/*!* Landing title section*!*/ /*.title-section h1 {*/ /* font-size: 28px;*/ /* font-weight: 400;*/ /*}*/ /*.title-section .under-curation {*/ /* color: var(--portal-main-color);*/ /* opacity: 0.8;*/ /*}*/ /*.uk-modal .title-section h1, .uk-modal .title-section h2, .feedback-page .title-section h1 {*/ /* font-size: 18px;*/ /* font-weight: 400;*/ /*}*/ /*!* Landing Main content*!*/ /*input[name="code"] {*/ /* font-family: Consolas, monaco, monospace;*/ /* font-size: .875rem;*/ /* color: #222080;*/ /* white-space: nowrap;*/ /* background: #f9f9f9;*/ /* border: 1px solid #ededed;*/ /* border-radius: 1px;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing ul.basic-info li {*/ /* margin-bottom: 6px;*/ /*}*/ /*!* Landing Related Organizations*!*/ /*.landing ul.organizations > li {*/ /* border: 1px solid #E8E8E8;*/ /* border-radius: 2px;*/ /* color: #A4A4A4;*/ /* padding: 10px;*/ /* width: 100%;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing ul.organizations > li > a {*/ /* color: #000000;*/ /* font-weight: 700;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing ul.organizations > li > a:hover {*/ /* text-decoration: underline;*/ /*}*/ /*!* Landing Download from section*!*/ /*.landing .download-from > * {*/ /* padding: 10px;*/ /* color: #A4A4A4;*/ /* border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.09);*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .download-from > *:last-child {*/ /* border-bottom: none;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .download-from .title {*/ /* color: black;*/ /* word-wrap: break-word;*/ /* font-weight: 700;*/ /* text-decoration: underline;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .download-from a {*/ /* color: #A4A4A4;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .download-from a:hover {*/ /* color: #578ede;*/ /*}*/ /*!* Landing Relations section*!*/ /*.landing .simple-buttons > div {*/ /* font-size: 16px;*/ /* padding: 15px 30px;*/ /* border-radius: 4px;*/ /* background-color: white;*/ /* border: 1px solid #DEDEDE;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .simple-buttons > div:hover {*/ /* background-color: #F0F0F0;*/ /* box-shadow: 0 1px 6px #00000033;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .advanced-buttons > div > div {*/ /* border-radius: 4px;*/ /* font-size: 16px;*/ /* border: 1px solid #DEDEDE;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .advanced-buttons > div > div:hover {*/ /* box-shadow: 0 1px 6px #00000033;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .advanced-buttons > div > div .header {*/ /* padding: 15px;*/ /* min-height: 60px;*/ /* color: var(--portal-main-color);*/ /* text-overflow: ellipsis;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .advanced-buttons > div > div .icon {*/ /* z-index: 1;*/ /* color: var(--portal-main-color);*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .advanced-buttons > div > div .icon > svg {*/ /* width: 40px;*/ /* height: 40px;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .advanced-buttons > div > div .footer {*/ /* padding: 15px;*/ /* min-height: 60px;*/ /* background-color: #F0F0F0;*/ /* font-size: 24px;*/ /* color: #666;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .advanced-buttons > div > div:hover .footer {*/ /* color: black;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .left-border {*/ /* border-left: 3px solid #EBEBEB;*/ /* padding-left: 20px;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing .sideInfoTitle {*/ /* font-weight: normal !important;*/ /* border-radius: 4px;*/ /* background-color: #F0F0F0;*/ /* color: #666;*/ /* padding: 12px;*/ /*}*/ /*!* Progress *!*/ /*.portal-progress.uk-progress, .green-progress.uk-progress {*/ /* background-color: #F0F0F0;*/ /* height: 10px;*/ /*}*/ /*!*firefox*!*/ /*.portal-progress.uk-progress::-moz-progress-bar {*/ /* background-color: var(--portal-main-color);*/ /*}*/ /*.green-progress.uk-progress::-moz-progress-bar {*/ /* background-color: #9ADC83 !important;*/ /*}*/ /*!*chrome*!*/ /*.portal-progress.uk-progress::-webkit-progress-value {*/ /* background-color: var(--portal-main-color);*/ /*}*/ /*.green-progress.uk-progress::-webkit-progress-value {*/ /* background-color: #9ADC83 !important;*/ /*}*/ /*!*internet explore & edge*!*/ /*.portal-progress.uk-progress::-ms-fill {*/ /* background-color: var(--portal-main-color);*/ /*}*/ /*.green-progress.uk-progress::-ms-fill {*/ /* background-color: #9ADC83 !important;*/ /*}*/ /*!* Bioentities *!*/ /*.bioentities-buttons > div > * {*/ /* border-radius: 4px;*/ /* font-size: 16px;*/ /* font-weight: 700;*/ /* border: 1px solid #DEDEDE;*/ /* padding: 40px 0;*/ /* width: 100%;*/ /* display: inline-block;*/ /* text-align: center;*/ /* text-transform: uppercase;*/ /* color: #666;*/ /*}*/ /*.bioentities-buttons > div > a:hover {*/ /* background-color: #F0F0F0;*/ /* color: black;*/ /* box-shadow: 0 1px 6px #00000033;*/ /*}*/ /*!