import {Component, Input, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ErrorCodes} from '../../utils/properties/errorCodes'; import {RouterHelper} from '../../utils/routerHelper.class'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {CommunityInfo} from "../../connect/community/communityInfo"; import {Router} from "@angular/router"; import {LocalStorageService} from "../../services/localStorage.service"; import {Stakeholder, StakeholderInfo, Visibility} from "../../monitor/entities/stakeholder"; @Component({ selector: 'portal-search-result', templateUrl: 'portal-search-result.component.html' }) export class PortalSearchResultComponent implements OnInit{ @Input() results: (CommunityInfo & StakeholderInfo)[]; @Input() status: number; @Input() type: string; @Input() showType = false; @Input() showLoading: boolean = false; @Input() custom_class: string = "search-results"; @Input() properties: EnvProperties; @ViewChild('AlertModal') modal; visibilityIcon: Map = new Map ([ ["PRIVATE", 'visibility_off'], ["RESTRICTED", 'group'] ]); public urlParam: string; public errorCodes: ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes(); public routerHelper: RouterHelper = new RouterHelper(); public errorMessage: string = "No results found"; public selected: CommunityInfo & Stakeholder; public directLink: boolean = true; sub; constructor(private router: Router, private localStorageService: LocalStorageService) { } ngOnDestroy() { if(this.sub){ this.sub.unsubscribe(); } } ngOnInit() { this.sub = this.localStorageService.get().subscribe(value => { this.directLink = value; }); } mapType(type: string) { if(type === 'ri') { return 'Research Initiative'; } else if(type === 'community') { return 'Research Community' } else if(type === 'organization') { return 'Institution'; } else { return type; } } hasPermission(result: CommunityInfo & StakeholderInfo) { if(this.type === "community") { return result.status === "all" || (result.status === "manager" && result.isManager); } else if(this.type === "stakeholder") { return result.visibility === "PUBLIC" || (result.visibility === "RESTRICTED" && (result.isManager || result.isMember)) || (result.visibility === "PRIVATE" || result.isManager); } } getEnvironmentPrefix(): string { return ( == "production") ? "" : "beta."; } isProduction(): boolean { return != "development"; } public confirmModalOpen(result: CommunityInfo & Stakeholder) { this.selected = result; this.modal.cancelButton = true; this.modal.okButton = true; if(this.type === 'stakeholder') { this.modal.alertTitle = 'You are going to visit ' + + ' Monitor Dashboard'; } else if (this.type === 'community') { this.modal.alertTitle = 'You are going to visit ' + ((result.title) ? result.title : result.shortTitle) +' Gateway'; } this.modal.alertMessage = false; this.modal.okButtonLeft = false; this.modal.okButtonText = 'Yes'; this.modal.cancelButtonText = 'No'; this.modal.choice = true;; } public getCommunityPageUrl(communityInfo: CommunityInfo): string { if (this.isProduction()) { return 'https://' + this.getEnvironmentPrefix() + communityInfo.communityId + ''; } else { return this.router.createUrlTree(['/'], { queryParams: {'communityId': communityInfo.communityId} }).toString(); } } public getStakeholderPageUrl(stakeholder: Stakeholder) { return + +"/dashboard/" + stakeholder.alias; } public goToPage(data: any) { if (data.value == true) { let url = ''; if (this.type === 'stakeholder') { url = this.getStakeholderPageUrl(this.selected); } else if (this.type === 'community') { url = this.getCommunityPageUrl(this.selected); } this.localStorageService.setCommunityDirectLink(data.choice);, '_blank'); } } }