: string = null): Option[] { let types = []; for (let type of this.types) { if (Session.isCurator(type.value, user) || Session.isPortalAdministrator(user) || (id && Session.isManager(type.value, id, user))) { types.push(type); } } return types; } public createFunderFromDefaultProfile(funder: Stakeholder, defaultTopics: Topic[], isDefault: boolean = false): Stakeholder { funder.topics = HelperFunctions.copy(defaultTopics); for (let topic of funder.topics) { topic.defaultId = !isDefault ? topic._id : null; topic._id = null; for (let category of topic.categories) { category.defaultId = !isDefault ? category._id : null; category._id = null; let subTokeep: SubCategory[] = []; for (let subCategory of category.subCategories) { subCategory.defaultId = !isDefault ? subCategory._id : null; subCategory._id = null; subTokeep.push(subCategory); for (let section of subCategory.charts) { let chartsTokeep: Indicator[] = []; section.defaultId = !isDefault ? section._id : null; section.stakeholderAlias = funder.alias; section._id = null; for (let indicator of section.indicators) { indicator.defaultId = !isDefault ? indicator._id : null; indicator._id = null; chartsTokeep.push(indicator); for (let indicatorPath of indicator.indicatorPaths) { if (indicatorPath.parameters) { Object.keys(indicatorPath.parameters).forEach(key => { if (key == "index_name") { indicatorPath.parameters[key] = funder.index_name; } else if (key == "index_id") { indicatorPath.parameters[key] = funder.index_id; } else if (key == "index_shortName") { indicatorPath.parameters[key] = funder.index_shortName.toLowerCase(); } }); } } } section.indicators = chartsTokeep; } for (let section of subCategory.numbers) { section.defaultId = !isDefault ? section._id : null; section.stakeholderAlias = funder.alias; section._id = null; for (let indicator of section.indicators) { indicator.defaultId = !isDefault ? indicator._id : null; indicator._id = null; } } } category.subCategories = subTokeep; } } return funder; } aliasValidatorString(elements: string[]): ValidatorFn { return (control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: string } | null => { if (control.value && elements.find(element => element === control.value )) { return {'error': 'Alias already in use'}; } return null; } } aliasValidator(elements: any[]): ValidatorFn { return (control: AbstractControl): { [key: string]: string } | null => { if (control.value && elements.find(element => element.alias === control.value )) { return {'error': 'Alias already in use'}; } return null; } } generateAlias(name: string): string { let alias = name.toLowerCase(); while (alias.includes('/') || alias.includes(' ')) { alias = alias.replace(' / ', '-'); alias = alias.replace('/', '-'); alias = alias.replace(' ', '-'); } return alias; } } export class IndicatorUtils { allChartTypes: Option[] = [ {value: 'pie', label: 'Pie'}, {value: 'table', label: 'Table'}, {value: 'line', label: 'Line'}, {value: 'column', label: 'Column'}, {value: 'bar', label: 'Bar'}, {value: 'other', label: 'Other'} ]; basicChartTypes: IndicatorPathType[] = ["pie", "line", "column", "bar"]; defaultChartType: IndicatorPathType = "other"; indicatorSizes: Option[] = [ {value: 'small', label: 'Small (Enabled only for large screens)'}, {value: 'medium', label: 'Medium'}, {value: 'large', label: 'Large'} ]; allSourceTypes: Option[] = [ {value: 'search', label: 'Search'}, {value: 'statistics', label: 'Statistics'}, {value: 'stats-tool', label: 'Statistics tool'} ]; formats: Option[] = [ {value: "NUMBER", label: "Number"}, {value: "PERCENTAGE", label: "Percentage"} ]; sourceTypes: Option[] = [ {value: 'stats-tool', label: 'Statistics tool'} ]; isActive: Option[] = [ {icon: 'brightness_1', iconClass: '', value: true, label: 'Active'}, {icon: 'brightness_1', value: false, label: 'Inactive'}, ]; parametersValidators: Map = new Map([ ['start_year', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern('^\\d+$')]], ['end_year', [Validators.required, Validators.pattern('^\\d+$')]] ]); ignoredParameters = ['index_name', 'index_id', 'index_shortName']; statsProfileParameter = 'profile'; numberSources: Map = new Map(); chartSources: Map = new Map(); constructor() { this.numberSources.set('statistics', [properties.statisticsAPIURL]); this.numberSources.set('search', [properties.searchAPIURLLAst]); this.numberSources.set('stats-tool', [properties.monitorStatsFrameUrl, "", "", "", "", "", ""]); this.chartSources.set('stats-tool', [properties.monitorStatsFrameUrl, "", "", "", "", "", ""]); this.chartSources.set('old', [properties.statisticsFrameAPIURL]); this.chartSources.set('image', [""]); } getSourceType(source: string): SourceType { let sourceType: SourceType = 'search'; this.numberSources.forEach((values, key) => { if (key == source) { sourceType = key; } }); return sourceType; } getChartUrl(source: SourceType, url: string): string { return this.chartSources.get(source)[0] + url; } getNumberUrl(source: SourceType, url: string): string { return this.numberSources.get(this.getSourceType(source))[0] + url; } getNumberSource(url: string): SourceType { let source: SourceType = 'search'; this.numberSources.forEach((values, key) => { values.forEach((value) => { if (value !== '' && url.indexOf(value) !== -1) { source = key; } }); }); return source; } getChartSource(url: string): SourceType { let source: SourceType = 'image'; this.chartSources.forEach((values, key) => { values.forEach((value) => { if (value !