import {Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from "@angular/router"; import {HelpContentService} from "../../services/help-content.service"; import {FormArray, UntypedFormArray, UntypedFormBuilder, UntypedFormGroup, ValidatorFn} from "@angular/forms"; import {Page} from "../../utils/entities/adminTool/page"; import {EnvProperties} from '../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {HelperFunctions} from "../../utils/HelperFunctions.class"; import {Subscriber} from "rxjs"; import {properties} from "../../../../environments/environment"; import {PortalUtils} from "../portal/portalHelper"; import {Option} from "../../sharedComponents/input/input.component"; import {Title} from "@angular/platform-browser"; import {ClearCacheService} from "../../services/clear-cache.service"; import {NotificationHandler} from "../../utils/notification-handler"; import {PluginsService} from "../../services/plugins.service"; import {Plugin} from "../../utils/entities/adminTool/plugin"; import {StringUtils} from "../../utils/string-utils.class"; import {Portal} from "../../utils/entities/adminTool/portal"; import {PluginTemplate} from "../../utils/entities/adminTool/pluginTemplate"; import {PluginUtils} from "./utils/pluginUtils"; import {CommunityService} from "../../connect/community/community.service"; import {CommunityInfo} from "../../connect/community/communityInfo"; import {AlertModal} from "../../utils/modal/alert"; @Component({ selector: 'plugins', templateUrl: './plugins.component.html', }) export class PluginsComponent implements OnInit { public pluginsByPlacement: Map = new Map(); public plugins: Plugin[] = []; public pluginTemplates: PluginTemplate[] = []; public selectedTemplate: PluginTemplate = null; public selectedPlugin: Plugin = null; // public editView = false; // public selectTemplateView = false; // public templateForm: UntypedFormGroup; // public pagesCtrl: UntypedFormArray; urlValidator: ValidatorFn = StringUtils.urlValidator; private searchText: RegExp = new RegExp(''); public keyword: string = ""; public properties: EnvProperties = properties; // public formPages: Page[] = []; public showLoading: boolean = true; private subscriptions: any[] = []; public allPages: Option[] = []; public pluginUtils = new PluginUtils(); selectedCommunityPid = null; public portalUtils: PortalUtils = new PortalUtils(); private index: number; public portal: string; public selectedPageId: string; public community: Portal; public page: Page; public templateView = false; // public templateCode: string = null; // public template; public selectedPlacementView = "all"; public selectedPluginIndex = null; public sinlgePlacementAvailable = false; communityInfo: CommunityInfo = null; // editSubmenuOpen = false; filterActive = false; @ViewChild('deleteModal') deleteModal: AlertModal; constructor(private element: ElementRef, private route: ActivatedRoute, private _router: Router, private communityService: CommunityService, private title: Title, private _helpContentService: HelpContentService, private _pluginsService: PluginsService, private _fb: UntypedFormBuilder, private _clearCacheService: ClearCacheService) { } ngOnInit() { this.title.setTitle('Administrator Dashboard | Plugins'); this.subscriptions.push(this.communityService.getCommunityAsObservable().subscribe( community => { this.communityInfo = community; })); this.subscriptions.push(this.route.params.subscribe(params => { this.portal = ( ? : this.route.snapshot.params[]; this.selectedCommunityPid =; this.subscriptions.push(this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => { HelperFunctions.scroll(); this.selectedPageId = params['pageId']; if (this.portal && this.selectedPageId) { this.getPage(this.selectedPageId); } if (!this.selectedPageId && !this.templateView) { this._router.navigate(['../pages'], {relativeTo: this.route}); } })); })); } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.subscriptions.forEach(value => { if (value instanceof Subscriber) { value.unsubscribe(); } else if (value instanceof Function) { value(); } }); } getTemplateById(id) { for (let template of this.pluginTemplates) { if (template._id == id) { return template; } } return null; } getPage(pageId: string) { this.showLoading = true; this.subscriptions.push(this._helpContentService.getPageByPortal(pageId,, this.portal).subscribe( page => { if ( != page.portalType) { this._router.navigate(['./pageContents']); } else { = page; this.getPagePlugins(); } }, error => this.handleError('System error retrieving page', error))); } getPagePlugins() { this.showLoading = true; this.subscriptions.push(this._pluginsService.getPluginTemplatesByPage(, this.selectedCommunityPid, this.selectedPageId).subscribe( templates => { this.pluginTemplates = templates; this.subscriptions.push(this._pluginsService.getPluginsByPage(, this.selectedCommunityPid, this.selectedPageId).subscribe( plugins => { this.plugins = plugins; this.pluginsByPlacement = new Map(); for (let pos of this.pluginUtils.placementsOptions) { this.pluginsByPlacement.set(pos.value, []); } let self = this; this.pluginTemplates.forEach(_ => { let plugin: Plugin = null; if(!