/* * Copyright (c) 2009-2016 Frank Bennett * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under EITHER * * * the terms of the Common Public Attribution License (CPAL) as * published by the Open Source Initiative, either version 1 of * the CPAL, or (at your option) any later version; OR * * * the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version * 3 of the AGPL, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received copies of the Common Public Attribution * License and of the GNU Affero General Public License along with * this program. If not, see or * respectively. */ var CSL = { PROCESSOR_VERSION: "1.1.178", CONDITION_LEVEL_TOP: 1, CONDITION_LEVEL_BOTTOM: 2, PLAIN_HYPHEN_REGEX: /(?:[^\\]-|\u2013)/, LOCATOR_LABELS_REGEXP: new RegExp("^((art|ch|subch|col|fig|l|n|no|op|p|pp|para|subpara|pt|r|sec|subsec|sv|sch|tit|vrs|vol)\\.)\\s+(.*)"), STATUTE_SUBDIV_GROUPED_REGEX: /((?:^| )(?:art|bk|ch|subch|col|fig|fol|l|n|no|op|p|pp|para|subpara|pt|r|sec|subsec|sv|sch|tit|vrs|vol)\. *)/g, STATUTE_SUBDIV_PLAIN_REGEX: /(?:(?:^| )(?:art|bk|ch|subch|col|fig|fol|l|n|no|op|p|pp|para|subpara|pt|r|sec|subsec|sv|sch|tit|vrs|vol)\. *)/, STATUTE_SUBDIV_STRINGS: { "art.": "article", "bk.": "book", "ch.": "chapter", "subch.": "subchapter", "p.": "page", "pp.": "page", "para.": "paragraph", "subpara.": "subparagraph", "pt.": "part", "r.": "rule", "sec.": "section", "subsec.": "subsection", "sch.": "schedule", "tit.": "title", "col.": "column", "fig.": "figure", "fol.": "folio", "l.": "line", "n.": "note", "no.": "issue", "op.": "opus", "sv.": "sub-verbo", "vrs.": "verse", "vol.": "volume" }, STATUTE_SUBDIV_STRINGS_REVERSE: { "article": "art.", "book": "bk.", "chapter": "ch.", "subchapter": "subch.", "page": "p.", "paragraph": "para.", "subparagraph": "subpara.", "part": "pt.", "rule": "r.", "section": "sec.", "subsection": "subsec.", "schedule": "sch.", "title": "tit.", "column": "col.", "figure": "fig.", "folio": "fol.", "line": "l.", "note": "n.", "issue": "no.", "opus": "op.", "sub-verbo": "sv.", "sub verbo": "sv.", "verse": "vrs.", "volume": "vol." }, LOCATOR_LABELS_MAP: { "art": "article", "bk": "book", "ch": "chapter", "subch": "subchapter", "col": "column", "fig": "figure", "fol": "folio", "l": "line", "n": "note", "no": "issue", "op": "opus", "p": "page", "pp": "page", "para": "paragraph", "subpara": "subparagraph", "pt": "part", "r": "rule", "sec": "section", "subsec": "subsection", "sv": "sub-verbo", "sch": "schedule", "tit": "title", "vrs": "verse", "vol": "volume" }, MODULE_MACROS: { "juris-pretitle": true, "juris-title": true, "juris-pretitle-short": true, "juris-title-short": true, "juris-main": true, "juris-main-short": true, "juris-tail": true, "juris-tail-short": true, "juris-locator": true }, MODULE_TYPES: { "legal_case": true, "legislation": true, "bill": true, "hearing": true, "gazette": true, "report": true, "regulation": true, "standard": true }, NestedBraces: [ ["(", "["], [")", "]"] ], checkNestedBrace: function(state) { if (state.opt.xclass === "note") { this.depth = 0; this.update = function(str) { var str = str ? str : ''; var lst = str.split(/([\(\)])/); for (var i=1,ilen=lst.length;i -1) { var raw_locator = item.locator; item.locator = raw_locator.slice(0, idx); raw_locator = raw_locator.slice(idx + 1); var m = raw_locator.match(/^([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}).