SOURCES ({{sources.length + (inlineEntity ? 1 : 0) | number}}) Edit sources
  • insert_drive_file {{(!inlineEntity.result) ? inlineEntity.type : ((inlineEntity.result && inlineEntity.result.source == 'openaire') ? inlineEntity.type : (inlineEntity.result && inlineEntity.result.source + ' result'))}}
    Link couldn't be saved
SOURCES cannot be empty.
Start by adding your linking sources first, go to step 1.
  • Link couldn't be saved
    Type Publication Research data Software Other research product
    Access mode {{type}}
LINK TO ({{results.length | number}}) Edit entities
LINK TO list cannot be empty.
Start by adding sources to link to first, go to step 2.
  • Link couldn't be saved
ERRORS ({{errors.length | number}})
Fail to save {{message.failed|number}} {{message.failed > 1 ? 'links.' : 'link.'}}
But {{message.inserted|number}} link{{message.inserted > 1 ? 's' : ''}} was successfully inserted.
An error occured while saving your links.
None of the links saved.
WARNINGS ({{warnings.length | number}})
Embargo date must be later than published date in
Published date must be in the project's date boundaries (from {{message.projectInfo.startDate}}{{(message.projectInfo.endDate) ? (' to ' + (addStringToNumber(message.projectInfo.endDate, 5))) : ''}} ) in
with link to
Project boundaries: ({{message.projectInfo.startDate}}{{(message.projectInfo.endDate) ? (' - ' + (message.projectInfo.endDate) + ') +5 years') : ')'}}