import {Filter, Value} from "./searchHelperClasses.class"; import {OpenaireEntities, SearchFields} from "../../utils/properties/searchFields"; import {properties} from "../../../../environments/environment"; export class DatasourcesHelperClass { public static getrefineFields(type: "all" | "registries" | "journals" | "compatible" | "deposit" | "services") { let searchFields:SearchFields = new SearchFields(); if (type == "registries") { return searchFields.ENTITY_REGISTRIES_FIELDS; } else if (type == "journals") { return searchFields.JOURNAL_FIELDS; } else if (type == "compatible") { return searchFields.COMPATIBLE_DATAPROVIDER_FIELDS; } else if (type == "deposit") { return searchFields.DEPOSIT_DATASOURCE_REFINE_FIELDS; } else { return searchFields.DATASOURCE_REFINE_FIELDS; } } public static getTitle(type: "all" | "registries" | "journals" | "compatible" | "deposit" | "services") { if (type == "registries") { return "Entity Registries" } else if (type == "journals") { return "Journals" } else if (type == "compatible") { return "Compatible "+OpenaireEntities.DATASOURCES; } else if (type == "services") { return OpenaireEntities.SERVICES; } else { return OpenaireEntities.DATASOURCES; } } public static getDescription(type: "all" | "registries" | "journals" | "compatible" | "deposit" | "services") { if (type == "registries") { return ["Entity Registries","Discover research Entity Registries.","For each entity are available description and the research projects managed. Categorized by type and OpenAIRE compatibility level."]; } else if (type == "journals") { return ["Research journals","Discover research Journals. ","For each entity are available description, subjects, related "+OpenaireEntities.DATASOURCES.toLowerCase()+", publications and "+OpenaireEntities.RESULTS.toLowerCase()+" per year and type."]; } else if (type == "compatible") { return ["research repositories", "Discover publication, data, software, istitutional and thematic repositories.", "Available repository " + OpenaireEntities.RESULTS.toLowerCase() + " per year and type."]; } else if (type == "services") { return [OpenaireEntities.SERVICES,"Discover worldwide research "+OpenaireEntities.SERVICES.toLowerCase()+" and correlated research.","Statistics data about produced "+OpenaireEntities.RESULTS.toLowerCase()+" per year available."]; } else { return [OpenaireEntities.DATASOURCES,"Discover worldwide research "+OpenaireEntities.DATASOURCES.toLowerCase()+" and correlated research.","Statistics data about produced "+OpenaireEntities.RESULTS.toLowerCase()+" per year available."]; } } public static getQueryPrefix(type: "all" | "registries" | "journals" | "compatible" | "deposit" | "services"): string { if (type == "registries") { return 'datasourcetypeuiname exact "Registry"'; } else if (type == "journals") { // return ' not(datasourcecompatibilityid = UNKNOWN) not(datasourcecompatibilityid = notCompatible) and (datasourcetypeuiid exact "pubsrepository::journal" or datasourcetypeuiid exact "aggregator::pubsrepository::journals" ) '; return 'oaftype exact datasource not datasourcecompatibilityid = notCompatible and datasourcetypeuiname exact "Journal archive" '; } else if (type == "compatible") { return ' oaftype exact datasource and datasourcecompatibilityid <> notCompatible and datasourcetypeuiname exact "Repository" '; }else if (type == "deposit") { return ' oaftype exact datasource and (datasourcetypeuiname exact "Journal archive" or datasourcetypeuiname exact "Repository")'; } else { return ""; } } public static createFilters(type: "all" | "registries" | "journals" | "compatible" | "deposit" | "services"): Filter[] { if (type == "registries") { return this.createRegistriesFilters(); } else if (type == "journals") { return this.createJournalFilters(); /* } else if (type == "compatible") { return this.createCompatibleFilters();*/ } else { return []; } } private static createCompatibleFilters(): Filter[] { var filter_names = ["Type", "Compatibility Level"]; var filter_ids = ["datasourcetypeuiid", "datasourcecompatibilityname"]; var searchFields = new SearchFields(); var filter_original_ids = searchFields.COMPATIBLE_DATAPROVIDER_FIELDS; var value_names = [ [ "Institutional Repository", "Thematic Repository", "Publication Repository", "Institutional Repository Aggregator", "Thematic Repository Aggregator", "Publication Repository Aggregator", "Data Repository", "Data Repository Aggregator", "CRIS System", "Publication Catalogue", "Software Repository", "Software Repository Aggregator"], ["OpenAIRE Basic (DRIVER OA)", "OpenAIRE 2.0 (EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 2.0+ (DRIVER OA, EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 3.0 (OA, funding)","OpenAIRE 4.0 (inst.&thematic. repo.)", "OpenAIRE Data (funded, referenced datasets)", "OpenAIRE CRIS v1.1", "collected from a compatible aggregator", "proprietary", "under validation"]]; //{"englishName":"OpenAIRE 4.0 (inst.&thematic. repo.)","nativeName":"OpenAIRE 4.0 (inst.