*/); if (m) { item["locator-date"] = this.fun.dateparser.parseDateToObject(m[1]); raw_locator = raw_locator.slice(m[1].length); } item["locator-extra"] = raw_locator.replace(/^\s+/, "").replace(/\s+$/, ""); } } } if (item.locator) { item.locator = ("" + item.locator).replace(/\s+$/, ''); } return item; }, normalizeLocaleStr: function(str) { if (!str) return; var lst = str.split('-'); lst[0] = lst[0].toLowerCase(); if (lst[1]) { lst[1] = lst[1].toUpperCase(); } return lst.join("-"); }, parseNoteFieldHacks: function(Item, validFieldsForType, allowDateOverride) { if ("string" !== typeof Item.note) return; var elems = []; var lines = Item.note.split('\n'); var lastline = ""; for (var i=0, ilen=lines.length; i0 || j>1) && !elems[j-1].match(CSL.NOTE_FIELD_REGEXP)) { break } else { elems[j] = '\n' + elems[j].slice(2,-1).trim() + '\n'; } } lines[i] = elems.join(''); } } lines = lines.join('\n').split('\n'); var offset = 0; var names = {}; for (var i=0,ilen=lines.length;i -1) { if (allowDateOverride) { Item[key] = {raw: val}; if (!validFieldsForType || (validFieldsForType[key] && val.match(/^[0-9]{4}(?:-[0-9]{1,2}(?:-[0-9]{1,2})*)*$/))) { lines[i] = ""; } } } else if (!Item[key]) { if (CSL.NAME_VARIABLES.indexOf(key) > -1) { if (!names[key]) { names[key] = []; } var lst = val.split(/\s*\|\|\s*/); if (lst.length === 1) { names[key].push({literal:lst[0]}); } else if (lst.length === 2) { var name = {family:lst[0],given:lst[1]}; CSL.parseParticles(name); names[key].push(name); } } else { Item[key] = val; } if (!validFieldsForType || validFieldsForType[key]) { lines[i] = ""; } } } for (var key in names) { Item[key] = names[key]; } if (validFieldsForType) { if (lines[offset].trim()) { lines[offset] = '\n' + lines[offset] } for (var i=offset-1;i>-1;i--) { if (!lines[i].trim()) { lines = lines.slice(0, i).concat(lines.slice(i + 1)); } } } Item.note = lines.join("\n").trim(); }, GENDERS: ["masculine", "feminine"], ERROR_NO_RENDERED_FORM: 1, PREVIEW: "Just for laughs.", ASSUME_ALL_ITEMS_REGISTERED: 2, START: 0, END: 1, SINGLETON: 2, SEEN: 6, SUCCESSOR: 3, SUCCESSOR_OF_SUCCESSOR: 4, SUPPRESS: 5, SINGULAR: 0, PLURAL: 1, LITERAL: true, BEFORE: 1, AFTER: 2, DESCENDING: 1, ASCENDING: 2, ONLY_FIRST: 1, ALWAYS: 2, ONLY_LAST: 3, FINISH: 1, POSITION_FIRST: 0, POSITION_SUBSEQUENT: 1, POSITION_IBID: 2, POSITION_IBID_WITH_LOCATOR: 3, MARK_TRAILING_NAMES: true, POSITION_TEST_VARS: ["position", "first-reference-note-number", "near-note"], AREAS: ["citation", "citation_sort", "bibliography", "bibliography_sort"], CITE_FIELDS: ["first-reference-note-number", "locator", "locator-extra"], MINIMAL_NAME_FIELDS: ["literal", "family"], SWAPPING_PUNCTUATION: [".", "!", "?", ":", ","], TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION: [":", ".", ";", "!", "?", " "], NONE: 0, NUMERIC: 1, POSITION: 2, COLLAPSE_VALUES: ["citation-number", "year", "year-suffix"], DATE_PARTS: ["year", "month", "day"], DATE_PARTS_ALL: ["year", "month", "day", "season"], DATE_PARTS_INTERNAL: ["year", "month", "day", "year_end", "month_end", "day_end"], NAME_PARTS: ["non-dropping-particle", "family", "given", "dropping-particle", "suffix", "literal"], DECORABLE_NAME_PARTS: ["given", "family", "suffix"], DISAMBIGUATE_OPTIONS: [ "disambiguate-add-names", "disambiguate-add-givenname", "disambiguate-add-year-suffix" ], GIVENNAME_DISAMBIGUATION_RULES: [ "all-names", "all-names-with-initials", "primary-name", "primary-name-with-initials", "by-cite" ], NAME_ATTRIBUTES: [ "and", "delimiter-precedes-last", "delimiter-precedes-et-al", "initialize-with", "initialize", "name-as-sort-order", "sort-separator", "et-al-min", "et-al-use-first", "et-al-subsequent-min", "et-al-subsequent-use-first", "form", "prefix", "suffix", "delimiter" ], PARALLEL_MATCH_VARS: ["container-title"], PARALLEL_TYPES: ["bill","gazette","regulation","legislation","legal_case","treaty","article-magazine","article-journal"], PARALLEL_COLLAPSING_MID_VARSET: ["volume", "issue", "container-title", "section", "collection-number"], LOOSE: 0, STRICT: 1, TOLERANT: 2, PREFIX_PUNCTUATION: /[.;:]\s*$/, SUFFIX_PUNCTUATION: /^\s*[.;:,\(\)]/, NUMBER_REGEXP: /(?:^\d+|\d+$)/, NAME_INITIAL_REGEXP: /^([A-Z\u0590-\u05ff\u00c0-\u017f\u0400-\u042f\u0600-\u06ff\u0370\u0372\u0376\u0386\u0388-\u03ab\u03e2\u03e4\u03e6\u03e8\u03ea\u03ec\u03ee\u03f4\u03f7\u03fd-\u03ff])([a-zA-Z\u00c0-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0600-\u06ff\u0370-\u03ff\u1f00-\u1fff]*|)/, ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /[-0-9a-zA-Z\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u0080-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0370-\u03ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]/, ROMANESQUE_NOT_REGEXP: /[^a-zA-Z\u0590-\u05ff\u00c0-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0370-\u03ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]/g, STARTSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /^[&a-zA-Z\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u00c0-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0370-\u03ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]/, ENDSWITH_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /[.;:&a-zA-Z\u0590-\u05d4\u05d6-\u05ff\u00c0-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0370-\u03ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]$/, ALL_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP: /^[a-zA-Z\u0590-\u05ff\u00c0-\u017f\u0400-\u052f\u0370-\u03ff\u1f00-\u1fff\u0600-\u06ff\u200c\u200d\u200e\u0218\u0219\u021a\u021b\u202a-\u202e]+$/, VIETNAMESE_SPECIALS: /[\u00c0-\u00c3\u00c8-\u00ca\u00cc\u00cd\u00d2-\u00d5\u00d9\u00da\u00dd\u00e0-\u00e3\u00e8-\u00ea\u00ec\u00ed\u00f2-\u00f5\u00f9\u00fa\u00fd\u0101\u0103\u0110\u0111\u0128\u0129\u0168\u0169\u01a0\u01a1\u01af\u01b0\u1ea0-\u1ef9]/, VIETNAMESE_NAMES: /^(?:(?:[.AaBbCcDdEeGgHhIiKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYy \u00c0-\u00c3\u00c8-\u00ca\u00cc\u00cd\u00d2-\u00d5\u00d9\u00da\u00dd\u00e0-\u00e3\u00e8-\u00ea\u00ec\u00ed\u00f2-\u00f5\u00f9\u00fa\u00fd\u0101\u0103\u0110\u0111\u0128\u0129\u0168\u0169\u01a0\u01a1\u01af\u01b0\u1ea0-\u1ef9]{2,6})(\s+|$))+$/, NOTE_FIELDS_REGEXP: /\{:(?:[\-_a-z]+|[A-Z]+):[^\}]+\}/g, NOTE_FIELD_REGEXP: /^([\-_a-z]+|[A-Z]+):\s*([^\}]+)$/, PARTICLE_GIVEN_REGEXP: /^([^ ]+(?:\u02bb |\u2019 | |\' ) *)(.+)$/, PARTICLE_FAMILY_REGEXP: /^([^ ]+(?:\-|\u02bb|\u2019| |\') *)(.+)$/, DISPLAY_CLASSES: ["block", "left-margin", "right-inline", "indent"], NAME_VARIABLES: [ "author", "editor", "translator", "contributor", "collection-editor", "composer", "container-author", "director", "editorial-director", "interviewer", "original-author", "recipient" ], NUMERIC_VARIABLES: [ "call-number", "chapter-number", "collection-number", "edition", "page", "issue", "locator", "number", "number-of-pages", "number-of-volumes", "volume", "citation-number" ], DATE_VARIABLES: [ "locator-date", "issued", "event-date", "accessed", "container", "original-date", "publication-date", "original-date", "available-date", "submitted" ], TITLE_FIELD_SPLITS: function(seg) { var keys = ["title", "short", "main", "sub"]; var ret = {}; for (var i=0,ilen=keys.length;i"); while (open > -1 && close > -1) { if (open > close) { end = open + 1; } else { end = close + 1; } if (open < close && str.slice(open + 1, close).indexOf("<") === -1) { ret[ret.length - 1] += str.slice(0, open); ret.push(str.slice(open, close + 1)); ret.push(""); str = str.slice(end); } else { ret[ret.length - 1] += str.slice(0, close + 1); str = str.slice(end); } open = str.indexOf("<"); close = str.indexOf(">"); } ret[ret.length - 1] += str; return ret; }, demoteNoiseWords: function (state, fld, drop_or_demote) { var SKIP_WORDS = state.locale[state.opt.lang].opts["leading-noise-words"]; if (fld && drop_or_demote) { fld = fld.split(/\s+/); fld.reverse(); var toEnd = []; for (var j = fld.length - 1; j > -1; j += -1) { if (SKIP_WORDS.indexOf(fld[j].toLowerCase()) > -1) { toEnd.push(fld.pop()); } else { break; } } fld.reverse(); var start = fld.join(" "); var end = toEnd.join(" "); if ("drop" === drop_or_demote || !end) { fld = start; } else if ("demote" === drop_or_demote) { fld = [start, end].join(", "); } } return fld; }, extractTitleAndSubtitle: function (Item) { var segments = ["", "container-"]; for (var i=0,ilen=segments.length;i -1) { var callbacks = []; if (state.opt.development_extensions.thin_non_breaking_space_html_hack && state.opt.mode === "html") { callbacks.push(function (txt) { return txt.replace(/\u202f/g, ''); }); } if (callbacks.length) { return function (txt) { for (var i = 0, ilen = callbacks.length; i < ilen; i += 1) { txt = callbacks[i](txt); } return CSL.Output.Formats[state.opt.mode].text_escape(txt); } } else { return