_.custom) { for (let pl of plugins) { if (pl.templateId == _._id) { plugin = pl; } } if (!plugin) { plugin = new Plugin(this.selectedPageId, this.selectedCommunityPid, _); this.plugins.push(plugin); } if (plugin) { plugin.object = PluginUtils.initializeObjectAndCompare(_.code, plugin.object) this.pluginsByPlacement.get(plugin.placement).push({plugin: plugin, template: _, openPreview: false}); } } }); //add custom plugins in the list this.plugins.forEach(_ => { if(_.custom){ let customTemplate = null; this.pluginTemplates.forEach(template => { if (_.templateId == template._id) { customTemplate = template; } }); if(customTemplate && customTemplate.custom){ this.pluginsByPlacement.get(customTemplate.placement).push({plugin: _, template: customTemplate, openPreview: false}); } } }); let availablePlacements = []; for (let placement of this.pluginUtils.placementsOptions) { if (this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement.value).length > 0) { availablePlacements.push(placement.value); } this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement.value).sort(function (a, b) { return a.plugin.order - b.plugin.order; }) } if (availablePlacements.length == 1) { this.selectedPlacementView = availablePlacements[0]; this.sinlgePlacementAvailable = true } this.showLoading = false; }, error => this.handleError('System error retrieving plugins', error))); }, error => this.handleError('System error retrieving templates', error))); } public savePlugin(plugin, update, index) { this.subscriptions.push(this._pluginsService.savePlugin(plugin,, this.selectedCommunityPid).subscribe( saved => { this.savedSuccessfully(saved, update, index); this.selectedTemplate = null; this.selectedPlugin = null; this.clearCache(); if (plugin.custom) { this._router.navigate(["./edit"], { queryParams: { 'pageId': this.selectedPageId, pluginId: saved._id, templateId: saved.templateId }, relativeTo: this.route }) } }, error => this.handleUpdateError("System error creating template", error) )); } public savedSuccessfully(plugin: Plugin, update: boolean, index) { console.log(plugin.placement, index, update) if (update) { this.pluginsByPlacement.get(plugin.placement)[index].plugin = plugin; } else { this.plugins.push(plugin); } this.showLoading = false; } public filterPlugins(plugin: Plugin, template: PluginTemplate): boolean { let values = []; for (let key of this.getKeys(plugin.settingsValues)) { values.push(plugin.settingsValues[key]); } return this.searchText.toString() == '' || (plugin.templateCode + ' ' + values.join(' ') + (template ? ( + ' ' + template.description) : '')).match(this.searchText) != null; } handleUpdateError(message: string, error = null) { if (error) { console.log('Server responded: ' + error); } NotificationHandler.rise(message, 'danger'); this.showLoading = false; } handleError(message: string, error = null) { if (error) { console.log('Server responded: ' + error); } NotificationHandler.rise(message, 'danger'); this.showLoading = false; } getPages() { this.showLoading = true; this.subscriptions.push(this._helpContentService.getAllPages( pages => { this.allPages = []; pages.forEach(page => { this.allPages.push({ label: + " [" + page.portalType + "]", value: page }); }); this.showLoading = false; }, error => this.handleError('System error retrieving pages', error) )); } attributeTypeChanged(form) { let type = form.get("value").get("type"); form.get("value").setValue(""); if (type == "boolean") { form.get("value").setValue(false); } } getKeys(obj) { return obj ? Object.keys(obj) : []; } public togglePlugin(status: boolean, id: string, i, placement) { this.index = i; this.selectedTemplate = this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement)[i].template; if (id) { this.subscriptions.push(this._pluginsService.togglePlugin(id, status,, this.selectedCommunityPid).subscribe( () => { this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement)[i] = status; this.clearCache(); }, error => this.handleUpdateError('System error changing the status of Plugin', error) )); } else { let plugin = this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement)[i].plugin; = status; this.savePlugin(plugin, true, i); } } public swap(pluginToMoveUp, pluginToMoveDown, placement) { this.showLoading = true; let moveUpGroup = this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement)[pluginToMoveUp]; let moveDownGroup = this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement)[pluginToMoveDown]; this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement)[pluginToMoveUp] = moveDownGroup; this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement)[pluginToMoveDown] = moveUpGroup; this.move(moveUpGroup.plugin, true, pluginToMoveDown, placement); this.move(moveDownGroup.plugin, false, pluginToMoveUp, placement); this.showLoading = false; } public move(plugin: Plugin, up: boolean, index, placement) { if (plugin._id) { this.subscriptions.push(this._pluginsService.updatePluginOrder(plugin,, up ? -1 : 1, this.selectedCommunityPid).subscribe( saved => { this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement)[index].plugin = saved; this.clearCache(); }, error => this.handleUpdateError("System error saving plugin", error) )); } else { plugin.order = plugin.order + (up ? -1 : 1) this.savePlugin(plugin, true, index); } } clearCache() { // this._clearCacheService.clearCacheInRoute(null, this.selectedCommunityPid, this.getPageById(this.selectedPageId).route) this._clearCacheService.purgeBrowserCache(null, this.selectedCommunityPid) } addNewCustomPlugin(template: PluginTemplate) { let plugin = new Plugin(, this.selectedCommunityPid, template); plugin.order = this.pluginsByPlacement.get(this.selectedPlacementView).length; plugin.object = PluginUtils.initializeObjectAndCompare(template.code, null); plugin.custom = true; this.savePlugin(plugin, false, this.pluginsByPlacement.get(this.selectedPlacementView).length); } promtToDelete(i, placement) { this.selectedPlugin = this.pluginsByPlacement.get(placement)[i].plugin; this.selectedPlacementView = placement; this.selectedPluginIndex = i; this.deleteModal.alertTitle = 'Delete Confirmation'; this.deleteModal.message = 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected plugin?'; this.deleteModal.okButtonText = 'Yes';; } confirmDelete() { this.showLoading = true; this.subscriptions.push(this._pluginsService.deletePlugin(this.selectedPlugin._id, deleted => { this.pluginsByPlacement.get(this.selectedPlacementView).splice(this.selectedPluginIndex, 1); this.clearCache(); }, error => this.handleUpdateError("System error creating template", error) )); this.showLoading = false; } }