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{{type}} . {{beforeTitle.join(' . ')}} . Embargo End Date: {{result.embargoEndDate | date: 'dd MMM yyyy'}}
Funder: {{result.funderShortname}} Project Code: {{result.code}}
Overall Budget: {{result.budget | number}} {{result.currency}} Funder Contribution: {{result.contribution | number}} {{result.currency}}
{{result.accessMode}} {{' '}} Open Access mandate for Publications {{' '}} Open Access mandate for Research Data {{' '}} Open Access mandate for Publications and Research Data {{' '}} {{language}} {{' '}} {{programmingLanguage}} {{" "}} Special Clause 39 {{' '}} {{result.compatibility}} {{' '}} Not yet registered {{' '}}
Publisher: {{result.publisher}}
{{(result.countries.length == 1) ? 'Country' : 'Countries'}}: {{country}}{{(i < (result.countries.slice(0, 10).length - 1)) ? ", " : ""}} {{(i == result.countries.slice(0, 10).length - 1 && result.countries.length > 10) ? "..." : ""}}
Project: {{project.funderShortname ? project.funderShortname : project.funderName}} | {{ project.acronym ? project.acronym : (project.title.length > 25 ? project.title.substring(0, 25) + '...' : project.title)}} ({{project.code}}) , ...
Partners: {{}} , ...
Subject: {{subject}} {{(i < (result.subjects.slice(0, 10).length - 1)) ? ", " : ""}} {{(i == result.subjects.slice(0, 10).length - 1 && result.subjects.length > 10) ? "..." : ""}}


Download from: {{from.downloadNames.join("; ")}} {{from.downloadNames.join(", ")}} Provider: {{collectedName}};
{{" " + result.pop_inf[2] + " popularity" }}
{{" " + result.pop_inf[2] + " popularity" }} {{" " + (result.pop_inf[0] == 'A' ? 'In top 0.01%' : '') + (result.pop_inf[0] == 'B' ? 'In top 1%' : '') + (result.pop_inf[0] == 'C' ? 'In bottom 99%' : '')}}
Popularity: Citation-based measure reflecting the current impact.
{{" " + result.pop_inf[3] + " influence" }}
{{result.pop_inf[3] + " influence" }} {{" " + (result.pop_inf[1] == 'A' ? 'In top 0.01%' : '') + (result.pop_inf[1] == 'B' ? 'In top 1%' : '') + (result.pop_inf[1] == 'C' ? 'In bottom 99%' : '')}}
Influence: Citation-based measure reflecting the total impact.
Added in ORCID: {{date | date: 'dd MMM yyyy'}} &