import {Component, Input} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, NavigationEnd, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {EnvProperties} from "../../utils/properties/env-properties"; import {SearchCustomFilter} from "../../searchPages/searchUtils/searchUtils.class"; import {Subscriber} from "rxjs"; @Component({ selector: 'search-bar', templateUrl: 'searchBar.component.html', }) export class SearchBarComponent { @Input() searchRoute: string = "/search/find"; @Input() searchPlaceHolder: string = "Search for research results"; @Input() entitiesSelection:boolean = true; @Input() properties:EnvProperties; keyword: string = ""; entityType = "all"; enableSearchbar:boolean = true; customFilter: SearchCustomFilter = null; @Input() communityId; @Input() onlyresults:boolean=false; parameters = {}; advancedSearchLink = null; subscriptions = []; constructor(private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute ) { this.subscriptions.push( => { if(e instanceof NavigationEnd){ // console.log(e) this.initialize(); } })); } ngOnDestroy() { this.subscriptions.forEach(subscription => { if (subscription instanceof Subscriber) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } }); } ngOnInit() { // this.activeRouteEnabled = false; if(this.communityId){ this.customFilter = new SearchCustomFilter("Community", "communityId", this.communityId, ""); } this.entityType = "all"; this.subscriptions.push(this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => { this.parameters = Object.assign({}, params); if(params["fv0"] && params["f0"] && params["f0"] == "q"){ this.keyword =params["fv0"]; } if(this.onlyresults) { if (params["type"] && params["type"].length > 0) { let types = params["type"].split(","); if (types.length == 1) { if (types.indexOf("publications") != -1) { this.entityType = "publications"; } else if (types.indexOf("datasets") != -1) { this.entityType = "datasets"; } else if (types.indexOf("software") != -1) { this.entityType = "software"; } else if (types.indexOf("other") != -1) { this.entityType = "other"; } } } } })); this.initialize() } initialize(){ if(!this.onlyresults){ let currentRoute= this.getCurrentRoute(); if(currentRoute=={ this.entityType = "project"; }else if(currentRoute=={ this.entityType = "dataprovider"; }else if(currentRoute=={ this.entityType = "organization"; }else if(currentRoute=={ this.entityType = "result"; }else { // not one of the search bar search pages this.entityType = "result"; this.keyword = ""; } } if(this.getCurrentRoute() =={ this.enableSearchbar = false; }else{ this.enableSearchbar = true; } this.showAdvancedLink(); } showAdvancedLink(){ if(this.getCurrentRoute() == && this.entityType == "result"){ this.advancedSearchLink =; }else{ this.advancedSearchLink = null; } } isEnabled(required, enabled) { if (!required) { return true; } for (let requiredEntity of required) { if (typeof enabled[requiredEntity] === "undefined" || enabled[requiredEntity] == false) { return false; } } return true; } getCurrentRoute() { return this.router.url.split('?')[0]; } entityChanged($event){ this.entityType = $event.entity; this.searchRoute = $event.simpleUrl; if(!this.onlyresults && this.entityType == "result") { this.parameters["qf"] = true; } this.showAdvancedLink(); } keywordChanged(){ if(this.getCurrentRoute()!=this.searchRoute) { this.parameters = {}; } if ( this.keyword.length > 0) { this.parameters["fv0"] = this.keyword; this.parameters["f0"] = "q"; }else{ delete this.parameters['fv0']; delete this.parameters['f0']; } if(this.onlyresults && this.entityType != "all"){ this.parameters["type"] = this.entityType; }else{ delete this.parameters['type']; } //set true only if it is not set allready if(!this.parameters["qf"]) { this.parameters["qf"] = true; } this.router.navigate([this.searchRoute], {queryParams: this.parameters} ); } }