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Latest Documents Timeline

Documents Types

Funders in content providers Publications

Projects with most Publications

Projects with most Research Data

` }) export class StatisticsTabComponent { @Input() statistics; @Input() id; @Input() searchDatasetsComponent : SearchDatasetsComponent; @Input() searchPublicationsComponent : SearchPublicationsComponent; @Input() show : boolean = false; private docsTimelineUrl: string; private docsTypesUrl:string; private docsFunderUrl:string; private dataProjectsUrl:string ; private pubsProjectsUrl:string; public errorCodes:ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes(); constructor () {} ngOnInit() { this.docsTimelineUrl ='{"query":"dtsrcYear","dtsrcName":"''","table": "result", "fields": [{"fld": "number", "agg": "count", "type": "line", "yaxis":1, "c":true}], "xaxis":{"name": "year", "agg": "avg"}, "group": "", "color": "", "type": "chart", "size":30, "sort": "xaxis", "xStyle":{"r": "-", "s": "-", "l": "-", "ft": "-", "wt": "-"}, "yaxisheaders": [""], "fieldsheaders": ["Documents"], "in": [{"f":0, "text": "Yearly"}], "filters": [{"name":"year","max":"2016","min":"1997"},{"name": "result_datasources-datasource-name", "values":[""], "to": "-1"}],"having": [], "incfilters": [], "inchaving": [], "title": "", "subtitle": "", "xaxistitle": "Year"}&w=600&h=250'; this.docsTypesUrl = '{"query":"dtsrcPubs","dtsrcName":"''", "table": "result", "fields": [{"fld": "number", "agg": "count", "type": "pie", "yaxis":1, "c":false}], "xaxis":{"name": "result_classifications-type", "agg": "avg"}, "group": "", "color": "", "type": "chart", "size":30, "sort": "xaxis", "xStyle":{"r": "-", "s": "-", "l": "-", "ft": "-", "wt": "-"}, "yaxisheaders": [""], "fieldsheaders": ["Documents"], "in": [], "filters": [{"name": "result_datasources-datasource-name", "values": [""], "to": "-1"}], "having": [], "incfilters": [], "inchaving": [], "title": "", "subtitle": "", "xaxistitle": ""}&w=600&h=250'; this.docsFunderUrl ='{"query":"dtsrcPubsFund","dtsrcName":"''", "table": "result", "fields": [{"fld": "number", "agg": "count", "type": "pie", "yaxis":1, "c":false}], "xaxis":{"name": "result_classifications-type", "agg": "avg"}, "group": "", "color": "", "type": "chart", "size":30, "sort": "xaxis", "xStyle":{"r": "-", "s": "-", "l": "-", "ft": "-", "wt": "-"}, "yaxisheaders": [""], "fieldsheaders": ["Documents"], "in": [], "filters": [{"name": "result_datasources-datasource-name", "values": [""], "to": "-1"}], "having": [], "incfilters": [], "inchaving": [], "title": "", "subtitle": "", "xaxistitle": ""}&w=600&h=250'; this.dataProjectsUrl ='{"query":"dtsrcProjData","dtsrcName":"''", "table": "result", "fields": [{"fld": "number", "agg": "count", "type": "bar", "yaxis":1, "c":false}], "xaxis":{"name": "result_classifications-type", "agg": "avg"}, "group": "", "color": "", "type": "chart", "size":30, "sort": "xaxis", "xStyle":{"r": "-", "s": "-", "l": "-", "ft": "-", "wt": "-"}, "yaxisheaders": [""], "fieldsheaders": ["Datasets"], "in": [], "filters": [{"name": "result_datasources-datasource-name", "values": [""], "to": "-1"}], "having": [], "incfilters": [], "inchaving": [], "title": "", "subtitle": "", "xaxistitle": ""}&w=600&h=250'; this.pubsProjectsUrl ='{"query":"dtsrcProjPubs","dtsrcName":"''", "table": "result", "fields": [{"fld": "number", "agg": "count", "type": "bar", "yaxis":1, "c":false}], "xaxis":{"name": "result_classifications-type", "agg": "avg"}, "group": "", "color": "", "type": "chart", "size":30, "sort": "xaxis", "xStyle":{"r": "-", "s": "-", "l": "-", "ft": "-", "wt": "-"}, "yaxisheaders": [""], "fieldsheaders": ["Publications"], "in": [], "filters": [{"name": "result_datasources-datasource-name", "values": [""], "to": "-1"}], "having": [], "incfilters": [], "inchaving": [], "title": "", "subtitle": "", "xaxistitle": ""}&w=600&h=250'; } ngOnDestroy() {} }