== '' && url.indexOf(value) !== -1) { source = key; } }); }); return source; } getChartTypes(initialType) { let types: Option[] = []; if (this.basicChartTypes.indexOf(initialType) != -1) { (this.allChartTypes).forEach(option => { if (this.basicChartTypes.indexOf(option.value) != -1) { types.push(option); } }); return types; } else if (initialType == "table") { (this.allChartTypes).forEach(option => { if (initialType == option.value) { types.push(option); } }); return types; } else { return this.allChartTypes; } } public getFullUrl(stakeholder: Stakeholder, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath, fundingL0: string = null, startYear: string = null, endYear: string = null): string { let replacedUrl = indicatorPath.chartObject ? indicatorPath.chartObject : indicatorPath.url; if (stakeholder.statsProfile) { replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + this.statsProfileParameter + ChartHelper.suffix).join(stakeholder.statsProfile) } if (indicatorPath.parameters) { Object.keys(indicatorPath.parameters).forEach(key => { let replacedValue = indicatorPath.parameters[key]; if (startYear && key == "start_year" && indicatorPath.filters["start_year"]) { replacedValue = (replacedValue < startYear) ? startYear : replacedValue; } if (endYear && key == "end_year" && indicatorPath.filters["end_year"]) { replacedValue = (replacedValue > endYear) ? endYear : replacedValue; } if (key == "index_id") { replacedValue = stakeholder.index_id; } if (key == "index_name") { replacedValue = stakeholder.index_name; } if (key == "index_shortName") { replacedValue = stakeholder.index_shortName.toLowerCase(); } replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + key + ChartHelper.suffix).join(replacedValue) }); } if (indicatorPath.chartObject) { if (fundingL0 && indicatorPath.filters["fundingL0"]) { let newJsonObject = JSON.parse(replacedUrl); for (let queries of this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject) ? newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)][this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject)] : newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)]) { if (!queries["query"]["filters"] || queries["query"]["filters"].length == 0) { queries["query"]["filters"] = []; } //TODO check how it works if the query already has a filter queries["query"]["filters"].push(JSON.parse(indicatorPath.filters["fundingL0"].replace(ChartHelper.prefix + "fundingL0" + ChartHelper.suffix, fundingL0))); } replacedUrl = JSON.stringify(newJsonObject); } if (startYear && indicatorPath.filters["start_year"]) { let newJsonObject = JSON.parse(replacedUrl); for (let queries of this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject) ? newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)][this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject)] : newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)]) { if (!queries["query"]["filters"] || queries["query"]["filters"].length == 0) { queries["query"]["filters"] = []; } //TODO check how it works if the query already has a filter queries["query"]["filters"].push(JSON.parse(indicatorPath.filters["start_year"].replace(ChartHelper.prefix + "start_year" + ChartHelper.suffix, startYear))); } replacedUrl = JSON.stringify(newJsonObject); } if (endYear && indicatorPath.filters["end_year"]) { let newJsonObject = JSON.parse(replacedUrl); for (let queries of this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject) ? newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)][this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject)] : newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)]) { if (!queries["query"]["filters"] || queries["query"]["filters"].length == 0) { queries["query"]["filters"] = []; } //TODO check how it works if the query already has a filter queries["query"]["filters"].push(JSON.parse(indicatorPath.filters["end_year"].replace(ChartHelper.prefix + "end_year" + ChartHelper.suffix, endYear))); } replacedUrl = JSON.stringify(newJsonObject); } } //For numbers (e.g. from stats-api , search service, etc) if (replacedUrl.indexOf(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_id' + ChartHelper.suffix) != -1) { replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_id' + ChartHelper.suffix).join(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_id)); } if (replacedUrl.indexOf(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_name' + ChartHelper.suffix) != -1) { replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_name' + ChartHelper.suffix).join(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_name)); } if (replacedUrl.indexOf(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_shortName' + ChartHelper.suffix) != -1) { replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_shortName' + ChartHelper.suffix).join(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_shortName)); } return (indicatorPath.chartObject ? indicatorPath.url + encodeURIComponent(replacedUrl) : replacedUrl); } public getFullUrlWithFilters(stakeholder: Stakeholder, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath, fundingL0: string = null, startYear: string = null, endYear: string = null, coFunded: boolean = false, foslvl1:string[]=[], foslvl2:string[]=[] ): string { indicatorPath.filtersApplied = 0; let replacedUrl = indicatorPath.chartObject ? indicatorPath.chartObject : indicatorPath.url; if (stakeholder.statsProfile) { replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + this.statsProfileParameter + ChartHelper.suffix).join(stakeholder.statsProfile); } if (indicatorPath.parameters) { Object.keys(indicatorPath.parameters).forEach(key => { let replacedValue = indicatorPath.parameters[key]; if (startYear && key == "start_year") { replacedValue = (replacedValue < startYear) ? startYear : replacedValue; //if there is a parameter that is filtered and the value of the parameter changes, count the filter as applied indicatorPath.filtersApplied++; } if (endYear && key == "end_year") { replacedValue = (replacedValue > endYear) ? endYear : replacedValue; //if there is a parameter that is filtered and the value of the parameter changes, count the filter as applied indicatorPath.filtersApplied++; } if (key == "index_id") { replacedValue = stakeholder.index_id; } if (key == "index_name") { replacedValue = stakeholder.index_name; } if (key == "index_shortName") { replacedValue = stakeholder.index_shortName.toLowerCase(); } replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + key + ChartHelper.suffix).join(replacedValue) }); } if (fundingL0) { if (indicatorPath.source == "stats-tool" && indicatorPath.chartObject) { let filterResults = this.addFilter(replacedUrl, 'fundingL0', fundingL0); replacedUrl = filterResults.url; indicatorPath.filtersApplied += filterResults.filtersApplied; } } if (startYear) { if (indicatorPath.source == "stats-tool" && indicatorPath.chartObject) { let filterResults = this.addFilter(replacedUrl, 'start_year', startYear); replacedUrl = filterResults.url; indicatorPath.filtersApplied += filterResults.filtersApplied; } } if (endYear) { if (indicatorPath.source == "stats-tool" && indicatorPath.chartObject) { let filterResults = this.addFilter(replacedUrl, 'end_year', endYear); replacedUrl = filterResults.url; indicatorPath.filtersApplied += filterResults.filtersApplied; } } if (coFunded) { if (indicatorPath.source == "stats-tool" && indicatorPath.chartObject) { let filterResults = this.addFilter(replacedUrl, 'co-funded', endYear); replacedUrl = filterResults.url; indicatorPath.filtersApplied += filterResults.filtersApplied; } } if (foslvl1) { if (indicatorPath.source == "stats-tool" && indicatorPath.chartObject) { let filterResults = this.addFilter(replacedUrl, 'foslvl1', foslvl1); replacedUrl = filterResults.url; indicatorPath.filtersApplied +=filterResults.filtersApplied?foslvl1.length:0; } } if (foslvl2) { if (indicatorPath.source == "stats-tool" && indicatorPath.chartObject) { let filterResults = this.addFilter(replacedUrl, 'foslvl2', foslvl2); replacedUrl = filterResults.url; indicatorPath.filtersApplied += filterResults.filtersApplied?foslvl2.length:0; } } //For numbers if (replacedUrl.indexOf(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_id' + ChartHelper.suffix) != -1) { replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_id' + ChartHelper.suffix).join(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_id)); } if (replacedUrl.indexOf(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_name' + ChartHelper.suffix) != -1) { replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_name' + ChartHelper.suffix).join(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_name)); } if (replacedUrl.indexOf(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_shortName' + ChartHelper.suffix) != -1) { replacedUrl = replacedUrl.split(ChartHelper.prefix + 'index_shortName' + ChartHelper.suffix).join(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_shortName)); } //Check apply enhancements return this.applySchemaEnhancements( ..); return (indicatorPath.chartObject ? indicatorPath.url + encodeURIComponent(replacedUrl) : replacedUrl); } private addFilter(replacedUrl, filterType: FilterType, filterValue) { let newJsonObject = JSON.parse(replacedUrl); let filterApplied: boolean = false; let queryIndex = 0; for (let queries of this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject) ? newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)][this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject)] : newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)]) { /*Chart with Named Queries*/ if (queries["query"]["name"] && !queries["query"]["select"]) { if (queries["query"]["name"].indexOf("monitor.") == -1 || !queries["query"]["parameters"]) { continue; } if (filterType == 'fundingL0') { let paramFields = queries["query"]["name"].split(".").slice(3); let filterPosition = queries["query"]["name"].split(".").indexOf(filterType == "fundingL0" ? 