import {Component, OnInit} from "@angular/core";
import {Icon} from "../icons";
import {IconsService} from "../icons.service";
selector: 'icons-preview',
template: `
- 1. Import IconsModule
- 2. Add this to your module with these icons you will need
constructor(private iconsService: IconsService) {{ "{" }}
{{ "}" }}
- 3. Use an icon with icon tag. Add parameter ratio to scale this icon. Default size 20x20 (ratio: 1)
{{'<'}}icon name="edit"{{'><'}}/icon{{'>'}}
- 4. Add a color class in parent of icon to give your icon a color.
{{'<'}}div class="uk-text-secondary"{{'>'}}
{{'<'}}icon name="edit"{{'><'}}/icon{{'>'}}
Add a new icon
- 1. Go to Material Icons
- 2. Find your icon and download it as svg.
- 3. Open svg file with an editor and change width and height to 20
- 4. Create an entry on icons file with your new icon.
export class IconsPreviewComponent implements OnInit{
icons: Icon[] = [];
constructor(private iconsService: IconsService) {
ngOnInit() {
this.icons = this.iconsService.getAll();