import { ChangeDetectorRef, Component, EventEmitter, Inject, Input, OnInit, Output, RendererFactory2, ViewChild, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute} from '@angular/router'; import {DOCUMENT} from "@angular/common"; import {Subscriber} from "rxjs"; interface addthis { layers: Refresh; init: Function; toolbox: Function; } interface Refresh { refresh: Function; } declare var addthis: addthis; @Component({ selector: 'addThis', template: `
Do the share buttons not appear? Please make sure, any blocking addon is disabled, and then reload the page.
` }) export class AddThisComponent implements OnInit { subs = []; showWarning = false; @Input() url: string = null; constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, @Inject(DOCUMENT) private document, private rendererFactory: RendererFactory2) { } public ngOnDestroy() { for (let value of this.subs) { if (value instanceof Subscriber) { value.unsubscribe(); } else if (value instanceof Function) { value(); } } } ngOnInit() { this.subs.push(this.route.queryParams.subscribe(data => { this.showWarning = false; try { if (!this.document.getElementById('addThisScript') && typeof document !== 'undefined') { // console.log(" create script AddThis"); const renderer = this.rendererFactory.createRenderer(this.document, { id: '-1', encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None, styles: [], data: {} }); const head = this.document.body; if (head === null) { throw new Error(' not found within DOCUMENT.'); } const script = renderer.createElement('script'); renderer.setAttribute(script, "id", "addThisScript"); renderer.setAttribute(script, "src", ""); renderer.setAttribute(script, "type", "text/javascript"); renderer.appendChild(head, script); } if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { if (typeof addthis !== 'undefined' && addthis.layers && addthis.layers.refresh) { // console.log("Add This: Call Refresh") addthis.layers.refresh(); } } this.subs.push(setTimeout(() => { if (this.document.getElementById('addThis') && !this.document.getElementById('addThis').innerText) { this.showWarning = true; } }, 4000)); } catch (e) { // console.error(e) } })); } }