2. Inherited and Inferred Attributes
We either inherit the attributes of entities via entries in the harvested metadata records or automatically generate them using our inference system (text and data mining algorithms).
For research products, this refers to the
affiliated organizations of its authors
For projects:
the organizations participating in
the project
(i.e. beneficiaries of the grant)
We are improving the organization database with the use of our OpenOrgs tool. It allows curators to disambiguate organizations (merge different names of the same organization) and identify parent-child relationships (schools, departments, etc.).
Access mode or access rights
The best available (across all instances) access rights of
a research product
Types (by best available):
Open: Open Access
Embargo: Closed for a specific period of time, then open.
Restricted: Definition of restricted may vary by data source, it may refer to access rights being given to registered users, potentially behind a paywall.
Closed: Closed access
CC license
PID (persistent identifier)
Related research community, initiative or infrastructure.
The scientific journal an article is published in.
The publisher of the venue (journal, book, etc.) of a research product.
Data sources (content providers)
The different data sources ingested in the OpenAIRE Research Graph.
Data Source Types:
- Repositories
- Open Access Publishers & Journals
- Aggregators
- Entity Registries
- Journal Aggregators
- CRIS (Current Research Information System)
Information systems where scientists upload the bibliographic metadata and payloads of their
research products (e.g. PDFs of their scientific articles, CSVs of their data,
archive with their
software), due to obligations from their organizations, their
funders, or due to community practices
(e.g. ArXiv, Europe PMC, Zenodo).
Open Access Publishers & Journals
Information systems of open access publishers or relative journals, which offer bibliographic
metadata and PDFs of their published articles.
Information systems that collect descriptive metadata about research products
from multiple sources
in order to enable cross-data source discovery of given research products (e,g,
Entity Registries
Information systems created with the intent of maintaining authoritative registries of given
entities in the scholarly communication, such as OpenDOAR for the institutional repositories, re3data
for the data repositories, CORDA and other funder databases
for projects and funding information.
CRIS (Current Research Information System)
Information systems adopted by research and academic organizations to
keep track of their research
administration records and relative results; examples of CRIS content are articles
or research data funded
by projects, their principal investigators, facilities acquired
thanks to funding, etc.