'fl0' : filterType); if (filterPosition != -1) { //already filtered //TODO double check if we need to override if the fl0 is already filtered filterPosition -= 3; /* //update the value if(paramFields.length == queries["query"]["parameters"].length ){ //ok queries["query"]["parameters"][filterPosition] = filterValue; }else if((paramFields.length + 2) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length || (paramFields.length*2 + 4) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length){ queries["query"]["parameters"][filterPosition + 2]=filterValue; filterApplied = true; } if((paramFields.length*2 + 4) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length){ queries["query"]["parameters"][(2* filterPosition) + 5]=filterValue; }*/ //if applied with the same value mark as filtered if (paramFields.length == queries["query"]["parameters"].length && queries["query"]["parameters"][filterPosition] == filterValue) { filterApplied = true; } else if ((paramFields.length + 2) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length || (paramFields.length * 2 + 4) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length && queries["query"]["parameters"][filterPosition + 2] == filterValue) { filterApplied = true; } } else { // if((paramFields.length*2) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length){ // queries["query"]["parameters"].splice(paramFields.length, 0, filterValue); // } if ((paramFields.length * 2 + 4) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length) { queries["query"]["parameters"].splice(paramFields.length + 1, 0, filterValue); } queries["query"]["name"] = queries["query"]["name"] + ".fl0"; queries["query"]["parameters"].push(filterValue); filterApplied = true; } } else { let paramFields = queries["query"]["name"].split(".").slice(3); if ((paramFields.length + 2) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length || (paramFields.length * 2 + 4) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length) { filterApplied = true; if (filterType == "start_year") { queries["query"]["parameters"][0] = parseInt(filterValue); } else if (filterType == "end_year") { queries["query"]["parameters"][1] = parseInt(filterValue); } } if ((paramFields.length * 2 + 4) == queries["query"]["parameters"].length) { filterApplied = true; if (filterType == "start_year") { queries["query"]["parameters"][paramFields.length + 2] = parseInt(filterValue); } else if (filterType == "end_year") { queries["query"]["parameters"][paramFields.length + 3] = parseInt(filterValue); } } } // it is a name query continue; } if (!queries["query"]["filters"] || queries["query"]["filters"].length == 0) { queries["query"]["filters"] = []; } /*Chart with proper json object*/ //apply the filter in any select fields for (let select of queries["query"]["select"]) { let filterString = IndicatorFilterUtils.getFilter(select["field"], filterType,filterValue); if (filterString) { let filter = JSON.parse(filterString); //check if filter already exists let filterposition = IndicatorFilterUtils.filterIndexOf(filter, queries["query"]["filters"]); if (filterposition) { if (queries["query"]["filters"][filterposition.filter]['groupFilters'][filterposition.groupFilter]["values"][0] != filter['groupFilters'][0]["values"][0].replace(ChartHelper.prefix + filterType + ChartHelper.suffix, filterValue)) { //change filter value // queries["query"]["filters"][filterposition.filter]['groupFilters'][filterposition.groupFilter]["values"][0] = filter['groupFilters'][0]["values"][0].replace(ChartHelper.prefix + filterType + ChartHelper.suffix, filterValue); //add user filter value // queries["query"]["filters"].push(JSON.parse(filterString.replace(ChartHelper.prefix + filterType + ChartHelper.suffix, filterValue))); // update colors //if noit a pie, map and chart has more than one query // if (!newJsonObject.hasOwnProperty("mapDescription") && queries["type"] != "pie" && this.isComparingChart(newJsonObject, filter)) { let activeColors = ["#7CB5EC", "#434348", "#8bbc21", "#910000", "#1aadce", "#492970", "#f28f43", "#77a1e5", "#c42525", "#a6c96a"]; let inActiveColors = ["#E4EFFB", "#D8D8D9", "#8bbc21", "#910000", "#1aadce", "#492970", "#f28f43", "#77a1e5", "#c42525", "#a6c96a"]; if (!newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)]["colors"]) { newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)]["colors"] = activeColors; } newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)]["colors"][queryIndex] = inActiveColors[queryIndex]; filterApplied = true; } else if (filterType == "start_year" || filterType == "end_year") { //if has date filter already if (filterType == "start_year" && parseInt(filterValue) > parseInt(queries["query"]["filters"][filterposition.filter]['groupFilters'][filterposition.groupFilter]["values"][0])) { queries["query"]["filters"][filterposition.filter]['groupFilters'][filterposition.groupFilter]["values"][0] = filterValue; } else if (filterType == "end_year" && parseInt(filterValue) < parseInt(queries["query"]["filters"][filterposition.filter]['groupFilters'][filterposition.groupFilter]["values"][0])) { queries["query"]["filters"][filterposition.filter]['groupFilters'][filterposition.groupFilter]["values"][0] = filterValue; } filterApplied = true; } } else { filterApplied = true; } } else { queries["query"]["filters"].push(JSON.parse(filterString.replace(ChartHelper.prefix + filterType + ChartHelper.suffix, filterValue))); filterApplied = true; } } } queryIndex++; } return {"url": JSON.stringify(newJsonObject), "filtersApplied": (filterApplied) ? 