import {Component, Input, OnChanges, OnInit, SimpleChanges} from "@angular/core"; import {SideBarService} from "../library/sharedComponents/sidebar/sideBar.service"; import {Indicator, Stakeholder} from "../utils/entities/stakeholder"; import {IndicatorUtils} from "../utils/indicator-utils"; @Component({ selector: 'indicators', templateUrl: './indicators.component.html' }) export class IndicatorsComponent implements OnInit, OnChanges { @Input() public topicIndex: number = 0; @Input() public categoryIndex: number = 0; @Input() public subcategoryIndex: number = 0; @Input() public stakeholder: Stakeholder = null; public indicatorUtils: IndicatorUtils = new IndicatorUtils(); /** * All charts and numbers */ public charts: Indicator[] = []; public numbers: Indicator[] = []; /** * Displayed chart and numbers base on Top filters */ public displayCharts: Indicator[] = []; public displayNumbers: Indicator[] = []; /** * Top filters */ public chartType: string = 'all'; public privacy: string = 'all'; public status: string = 'all'; public keyword: string = null; /** * Grid or List View */ public grid: boolean = true; constructor(private sideBarService: SideBarService) {} ngOnInit(): void { } ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges): void { if(this.canEdit) { this.charts = this.stakeholder.topics[this.topicIndex].categories[this.categoryIndex]. subCategories[this.subcategoryIndex].charts; this.displayCharts = this.filterChartType(this.filterPrivacy( this.filterStatus(this.filterByKeyword(this.charts, this.keyword), this.status), this.privacy), this.chartType ); this.numbers = this.stakeholder.topics[this.topicIndex].categories[this.categoryIndex]. subCategories[this.subcategoryIndex].numbers; this.displayNumbers = this.filterPrivacy(this.filterStatus( this.filterByKeyword(this.numbers, this.keyword), this.status), this.privacy); } } onChartTypeChange(value) { this.displayCharts = this.filterChartType(this.charts, value); } onPrivacyChange(value) { this.displayCharts = this.filterPrivacy(this.charts, value); this.displayNumbers = this.filterPrivacy(this.numbers, value); } onStatusChange(value) { this.displayCharts = this.filterStatus(this.charts, value); this.displayNumbers = this.filterStatus(this.numbers, value); } onKeywordChange(value) { this.displayCharts = this.filterByKeyword(this.charts, value); this.displayNumbers = this.filterByKeyword(this.numbers, value); } filterChartType(indicators: Indicator[], value): Indicator[] { if (value === 'all') { return indicators; } else { return indicators.filter(indicator => indicator.indicatorPaths.filter(indicatorPath => indicatorPath.type === value).length > 0); } } filterPrivacy(indicators: Indicator[], value): Indicator[] { if (value === 'all') { return indicators; } else { return indicators.filter(indicator => indicator.isPublic === (value === 'public')); } } filterStatus(indicators: Indicator[], value): Indicator[] { if (value === 'all') { return indicators; } else { return indicators.filter(indicator => indicator.isActive === (value === 'active')); } } filterByKeyword(indicators: Indicator[], value): Indicator[] { if (value === null || value === '') { return indicators; } else { return indicators.filter(indicator => || indicator.description.includes(value)); } } get open(): boolean { return; } get canEdit() { return this.stakeholder && this.stakeholder.topics[this.topicIndex] && this.stakeholder.topics[this.topicIndex].categories[this.categoryIndex] && this.stakeholder.topics[this.topicIndex].categories[this.categoryIndex].subCategories[this.subcategoryIndex]; } public toggleOpen(event = null) { if (!event) { this.sideBarService.setOpen(!; } else if (event && event['value'] === true) { this.sideBarService.setOpen(false); } } public changeGrid(value) { this.grid = value; } }