CSL.Output.Formats[state.opt.mode].text_escape; } } else { return function (txt) { return txt; }; } }, SKIP_WORDS: ["about","above","across","afore","after","against","along","alongside","amid","amidst","among","amongst","anenst","apropos","apud","around","as","aside","astride","at","athwart","atop","barring","before","behind","below","beneath","beside","besides","between","beyond","but","by","circa","despite","down","during","except","for","forenenst","from","given","in","inside","into","lest","like","modulo","near","next","notwithstanding","of","off","on","onto","out","over","per","plus","pro","qua","sans","since","than","through"," 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"viii", "ix" ], [ "", "x", "xx", "xxx", "xl", "l", "lx", "lxx", "lxxx", "xc" ], [ "", "c", "cc", "ccc", "cd", "d", "dc", "dcc", "dccc", "cm" ], [ "", "m", "mm", "mmm", "mmmm", "mmmmm"] ], CREATORS: [ "author", "editor", "contributor", "translator", "recipient", "interviewer", "composer", "original-author", "container-author", "collection-editor" ], LANGS: { "af-ZA":"Afrikaans", "ar":"Arabic", "bg-BG":"Bulgarian", "ca-AD":"Catalan", "cs-CZ":"Czech", "da-DK":"Danish", "de-AT":"Austrian", "de-CH":"German (CH)", "de-DE":"German (DE)", "el-GR":"Greek", "en-GB":"English (GB)", "en-US":"English (US)", "es-ES":"Spanish", "et-EE":"Estonian", "eu":"European", "fa-IR":"Persian", "fi-FI":"Finnish", "fr-CA":"French (CA)", "fr-FR":"French (FR)", "he-IL":"Hebrew", "hr-HR":"Croatian", "hu-HU":"Hungarian", "is-IS":"Icelandic", "it-IT":"Italian", "ja-JP":"Japanese", "km-KH":"Khmer", "ko-KR":"Korean", "lt-LT":"Lithuanian", "lv-LV":"Latvian", "mn-MN":"Mongolian", "nb-NO":"Norwegian (Bokmål)", "nl-NL":"Dutch", "nn-NO":"Norwegian (Nynorsk)", "pl-PL":"Polish", "pt-BR":"Portuguese (BR)", "pt-PT":"Portuguese (PT)", "ro-RO":"Romanian", "ru-RU":"Russian", "sk-SK":"Slovak", "sl-SI":"Slovenian", "sr-RS":"Serbian", "sv-SE":"Swedish", "th-TH":"Thai", "tr-TR":"Turkish", "uk-UA":"Ukranian", "vi-VN":"Vietnamese", "zh-CN":"Chinese (CN)", "zh-TW":"Chinese (TW)" }, LANG_BASES: { af: "af_ZA", ar: "ar", bg: "bg_BG", ca: "ca_AD", cs: "cs_CZ", da: "da_DK", de: "de_DE", el: "el_GR", en: "en_US", es: "es_ES", et: "et_EE", eu: "eu", fa: "fa_IR", fi: "fi_FI", fr: "fr_FR", he: "he_IL", hr: "hr-HR", hu: "hu_HU", is: "is_IS", it: "it_IT", ja: "ja_JP", km: "km_KH", ko: "ko_KR", lt: "lt_LT", lv: "lv-LV", mn: "mn_MN", nb: "nb_NO", nl: "nl_NL", nn: "nn-NO", pl: "pl_PL", pt: "pt_PT", ro: "ro_RO", ru: "ru_RU", sk: "sk_SK", sl: "sl_SI", sr: "sr_RS", sv: "sv_SE", th: "th_TH", tr: "tr_TR", uk: "uk_UA", vi: "vi_VN", zh: "zh_CN" }, SUPERSCRIPTS: { "\u00AA": "\u0061", "\u00B2": "\u0032", "\u00B3": "\u0033", "\u00B9": "\u0031", "\u00BA": "\u006F", "\u02B0": "\u0068", "\u02B1": "\u0266", "\u02B2": "\u006A", "\u02B3": "\u0072", "\u02B4": "\u0279", "\u02B5": "\u027B", "\u02B6": "\u0281", "\u02B7": "\u0077", "\u02B8": "\u0079", "\u02E0": "\u0263", "\u02E1": "\u006C", "\u02E2": "\u0073", "\u02E3": "\u0078", "\u02E4": "\u0295", "\u1D2C": "\u0041", "\u1D2D": "\u00C6", "\u1D2E": "\u0042", "\u1D30": "\u0044", "\u1D31": "\u0045", "\u1D32": "\u018E", "\u1D33": "\u0047", "\u1D34": "\u0048", "\u1D35": "\u0049", "\u1D36": "\u004A", "\u1D37": "\u004B", "\u1D38": "\u004C", "\u1D39": "\u004D", "\u1D3A": "\u004E", "\u1D3C": "\u004F", "\u1D3D": "\u0222", "\u1D3E": "\u0050", "\u1D3F": "\u0052", "\u1D40": "\u0054", "\u1D41": "\u0055", "\u1D42": "\u0057", "\u1D43": "\u0061", "\u1D44": "\u0250", "\u1D45": "\u0251", "\u1D46": "\u1D02", "\u1D47": "\u0062", "\u1D48": "\u0064", "\u1D49": "\u0065", "\u1D4A": "\u0259", "\u1D4B": "\u025B", "\u1D4C": "\u025C", "\u1D4D": "\u0067", "\u1D4F": "\u006B", "\u1D50": "\u006D", "\u1D51": "\u014B", "\u1D52": "\u006F", "\u1D53": "\u0254", "\u1D54": "\u1D16", "\u1D55": "\u1D17", "\u1D56": "\u0070", "\u1D57": "\u0074", "\u1D58": "\u0075", "\u1D59": "\u1D1D", "\u1D5A": "\u026F", "\u1D5B": "\u0076", "\u1D5C": "\u1D25", "\u1D5D": "\u03B2", "\u1D5E": "\u03B3", "\u1D5F": "\u03B4", "\u1D60": "\u03C6", "\u1D61": "\u03C7", "\u2070": "\u0030", "\u2071": "\u0069", "\u2074": "\u0034", "\u2075": "\u0035", "\u2076": "\u0036", "\u2077": "\u0037", "\u2078": "\u0038", "\u2079": "\u0039", "\u207A": "\u002B", "\u207B": "\u2212", "\u207C": "\u003D", "\u207D": "\u0028", "\u207E": "\u0029", "\u207F": "\u006E", "\u2120": "\u0053\u004D", "\u2122": "\u0054\u004D", "\u3192": "\u4E00", "\u3193": "\u4E8C", "\u3194": "\u4E09", "\u3195": "\u56DB", "\u3196": "\u4E0A", "\u3197": "\u4E2D", "\u3198": "\u4E0B", "\u3199": "\u7532", "\u319A": "\u4E59", "\u319B": "\u4E19", "\u319C": "\u4E01", "\u319D": "\u5929", "\u319E": "\u5730", "\u319F": "\u4EBA", "\u02C0": "\u0294", "\u02C1": "\u0295", "\u06E5": "\u0648", "\u06E6": "\u064A" }, SUPERSCRIPTS_REGEXP: new RegExp("[\u00AA\u00B2\u00B3\u00B9\u00BA\u02B0\u02B1\u02B2\u02B3\u02B4\u02B5\u02B6\u02B7\u02B8\u02E0\u02E1\u02E2\u02E3\u02E4\u1D2C\u1D2D\u1D2E\u1D30\u1D31\u1D32\u1D33\u1D34\u1D35\u1D36\u1D37\u1D38\u1D39\u1D3A\u1D3C\u1D3D\u1D3E\u1D3F\u1D40\u1D41\u1D42\u1D43\u1D44\u1D45\u1D46\u1D47\u1D48\u1D49\u1D4A\u1D4B\u1D4C\u1D4D\u1D4F\u1D50\u1D51\u1D52\u1D53\u1D54\u1D55\u1D56\u1D57\u1D58\u1D59\u1D5A\u1D5B\u1D5C\u1D5D\u1D5E\u1D5F\u1D60\u1D61\u2070\u2071\u2074\u2075\u2076\u2077\u2078\u2079\u207A\u207B\u207C\u207D\u207E\u207F\u2120\u2122\u3192\u3193\u3194\u3195\u3196\u3197\u3198\u3199\u319A\u319B\u319C\u319D\u319E\u319F\u02C0\u02C1\u06E5\u06E6]", "g"), UPDATE_GROUP_CONTEXT_CONDITION: function (state, termtxt, valueTerm) { if (state.tmp.group_context.tip.condition) { if (state.tmp.group_context.tip.condition.test) { var testres; if (state.tmp.group_context.tip.condition.test === "empty-label") { testres = !termtxt; } else if (state.tmp.group_context.tip.condition.test === "comma-safe") { var empty = !termtxt; var alpha = termtxt.slice(0,1).match(CSL.ALL_ROMANESQUE_REGEXP); var num = state.tmp.just_did_number; if (empty) { testres = true; } else if (num) { if (alpha && !valueTerm) { testres = true; } else { testres = false; } } else { if (alpha && !valueTerm) { testres = true; } else { testres = false; } } } if (testres) { state.tmp.group_context.tip.force_suppress = false; } else { state.tmp.group_context.tip.force_suppress = true; } if (state.tmp.group_context.tip.condition.not) { state.tmp.group_context.tip.force_suppress = !state.tmp.group_context.tip.force_suppress; } } } else { if (termtxt.slice(-1).match(/[0-9]/)) { state.tmp.just_did_number = true; } else { state.tmp.just_did_number = false; } } }, locale: {}, locale_opts: {}, locale_dates: {} }; if (typeof require !