1 : 0}; } isComparingChart(newJsonObject, filter,) { let queriesCount = this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject) ? newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)][this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject)].length : newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)].length; let values = []; if (queriesCount < 2) { return false; } for (let queries of this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject) ? newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)][this.getQueryObjectName(newJsonObject)] : newJsonObject[this.getDescriptionObjectName(newJsonObject)]) { let filterposition = IndicatorFilterUtils.filterIndexOf(filter, queries["query"]["filters"]); if (filterposition) { if (values.indexOf(queries["query"]["filters"][filterposition.filter]['groupFilters'][filterposition.groupFilter]["values"][0]) == -1) { values.push(queries["query"]["filters"][filterposition.filter]['groupFilters'][filterposition.groupFilter]["values"][0]); } } } return values.length > 1; } generateIndicatorByForm(form: any, indicatorPaths: IndicatorPath[], type: IndicatorType, addParameters: boolean = true): Indicator { let indicator: Indicator = new Indicator(, form.description, form.additionalDescription, type, form.width, form.height, form.visibility, indicatorPaths, form.defaultId); indicator._id = form._id; form.indicatorPaths.forEach((indicatorPath, index) => { indicator.indicatorPaths[index].type = indicatorPath.type; indicator.indicatorPaths[index].format = indicatorPath.format; if (addParameters) { indicatorPath.parameters.forEach(parameter => { indicator.indicatorPaths[index].parameters[parameter.key] = parameter.value; if (parameter.key === 'type') { indicator.indicatorPaths[index].type = parameter.value; } }); } }); return indicator; } generateIndicatorByNumberUrl(source: SourceType, url: string, stakeholder: Stakeholder, jsonPath = [], sourceServices: string[] = []): IndicatorPath { let indicatorPath = new IndicatorPath(null, source, url, null, jsonPath); if (source === 'stats-tool') { indicatorPath.url = url.split("json=")[0] + "json="; indicatorPath.url = indicatorPath.url.split("/")[indicatorPath.url.split("/").length - 1]; indicatorPath.chartObject = decodeURIComponent(url.indexOf("json=") != -1 ? url.split("json=")[1] : ""); let chart = JSON.parse(indicatorPath.chartObject); this.parameterizeDefaultQuery(chart, indicatorPath, stakeholder); this.extractStakeHolders(chart, indicatorPath, stakeholder); indicatorPath.chartObject = JSON.stringify(chart); if (!jsonPath || jsonPath.length == 0 || (jsonPath.length == 1 && jsonPath[0] == "")) { indicatorPath.jsonPath = ["data", "0", "0", "0"]; } // this.addResultFilters(chart, indicatorPath); } else { for (let service of sourceServices) { if (url.indexOf(service) != -1) { url = url.split(service)[1]; } } try { if (url.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_id)) !== -1) { url = url.split(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_id)).join(ChartHelper.prefix + "index_id" + ChartHelper.suffix); } if (url.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_name)) !== -1) { url = url.split(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_name)).join(ChartHelper.prefix + "index_name" + ChartHelper.suffix); } if (url.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_shortName)) !== -1) { url = url.split(encodeURIComponent(stakeholder.index_shortName)).join(ChartHelper.prefix + "index_shortName" + ChartHelper.suffix); } indicatorPath.url = url; } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } return indicatorPath; } generateIndicatorByChartUrl(source: SourceType, url: string, type: IndicatorPathType = null, stakeholder: Stakeholder): IndicatorPath { let indicatorPath = new IndicatorPath(type, source, null, null, []); try { if (source === 'stats-tool') { indicatorPath.url = url.split("json=")[0] + "json="; indicatorPath.url = indicatorPath.url.split("/")[indicatorPath.url.split("/").length - 1]; indicatorPath.chartObject = decodeURIComponent(url.split("json=")[1]); let chart = JSON.parse(indicatorPath.chartObject); if (indicatorPath.url == "chart?json=") { if (chart["library"] && (chart["library"] == "HighCharts" || chart["library"] == "eCharts" || chart["library"] == "HighMaps")) { indicatorPath.type = this.extractType(chart, indicatorPath); } else { indicatorPath.type = this.defaultChartType; } this.extractTitle(chart, indicatorPath); this.extractSubTitle(chart, indicatorPath); this.extractXTitle(chart, indicatorPath); this.extractYTitle(chart, indicatorPath); } else if (indicatorPath.url == "table?json=") { indicatorPath.type = "table"; } if (indicatorPath.url == "chart?json=" || indicatorPath.url == "table?json=") { // common for tables and other chart types this.extractDataTitle(chart, indicatorPath); this.parameterizeDefaultQuery(chart, indicatorPath, stakeholder); this.extractStakeHolders(chart, indicatorPath, stakeholder); this.extractStartYear(chart, indicatorPath); this.extractEndYear(chart, indicatorPath); indicatorPath.chartObject = JSON.stringify(chart); } } else if (source === 'old') { indicatorPath.url = url.split("data=")[0].split("/stats/")[1] + "data="; indicatorPath.chartObject = decodeURIComponent(url.split("data=")[1].split("&")[0]); indicatorPath.type = type; let chart = JSON.parse(indicatorPath.chartObject); this.extractOldToolTitle(chart, indicatorPath); this.extractOldToolXTitle(chart, indicatorPath); this.extractOldToolYTitle(chart, indicatorPath); indicatorPath.chartObject = JSON.stringify(chart); } else { indicatorPath.url = url; indicatorPath.type = type; } } catch (e) { console.error(e); indicatorPath.url = url; indicatorPath.type = type; } if (indicatorPath.type == null) { indicatorPath.type = this.defaultChartType; } return indicatorPath; } private getQueryObjectName(obj) { if ((obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]).hasOwnProperty("queriesInfo")) { return "queriesInfo"; } else if ((obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]).hasOwnProperty("queries")) { return "queries"; } } private getDescriptionObjectName(obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty("mapDescription")) { return "mapDescription"; } else if (obj.hasOwnProperty("chartDescription")) { return "chartDescription"; } else if (obj.hasOwnProperty("tableDescription")) { return "tableDescription"; } else if (obj.hasOwnProperty("series")) { return "series"; } } private extractType(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath): IndicatorPathType { let type = (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)][0]["type"]) ? obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)][0]["type"] : ""; if (this.basicChartTypes.indexOf(type) == -1) { type = this.defaultChartType; } else { obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["queries"][0]["type"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "type" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters['type'] = type; } return type; } private extractStakeHolders(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath, stakeholder: Stakeholder) { this.extractFunder(obj, indicatorPath, stakeholder); this.extractRI(obj, indicatorPath, stakeholder); this.extractOrganization(obj, indicatorPath, stakeholder); } private extractFunder(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath, stakeholder: Stakeholder) { if (stakeholder.type != "funder") { return; } for (let query of this.getQueryObjectName(obj) ? obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)] : obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]) { if (query["query"]["profile"]) { query["query"]["profile"] = ChartHelper.prefix + this.statsProfileParameter + ChartHelper.suffix; } if (!query["query"]["filters"]) { return; } for (let filter of query["query"]["filters"]) { for (let gfilter of filter["groupFilters"]) { //ignore field No Of Funders if (gfilter["field"].indexOf(" funder") != -1 && gfilter["field"].indexOf(" funders") == -1) {//new statistcs schema gfilter["values"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_name" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_name"] = stakeholder.index_name; } else if (gfilter["field"].indexOf(".funder") != -1) { gfilter["values"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_name" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_name"] = stakeholder.index_name; } else if (gfilter["field"].indexOf("") != -1) { gfilter["values"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_shortName" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_shortName"] = stakeholder.index_shortName; } } } } } private extractRI(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath, stakeholder: Stakeholder) { if (stakeholder.type != "ri") { return; } for (let query of this.getQueryObjectName(obj) ? obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)] : obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]) { if (query["query"]["profile"]) { query["query"]["profile"] = ChartHelper.prefix + this.statsProfileParameter + ChartHelper.suffix; } if (!query["query"]["filters"]) { return; } for (let filter of query["query"]["filters"]) { for (let gfilter of filter["groupFilters"]) { if (gfilter["field"].indexOf("") != -1) { gfilter["values"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_name" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_name"] = stakeholder.index_name; } else if (gfilter["field"].indexOf("") != -1) { gfilter["values"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_shortName" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_shortName"] = stakeholder.index_shortName; } } } } } private extractOrganization(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath, stakeholder: Stakeholder) { // works for // and if (stakeholder.type != "organization") { return; } for (let query of this.getQueryObjectName(obj) ? obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)] : obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]) { if (query["query"]["profile"]) { query["query"]["profile"] = ChartHelper.prefix + this.statsProfileParameter + ChartHelper.suffix; } if (!query["query"]["filters"]) { return; } for (let filter of query["query"]["filters"]) { for (let gfilter of filter["groupFilters"]) { if (gfilter["field"].indexOf("") != -1) { gfilter["values"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_name" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_name"] = stakeholder.index_name; } else if (gfilter["field"].indexOf("") != -1) { gfilter["values"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_shortName" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_shortName"] = stakeholder.index_shortName; } } } } } private extractStartYear(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let start_year; for (let query of obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)]) { if (!query["query"]["filters"]) { return; } for (let filter of query["query"]["filters"]) { for (let gfilter of filter["groupFilters"]) { if ((gfilter["field"].indexOf(".year") != -1 || gfilter["field"].indexOf(".start year") != -1) && gfilter["type"].indexOf(">") != -1) { start_year = gfilter["values"][0]; gfilter["values"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "start_year" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["start_year"] = start_year; } } } } } private extractEndYear(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let end_year; for (let query of obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)]) { if (!query["query"]["filters"]) { return; } for (let filter of query["query"]["filters"]) { for (let gfilter of filter["groupFilters"]) { if ((gfilter["field"].indexOf(".year") != -1 || gfilter["field"].indexOf(".start year") != -1) && gfilter["type"].indexOf("<") != -1) { end_year = gfilter["values"][0]; gfilter["values"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "end_year" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["end_year"] = end_year; } } } } } private parameterizeDefaultQuery(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath, stakeholder: Stakeholder) { let name = ""; for (let query of this.getQueryObjectName(obj) ? obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)] : obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]) { //monitor.{{stakeholderType}}.{{queryname}} //parameters: stakeholderId*, type if (query["query"]["name"]) { name = query["query"]["name"]; let parameters = (query["query"]["parameters"]) ? query["query"]["parameters"] : []; if (name.split('.')[0] == "rcd" && parameters.length > 0 && stakeholder.type == "ri") { //rcd.{{queryname}} parameters[0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_id" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_id"] = stakeholder.index_id; } else if (name.split('.')[0] == "monitor" && parameters.length == 0 && stakeholder.type == "funder") { // old saved queries without params //monitor.{{funder_shortName}}.{{type}}.{{queryname}} let stakeholderSN = name.split('.')[1]; query["query"]["name"] = name.split('.' + stakeholderSN + ".")[0] + "." + ChartHelper.prefix + "index_shortName" + ChartHelper.suffix + "." + name.split('.' + stakeholderSN + ".")[1]; indicatorPath.parameters["index_shortName"] = stakeholder.index_shortName.toLowerCase(); } else if (name.split('.')[0] == "monitor" && parameters.length > 0 && name.split('.')[1] == stakeholder.type) { // new parameterized queries //monitor.{{type}}.{{queryname}}.{{param1 - id }}.{{param2 result-type}}.{{fl0}} --> params [start year, end year, id, result type, fl0] let index = (name.split('.').slice(3).length + 2 == parameters.length) ? [2] : ((name.split('.').slice(3).length * 2 + 4 == parameters.length) ? [2, name.split('.').slice(3).length + 4] : [0]); for (let i of index) { if (name.split('.').length > 3 && name.split('.')[3] == "id") { parameters[i] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_id" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_id"] = stakeholder.index_id; } else if (name.split('.').length > 3 && name.split('.')[3] == "shortname") { parameters[i] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_shortName" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_shortName"] = stakeholder.index_shortName.toLowerCase(); } else if (name.split('.').length > 3 && name.split('.')[3] == "name") { parameters[i] = ChartHelper.prefix + "index_name" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["index_name"] = stakeholder.index_name; } } } } } } private extractDataTitle(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let index = 0; if (!obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)] || !obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)]) { return; } for (let query of obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)]) { if (query["name"]) { let name = query["name"]; query["name"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "data_title_" + index + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["data_title_" + index] = name; } index++; } } private extractTitle(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let title = ""; if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["title"]) { title = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["title"]["text"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["title"]["text"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "title" + ChartHelper.suffix; } else if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["title"]) { title = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["title"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["title"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "title" + ChartHelper.suffix; } indicatorPath.parameters["title"] = title ? title : ""; } private extractSubTitle(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let subtitle = ""; if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["subtitle"]) { subtitle = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["subtitle"]["text"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["subtitle"]["text"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "subtitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["subtitle"] = subtitle ? subtitle : ""; } else if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["title"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["title"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["title"]["subtext"]) { subtitle = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["title"]["subtext"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["title"]["subtext"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "subtitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["subtitle"] = subtitle ? subtitle : ""; } } private extractXTitle(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let title = ""; if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["xAxis"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["xAxis"]["title"]) { title = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["xAxis"]["title"]["text"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["xAxis"]["title"]["text"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "xAxisTitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; } else if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["hAxis"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["hAxis"]["title"]) { title = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["hAxis"]["title"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["hAxis"]["title"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "xAxisTitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; } else if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["xAxis"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["xAxis"]["name"]) { title = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["xAxis"]["name"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["xAxis"]["name"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "xAxisTitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; } indicatorPath.parameters["xAxisTitle"] = title ? title : ""; } private extractYTitle(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let title = ""; if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["yAxis"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["yAxis"]["title"]) { title = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["yAxis"]["title"]["text"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["yAxis"]["title"]["text"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "yAxisTitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; } else if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["vAxis"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["vAxis"]["title"]) { title = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["vAxis"]["title"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["options"]["vAxis"]["title"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "yAxisTitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; } else if (obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["yAxis"] && obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["yAxis"]["name"]) { title = obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["yAxis"]["name"]; obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]["yAxis"]["name"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "xAxisTitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; } indicatorPath.parameters["yAxisTitle"] = title ? title : ""; } private extractOldToolTitle(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let title = ""; if (obj["title"]) { title = obj["title"]; obj["title"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "title" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["title"] = title; } } private extractOldToolXTitle(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let title = ""; if (obj["xaxistitle"]) { title = obj["xaxistitle"]; obj["xaxistitle"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "xAxisTitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; indicatorPath.parameters["xAxisTitle"] = title; } } private extractOldToolYTitle(obj, indicatorPath: IndicatorPath) { let title = ""; if (obj["fieldsheaders"]) { title = Array.isArray(obj["fieldsheaders"]) ? obj["fieldsheaders"][0] : obj["fieldsheaders"]; if (Array.isArray(obj["fieldsheaders"])) { obj["fieldsheaders"][0] = ChartHelper.prefix + "yAxisTitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; } else { obj["fieldsheaders"] = ChartHelper.prefix + "yAxisTitle" + ChartHelper.suffix; } indicatorPath.parameters["yAxisTitle"] = title; } } public checkForSchemaEnhancements(url: string): boolean { return url != this.applySchemaEnhancements(url); } public applySchemaEnhancements(url: string): string { let resultEnhancements = [ [".project.acronym", ".project acronym"], [".project.title", ".project title"], [".project.funder", ".project funder"], [".project.funding level 0", ".project funding level 0"], ["", ".HostedBy datasource"], [".datasource.type", ".HostedBy datasource type"] ]; let changes = ""; for (let field of resultEnhancements) { for (let type of ["publication", "software", "dataset", "other", "result"]) { if (url.indexOf(encodeURIComponent(type + field[0])) != -1) { changes += "Changed " + type + field[0] + " to " + type + field[1] + "\n"; url = url.split(encodeURIComponent(type + field[0])).join(encodeURIComponent(type + field[1])); } } } if (url.split('json=').length > 1) { let obj = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(url.split('json=')[1])); for (let query of this.getQueryObjectName(obj) ? obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)][this.getQueryObjectName(obj)] : obj[this.getDescriptionObjectName(obj)]) { if (!query["query"]["profile"] || query["query"]["profile"] == 'OpenAIRE All-inclusive' || query["query"]["profile"] == 'OpenAIRE original') { changes += (query["query"]["profile"] ? ("Changed profile \"" + query["query"]["profile"] + "\" to ") : "Added profile ") + " \"monitor\""; query["query"]["profile"] = 'monitor'; } } url = url.split('json=')[0] + "json=" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(obj)); } return url; } }