export class User { email: string; firstname: string; lastname: string; id: string; fullname: string; expirationDate: number; role: string[]; jwt: string; } export class Session { public static removeUser() { COOKIE.deleteCookie(COOKIE.cookieName_id); } /** * @deprecated * * Use userInfoSubject @UserManagementService in order to check if user is logged in * * */ public static isLoggedIn(): boolean { var cookie = COOKIE.getCookie(COOKIE.cookieName_id); return (cookie != null && cookie != ""); } public static setReloadUrl(host: string, path: string, params: string, fragment: string) { var URL = {}; URL["host"] = host; URL["path"] = path; URL["params"] = params; URL["fragment"] = fragment; COOKIE.setCookie("reloadURL", JSON.stringify(URL), -1); } public static getReloadUrl() { var URL = COOKIE.getCookie("reloadURL"); URL = JSON.parse(URL); return URL; } public static getParamsObj(params: string) { var object = null; if (params.split("&").length > 0) { object = {}; } params = (params && params.split("?").length > 1) ? params.split("?")[1] : params; for (var i = 0; i < params.split("&").length; i++) { object[(params.split("&")[i]).split("=")[0]] = decodeURIComponent((params.split("&")[i]).split("=")[1]); } return object; } //Methods to check roles public static isClaimsCurator(user: User): boolean { return user && user.role.indexOf(Role.CURATOR_CLAIM) !== -1; } public static isMonitorCurator(user: User): boolean { return this.isCommunityCurator(user) || this.isProjectCurator(user) || this.isFunderCurator(user) || this.isOrganizationCurator(user); } public static isCommunityCurator(user: User): boolean { return this.isTypeCurator("Community", user); } public static isFunderCurator(user: User): boolean { return this.isTypeCurator("Funder", user); } public static isProjectCurator(user: User): boolean { return this.isTypeCurator("Project", user); } public static isOrganizationCurator(user: User): boolean { return this.isTypeCurator("Institution", user); } private static isTypeCurator(type: string, user: User): boolean { return user && user.role.indexOf(Role.curator(type)) !== -1; } public static isCurator(type: string, user: User): boolean { if (type == 'funder') { return user && this.isFunderCurator(user); } else if (type == 'ri' || type == 'community') { return user && this.isCommunityCurator(user); } else if (type == 'organization' || type == 'institution') { return user && this.isOrganizationCurator(user); } else if (type == 'project') { return user && this.isProjectCurator(user); } } public static isPortalAdministrator(user: User): boolean { return user && user.role.indexOf(Role.PORTAL_ADMIN) !== -1; } public static isUserManager(user: User): boolean { return user && user.role.indexOf(Role.USER_MANAGER) !== -1; } public static isSubscribedTo(type: string, id: string, user: User): boolean { return user && user.role.indexOf(Role.member(type, id)) !== -1; } public static isMember(type: string, id: string, user: User): boolean { return user && user.role.indexOf(Role.member(type, id)) !== -1; } public static isManager(type: string, id: string, user: User): boolean { return user && user.role.indexOf(Role.manager(type, id)) !== -1 } public static isKindOfMonitorManager(user: User): boolean { if (user) { for (let role of user.role) { if (role.indexOf('_MANAGER') !== -1) { return true; } } } return false; } public static isKindOfCommunityManager(user: User): boolean { if (user) { for (let role of user.role) { if (role.indexOf('COMMUNITY') !== -1 && role.indexOf('_MANAGER') !== -1) { return true; } } } return false; } public static isRegisteredUser(user: User): boolean { return user && user.role.indexOf(Role.REGISTERED_USER) !== -1; } } export class COOKIE { public static cookieName_id: string = "AccessToken"; public static getCookie(name: string): string { if (typeof document == 'undefined') { return null; } let ca: Array = document.cookie.split(';'); let caLen: number = ca.length; let cookieName = `${name}=`; let c: string; for (let i: number = 0; i < caLen; i += 1) { c = ca[i].replace(/^\s+/g, ''); if (c.indexOf(cookieName) == 0) { return c.substring(cookieName.length, c.length); } } return null; } public static deleteCookie(name) { this.setCookie(name, '', -1); } public static setCookie(name: string, value: string, expireDays: number, path: string = '/') { //TODO fix domain? let d: Date = new Date(); d.setTime(d.getTime() + expireDays * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); let expires: string = `expires=${d.toUTCString()}`; // let cpath:string = path ? `; path=${path}` : ''; let domain = ""; if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { if (document.domain.indexOf(".di.uoa.gr") != -1) { // for development domain = ".di.uoa.gr"; } else if (document.domain.indexOf(".openaire.eu") != -1) { domain = ".openaire.eu"; } document.cookie = name + '=' + value + '; path=' + path + '; domain=' + domain + ';SameSite=Lax;'; } } } export class Role { public static PORTAL_ADMIN = 'PORTAL_ADMINISTRATOR'; public static REGISTERED_USER = 'REGISTERED_USER'; public static ANONYMOUS_USER = 'ROLE_ANONYMOUS'; public static USER_MANAGER = 'USER_MANAGER'; public static CURATOR_CLAIM = 'CURATOR_CLAIM'; public static mapType(type: string, communityMap: boolean = true): string { if (type == "ri" && communityMap) { type = "community"; } else if (type == "organization") { type = "institution"; } return type; } /** * Type = FUNDER | COMMUNITY | INSTITUTION | PROJECT * * */ public static curator(type: string): string { return "CURATOR_" + this.mapType(type, true).toUpperCase(); } /** * Type = FUNDER | COMMUNITY | INSTITUTION | PROJECT * * */ public static typeManager(type: string): string { return "MANAGER_" + this.mapType(type, true).toUpperCase(); } /** * Type = FUNDER | COMMUNITY | INSTITUTION | PROJECT * * */ public static typeMember(type: string): string { return this.mapType(type, false).toUpperCase(); } /** * Type = FUNDER | COMMUNITY | INSTITUTION | PROJECT * * Id = EE, EGI, etc * */ public static manager(type: string, id: string) { return this.mapType(type, true).toUpperCase() + "_" + id.toUpperCase() + "_MANAGER"; } /** * Type = FUNDER | COMMUNITY | RI | INSTITUTION | PROJECT * * Id = EE, EGI, etc * */ public static member(type: string, id: string) { return this.mapType(type, false).toUpperCase() + "_" + id.toUpperCase(); } }