* Feedback page*!*/ /*.feedback-page .title-section {*/ /* background-image: linear-gradient(to right, var(--portal-main-color), var(--portal-dark-color));*/ /* padding: 15px 0;*/ /* border-radius: 4px;*/ /*}*/ /*.feedback-page .uk-text-muted {*/ /* color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7) !important;*/ /*}*/ /*.feedback-page .form {*/ /* margin-top: 5px;*/ /* border-radius: 4px;*/ /* border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);*/ /* padding: 25px 25px 15px;*/ /*}*/ /*.feedback-sent {*/ /* border-radius: 4px;*/ /* background-color: var(--portal-main-color);*/ /* color: white;*/ /* padding: 50px 100px;*/ /* text-align: center;*/ /*}*/ /*.feedback-sent * {*/ /* color: white;*/ /*}*/ /*!* 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#statistics-bars {*/ /* fill: var(--portal-main-color);*/ /*}*/ /*.landing-modal-header {*/ /* background: transparent linear-gradient(35deg, #FFFFFF 0%, #F0F0F0 100%) no-repeat padding-box;*/ /* padding: 20px 40px;*/ /*}*/ /*.landing-modal .modal-title {*/ /* font-weight: bold;*/ /* font-size: 22px;*/ /* margin: 0;*/ /*}*/ /*.square-button {*/ /* border-radius: 0;*/ /*}*/ /*.title-grey-background {*/ /* background: transparent linear-gradient(17deg, #FFFFFF 0%, #F0F0F0 100%) no-repeat padding-box;*/ /* padding: 15px 0;*/ /* border-radius: 4px;*/ /*}*/ .landing { --landing-header-height: var(--header-height); --landing-primary-color: var(--primary-color); --landing-default-color: var(--default-color); --landing-default-color-rgb: var(--default-color-rgb); --landing-light-color: var(--light-color); --landing-light-color-rgb: var(--light-color-rgb); --landing-muted-color: var(--muted-color); --landing-table-color: var(--table-color); --landing-text-primary-color: var(--primary-color); 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.landing-action-button { background-color: var(--landing-light-color); border: 1px solid; border-radius: 4px; width: 35px; height: 35px; } .landing .landing-action-button:hover { background-color: var(--landing-default-color); border: none; } .landing .landing-action-tooltip { color: inherit; } .landing .landing-action-tooltip-portal { color: var(--landing-text-primary-color); } .landing .landing-action-tooltip-primary { color: var(--landing-primary-color); } .landing .uk-dropdown { z-index: 981; } /* Remove the following rule when .less is used for openaire theme */ .landing .uk-offcanvas .uk-dropdown { left: auto !important; right: auto !important; } .landing #main-tabs-div { background: rgba(var(--landing-default-color-rgb), 0.95); top: 0; position: relative; /*transition: background-color 0.3s ease-out 0s, top 0.2s ease-out 0s;*/ z-index: 978; } .landing #main-tabs-div.active { /*transition: background-color 0.3s ease-out 0s, top 0.5s ease-out 0s;*/ -webkit-backdrop-filter: saturate(180%) blur(20px); backdrop-filter: saturate(180%) blur(20px); } .landing #graph_and_feedback { /*background: rgba(var(--landing-light-color-rgb), 0.95);*/ background: rgba(var(--landing-default-color-rgb), 0.95); z-index: 979; } .landing #main-tabs-div, #graph_and_feedback { -webkit-backdrop-filter: saturate(180%) blur(20px); backdrop-filter: saturate(180%) blur(20px); /*z-index: 979;*/ } @supports ((-webkit-backdrop-filter: none) or (backdrop-filter: none)) { .landing #main-tabs-div { background: rgba(var(--landing-default-color-rgb), 0.80); } .landing #graph_and_feedback { /*background: rgba(var(--landing-light-color-rgb), 0.80);*/ background: rgba(var(--landing-default-color-rgb), 0.80); } } .landing .landing-section:not(.landing-section-height-auto){ min-height: 60vh; } .landing #landing-sections .landing-section:not(:last-child):before{ background-color: var(--landing-section-separator-color); opacity: var(--opacity); } .landing #landing-sections .landing-section:not(:last-child){ border-bottom: solid 3px var(--landing-section-separator-color); } .landing #landing-sections .landing-section { padding-bottom: 80px; } .landing #landing-sections .landing-section:not(:first-child) { margin-top: 80px; } .landing .download-from > * { background: var(--landing-default-color); border: 1px solid var(--landing-muted-color); border-radius: 6px; } .landing #right-sidebar-switcher { top: 50vh !important; } .landing .landing-left-sidebar-width { width: 100px; } @media only screen and (min-width: 960px) { .landing-left-sidebar-width { width: 150px; } } @media (min-width:960px) { .separator-in-tab { border-left: 1px solid var(--landing-muted-color); } } .card-tab { border-radius: 6px; border-left: 5px var(--landing-section-separator-color) solid; }