import {Component, Input, OnInit} from "@angular/core"; import {StringUtils} from "../../../utils/string-utils.class"; import {Organization, Project} from "../../../utils/result-preview/result-preview"; export interface Keyword { field: string, value: string, tokenized: boolean } @Component({ selector: 'highlight', template: ` {{token}} {{token}} ` }) export class HighlightComponent implements OnInit{ @Input() keywords: Keyword[]; @Input() field: string; @Input() element: string | Project[] | Organization[]; @Input() html = false; public text: string; public separators: string[] = [' ', '-', ',', '.']; constructor() { } ngOnInit(): void { if(typeof this.element === "string") { this.text = this.element; } else { /*if(this.element instanceof Project) { this.text = this.element. }*/ } } public split(): string[] { return StringUtils.split(this.text, this.separators); } /** * Returns true if the word given is matched with any keyword * * @param word */ isHighlighted(word: string) { if (this.keywords) { for (let keyword of this.keywords) { if (!keyword.field || keyword.field === this.field) { if (keyword.tokenized && keyword.value.toLowerCase() === word.toLowerCase()) { return true; } else if (!keyword.tokenized && word.toLowerCase().includes(keyword.value.toLowerCase())) { return true; } } } } return false; } }