&thematic. repo.)","encoding":"OPENAIRE","code":"openaire4.0","synonyms":null} var value_original_ids = [ ["pubsrepository::institutional", "pubsrepository::thematic", "pubsrepository::unknown", "aggregator::pubsrepository::institutional", "aggregator::pubsrepository::thematic", "aggregator::pubsrepository::unknown", "datarepository::unknown", "aggregator::datarepository", "crissystem", "pubscatalogue::unknown", "softwarerepository", "aggregator::softwarerepository"], //["driver","openaire2.0", "driver-openaire2.0", "openaire3.0","openaire2.0_data"] ["OpenAIRE Basic (DRIVER OA)", "OpenAIRE 2.0 (EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 2.0+ (DRIVER OA, EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 3.0 (OA, funding)","OpenAIRE 4.0 (inst.&thematic. repo.)", "OpenAIRE Data (funded, referenced datasets)", "OpenAIRE CRIS v1.1", "collected from a compatible aggregator", "proprietary", "under validation"]]; var filters: Filter[] = []; for (var i = 0; i < filter_names.length; i++) { var values: Value[] = []; for (var j = 0; j < value_names[i].length; j++) { var value: Value = {name: value_names[i][j], id: value_original_ids[i][j], number: 0, selected: false} values.push(value); } var filter: Filter = { title: filter_names[i], filterId: filter_ids[i], originalFilterId: filter_original_ids[i], values: values, countSelectedValues: 0, "filterOperator": 'or', valueIsExact: true, filterType: "checkbox" }; filters.push(filter); } return filters; } private static createRegistriesFilters(): Filter[] { var filter_names = ["Type", "Compatibility Level"]; var filter_ids = ["datasourcetypename", "datasourcecompatibilityname"]; var searchFields = new SearchFields(); var filter_original_ids = searchFields.ENTITY_REGISTRIES_FIELDS; var value_names = [ ["Funder", "Registry of repositories", "Scholarly Comm. Infrastructure", "Registry", "Information Space", "Web Source"], ["OpenAIRE Basic (DRIVER OA)", "OpenAIRE 2.0 (EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 2.0+ (DRIVER OA, EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 3.0 (OA, funding)", "OpenAIRE 4.0 (inst.&thematic. repo.)","OpenAIRE Data (funded, referenced datasets)", "collected from a compatible aggregator", "proprietary", "under validation"]]; var value_original_ids = [ ["Funder database", "Registry of repositories", "Scholarly Comm. Infrastructure", "Registry", "Information Space", "Web Source"], //["entityregistry::projects","entityregistry::repositories","scholarcomminfra","entityregistry","infospace","websource"], //["driver","openaire2.0", "driver-openaire2.0", "openaire3.0","openaire2.0_data"] ["OpenAIRE Basic (DRIVER OA)", "OpenAIRE 2.0 (EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 2.0+ (DRIVER OA, EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 3.0 (OA, funding)", "OpenAIRE 4.0 (inst.&thematic. repo.)", "OpenAIRE Data (funded, referenced datasets)", "collected from a compatible aggregator", "proprietary", "under validation"]]; var filters: Filter[] = []; for (var i = 0; i < filter_names.length; i++) { var values: Value[] = []; for (var j = 0; j < value_names[i].length; j++) { var value: Value = {name: value_names[i][j], id: value_original_ids[i][j], number: 0, selected: false} values.push(value); } var filter: Filter = { title: filter_names[i], filterId: filter_ids[i], originalFilterId: filter_original_ids[i], values: values, countSelectedValues: 0, "filterOperator": 'or', valueIsExact: true, filterType: "checkbox" }; filters.push(filter); } return filters; } private static createJournalFilters():Filter[] { var filter_names=["Type","Compatibility Level"]; var filter_ids=["datasourcetypeuiid","datasourcecompatibilityname"]; var searchFields = new SearchFields(); var filter_original_ids = searchFields.JOURNAL_FIELDS; var value_names=[ /*[ "Institutional Publication Repository","Thematic Publication Repository", "Other Publication Repository", "Institutional Repositories Aggregators", "Thematic Repositories Aggregators", "Other Repositories Aggregators", "Data Repositories", "Data Repositories Aggregators", "Journals", "Journals Aggregators", "CRIS Systems", "Publication Catalogues"], */ ["Journal", "Journal Aggregator\/Publisher"], ["OpenAIRE Basic (DRIVER OA)","OpenAIRE 2.0 (EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 2.0+ (DRIVER OA, EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 3.0 (OA, funding)", "OpenAIRE 4.0 (inst.&thematic. repo.)","OpenAIRE Data (funded, referenced datasets)", "collected from a compatible aggregator", "proprietary", "under validation"]]; var value_original_ids=[ ["pubsrepository::journal", "aggregator::pubsrepository::journals"], //["driver","openaire2.0", "driver-openaire2.0", "openaire3.0","openaire2.0_data"] ["OpenAIRE Basic (DRIVER OA)","OpenAIRE 2.0 (EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 2.0+ (DRIVER OA, EC funding)", "OpenAIRE 3.0 (OA, funding)", "OpenAIRE 4.0 (inst.&thematic. repo.)","OpenAIRE Data (funded, referenced datasets)", "collected from a compatible aggregator", "proprietary", "under validation"]]; var filters: Filter[] =[]; for(var i =0 ; i < filter_names.length;i++){ var values:Value[] = []; for(var j =0 ; j < value_names[i].length;j++){ var value:Value = {name: value_names[i][j], id: value_original_ids[i][j], number:0, selected:false} values.push(value); } var filter:Filter = {title: filter_names[i], filterId: filter_ids[i], originalFilterId: filter_original_ids[i], values : values, countSelectedValues:0, "filterOperator": 'or', valueIsExact: true, filterType: "checkbox" }; filters.push(filter); } return filters; } }