export class Citation{ public templates:string[]=["bibtex","chicago","ieee","science","apa","cell","harvard","mla","nature","acm"]; bibtex:string =` `; ieee:string =` `; chicago:string =` `; science:string =' '; cell:string =' '; mla:string =' '; nature:string =' '; //nature_csl:string =' '; acm:string =' '; apa:string =' `'; harvard:string = ' '; locale:string =' This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License 2012-07-04T23:31:02+00:00 radio broadcast television broadcast podcast instant message email volume volumes accessed and & and others anonymous anon. at available at by circa c. cited edition editions ed. et al. forthcoming from ibid. in in press internet interview letter no date n.d. online presented at the reference references ref. refs. retrieved scale version AD BC th st nd rd th th th first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth book books chapter chapters column columns figure figures folio folios number numbers line lines note notes opus opera page pages paragraph paragraph part parts section sections sub verbo sub verbis verse verses volume volumes bk. chap. col. fig. f. no. l. n. op. p. pp. para. pt. sec. s.v. s.vv. v. vv. vol. vols. ¶¶ § §§ director directors editor editors editor editors illustrator illustrators translator translators editor & translator editors & translators dir. dirs. ed. eds. ed. eds. ill. ills. tran. trans. ed. & tran. eds. & trans. directed by edited by edited by illustrated by interview by to by translated by edited & translated by by dir. ed. ed. illus. trans. ed. & trans. January February March April May June July August September October November December Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Spring Summer Autumn Winter '; } export class CitationData{ public id:string; public type:string; public title:string; public DOI:string; public "container-title":string; public publisher:string; public author:{given:string, family:string, 'parse-names':boolean}[] =[]; public issued ={};//{"date-parts":string[]}[] =[]; public date:string; public authors:string[] =[]; public volume:string; public page:string ; }