== "undefined" && typeof module !== 'undefined' && "exports" in module) { var CSL_IS_NODEJS = true; exports.CSL = CSL; } CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION_REGEXP = new RegExp("^([" + CSL.TERMINAL_PUNCTUATION.slice(0, -1).join("") + "])(.*)"); CSL.CLOSURES = new RegExp(".*[\\]\\)]"); if ("undefined" === typeof console) { CSL.debug = function (str) { dump("CSL: " + str + "\n"); }; CSL.error = function (str) { dump("CSL error: " + str + "\n"); }; } else { CSL.debug = function (str) { console.log("CSL: " + str); }; CSL.error = function (str) { console.log("CSL error: " + str); }; } CSL.XmlJSON = function (dataObj) { this.dataObj = dataObj; this.institution = { name:"institution", attrs:{ "institution-parts":"long", "delimiter":", ", "substitute-use-first":"1", "use-last":"1" }, children:[ { name:"institution-part", attrs:{ name:"long" }, children:[] } ] }; }; CSL.XmlJSON.prototype.clean = function (json) { return json; }; CSL.XmlJSON.prototype.getStyleId = function (myjson, styleName) { var tagName = 'id'; if (styleName) { tagName = 'title'; } var ret = ""; var children = myjson.children; for (var i=0,ilen=children.length;i -1 && !myjson.children[i].attrs.prefix && !myjson.children[i].attrs.suffix) { mustHaves = mustHaves.slice(0,haveVarname).concat(mustHaves.slice(haveVarname+1)); } else { useme = false; break; } } if (useme && !mustHaves.length) { myjson.attrs["has-publisher-and-publisher-place"] = true; } } for (var i=0,ilen=myjson.children.length;i 0) { var myparents = parents.slice(); var parent = myparents.pop(); if (parent === "substitute") { return true; } else { return this.isChildOfSubstitute(myparents); } } return false; }; CSL.XmlJSON.prototype.addMissingNameNodes = function(myjson,parents) { if (!parents) { parents = []; } if (myjson.name === "names") { if (!this.isChildOfSubstitute(parents)) { var addName = true; for (var i=0,ilen=myjson.children.length;i -1) { var institution = this.nodeCopy(this.institution); for (var i=0,ilen = CSL.INSTITUTION_KEYS.length;i/, ""); xml = xml.replace(//g, ""); xml = xml.replace(/^\s+/g, ""); xml = xml.replace(/\s+$/g, ""); return xml; }; CSL.parseXml = function(str) { var _pos = 0; var _obj = {children:[]}; var _stack = [_obj.children]; function _listifyString(str) { str = str.split(/(?:\r\n|\n|\r)/).join(" ").replace(/>[ ]+<").replace(/<\!--.*?-->/g, ""); var lst = str.split("><"); var stylePos = null; for (var i=0,ilen=lst.length;i 0) { lst[i] = "<" + lst[i]; } if (i < (lst.length-1)) { lst[i] = lst[i] + ">"; } if ("number" != typeof stylePos) { if (lst[i].slice(0, 7) === "