1. invite.component.html:
a. Redesigned invite button according to the new mocks.
b. Button of invite is a route to invite page (removed dropdown for quick invitation).
2. subscribe.component.ts:
a. Redesigned join (subscribe) button according to the new mocks.
b. Subscribe renamed to Join/Leave and Member.
3 subscribe.module.ts: Imported IconsModule.
4. app.component.ts: Renamed id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" to id="joinAndInviteBtn".
5. connect-custom.less: Added rules under .communityApp for #joinAndInviteBtn, #join, #invite, .member-button.
6. utils.css:
a. Added rule .uk-light .custom-external::after to set color with light-color.
b. Updated css for .multi-line-ellipsis - now supports inner elements (e.g. <p>) inside parent <p>.