import {Component, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ElementRef, Input} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../../utils/properties/env-properties'; import {ResultLandingInfo} from '../../../utils/entities/resultLandingInfo'; import {RouterHelper} from '../../../utils/routerHelper.class'; import {ErrorCodes} from '../../../utils/properties/errorCodes'; import {DeletedByInferenceService} from './deletedByInference.service'; @Component({ selector: 'deletedByInference', template: `
{{results.length | number}} {{type}}, page {{page | number}} of {{totalPages(results.length) | number}}
` }) export class DeletedByInferenceComponent { public results: ResultLandingInfo[] = []; @Input() id: string; @Input() ids: string[] = []; @Input() type: string; // Custom tab paging variables public page: number = 1; public pageSize: number = 5; public status: number; public routerHelper:RouterHelper = new RouterHelper(); public errorCodes:ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes(); sub: any; properties:EnvProperties; constructor ( private element: ElementRef, private _deletedByInferenceService: DeletedByInferenceService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private _router: Router) { } ngOnInit() { .subscribe((data: { envSpecific: EnvProperties }) => { = data.envSpecific; }); this.sub = this.route.queryParams.subscribe(data => { this.errorCodes = new ErrorCodes(); this.status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; this.getDeletedByInference(); }); } ngOnDestroy() {} getDeletedByInference() { this.results = []; this.status = this.errorCodes.LOADING; /* if(this.ids) { var allRequests = []; for(let id of this.ids) { allRequests.push(this._deletedByInferenceService.getDeletedByInferencePublications(id,; } zip.apply(null, allRequests).subscribe( // this._deletedByInferenceService.getDeletedByInferencePublications(id, data => { this.results = data; this.status = this.errorCodes.DONE; }, error => { if(error.status == '404') { this.status = this.errorCodes.NOT_FOUND; } else if(error.status == '500') { this.status = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } else { this.status = this.errorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE; } } ); } */ this._deletedByInferenceService.getDeletedByInferenceResults(, String(this.ids.length), data => { this.results = data; this.status = this.errorCodes.DONE; }, error => { if(error.status == '404') { this.status = this.errorCodes.NOT_FOUND; } else if(error.status == '500') { this.status = this.errorCodes.ERROR; } else { this.status = this.errorCodes.NOT_AVAILABLE; } } ); } public totalPages(totalResults: number): number { let totalPages:any = totalResults/this.pageSize; if(!(Number.isInteger(totalPages))) { totalPages = (parseInt(totalPages, this.pageSize) + 1); } return totalPages; } public updatePage($event) { = $event.value; } }