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Konstantina Galouni f51ca5f7ed [Trunk | Monitor Dashboard]:
1. indicators.component.ts:
	a. Added fields "import_loading" and "export_loading" and set "editing", to show loading icon and disable edit options while export or import process is ongoing.
	b. Validate schema of indicators' file when importing it (type (chart or number), url, and jsonPath (for number indicators) are requested).
2. indicators.component.html: 
	a. Instead of import or export icon (next to buttons), show loading icon when "import_loading" or "export_loading" is true.
	b. Disable edit options for indicators when "import_loading" or "export_loading" is true and show tooltip.

git-svn-id: d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
3 years ago
e2e [Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Update to angular 11 3 years ago
src [Trunk | Monitor Dashboard]: 3 years ago
.browserslistrc [Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Update to angular 11 3 years ago [Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Update to angular 11 3 years ago
angular.json [Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Update to angular 11 3 years ago [Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Update to angular 11 3 years ago
package.json [Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Update to angular 11 3 years ago
server.ts [Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Update to angular 11 3 years ago
tsconfig.json [Monitor Dashboard | Trunk]: Update to angular 11 3 years ago

Monitor Dashboard

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 7.3.10 and has been updated to 11.2.14.

Install packages

Run npm install (maybe needs sudo), a script that will delete unused files from library will be run.

Development server

Run npm start for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4600/dashboard. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Build - CSR

Use the npm run build-dev for a development build.
Use the npm run build-beta for a beta build.
Use the npm run build-prod for a production build.

Build - SSR

Use the npm run build:ssr-dev for a development build.
Use the npm run build:ssr-beta for a beta build.
Use the npm run build:ssr-prod for a production build.


npm run serve:ssr will run the last server build.

Webpack Analyzer

In order to analyze bundle size you can run npm run webpack-bundle-analyzer

Running unit tests

Run ng test to execute the unit tests via Karma.

Running end-to-end tests

Run ng e2e to execute the end-to-end tests via Protractor.