Commit Graph

769 Commits (master)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Konstantina Galouni 84c155bb2e [Library & Monitor Dashboard | new-theme]: Small update on notifications & filters offcanvas.
1. shadow.css: Added variable --shadow-main-dark.
2. offcanvas.css:
   a. Set --offcanvas-shadow: var(--shadow-main-dark);
   b. In class .offcanvas-switcher remove transition (will not be visible when offcanvas is open)
   c. [Bug fix] In class .offcanvas-count increased font size and make background always round, added line-height: 20px.
   d. In rule ".offcanvas .uk-offcanvas-bar" set border-radius to 4px.
3. notification-utils.ts: Full stop added in messages.
4. notification-sidebar.component.css: In rule "#notifications .notification-list ul" set height: calc(100% - 77px).
5. notifications-sidebar.component.ts:
   a. Removed anything related to offcavnas events
   b. Removed commented code
   c. Added in icons visuallyHidden.
6. monitor.component.html:
   a. Removed "open" class when offcanvas is open.
   b. Added in icons visuallyHidden
   c. Added sign in link in filters when user is not logged in
   d. Added uk-text-small class in "Clear".
7. monitor.component.ts:
   a. Removed anything related to offcavnas events
   b. Added method "logIn()".
2 years ago
Alex Martzios 9f1d4a8f8a changes for manage profiles page 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 6fd0916013 Update libraries. Remove some icons from modules 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 50eedb2cbe Edit stakeholder: Make grid large 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou d9466d7fd0 Add id in bottom. Change container of general form. Edit stakholder: Make grid large and fix some alignment issues of upload. 2 years ago
Konstantina Galouni 5df716ca5f [Library & Monitor Dashboard | new-theme]: Applied new theme & redesign changes in notifications & filters offcanvas switcher icons and boxes.
1. offcanvas.css: [NEW] Custom css for custom 'offcanvas' classes.
2. import.css: Import new file offcanvas.css
3. structure.css: Removed custom css for notifications offcanvas.
4. monitor.component.ts: Added property "offcanvasOpen" which is set on UIkit.util.on events for offcavnas "#style_switcher" (filters).
5. monitor.component.html: Added "offcanvas-switcher", "offcanvas", "offcanvas-close" classes | Small changes in close button, switcher button and message.
6. monitor-dashboard-custom.css: For #filters_switcher_toggle only top is defined here. Now css will be imported by offcanvas.css file.
7. notification-user.component.ts: Updated default value for property 'colorClass' from 'portal-color' to 'uk-text-primary'.
8. notifications-sidebar.component.ts:
   a. Added property "offcanvasOpen" which is set on UIkit.util.on events for offcavnas "#notifications".
   b. Added "offcanvas-switcher", "offcanvas", "offcanvas-close" classes
   c. Small changes in close button, switcher button and font sizes.
9. notifications-sidebar.module.ts: Removed iconsService.registerIcons from constructor.
10. notification-sidebar.component.css: Unnecessary css removed | css updated and moved to new file offcanvas.css.
2 years ago
Alex Martzios 03dd96b73d design tweaks for dashboard - admin and update openaireLibrary repo 2 years ago
Alex Martzios 44cb8b9396 update openaireLibrary repo 2 years ago
Konstantina Galouni 75982b1ede [Library & Monitor Dashboard | new-theme]: Sidebar & Navbar checks updated to use the same method | "activeMenuItem" in route data (optional) to set which menu item is active when url does not match | Bug fix in <my-tabs>.
1. layout.service.ts: Added "activeMenuItemSubject" to keep value of data['activeMenuItem'].
2. menu.ts: Removed "markAsActive" (not used) | Set RootMenuItem as deprecated (should use only MenuItem) | Added "isTheActiveMenuItem()" method to check if a MenuItem (root or not / sidebar or navbar) is active.
3. navigationBar.component.ts: Updated "isTheActiveMenu()" method to call MenuItem.isTheActiveMenu() | Removed method "isTheActiveMenuItem()".
4. navigationBar.component.html: Always call "isTheActiveMenu()" method.
5. sideBar.component.ts: Added "get currentRoute()" and updated method "isTheActiveMenuItem()".
6. tabs.component.ts: [Bug fix] Removed [] from <li> of tabs (since small-tabs are not currently used it is ok to remove this) - caused by version update of Uikit.
7. monitor-routing.module.ts: Set activeMenuItem: "dashboard" for any path under a stakeholder that has nothing or anything under a topic. | Set activeMenuItem: "search" in paths under search.
8. app-routing.module.ts: Set activeMenuItem: "manage" for paths under admin/:stakeholder.
9. app.component.ts: Updated menu in Admin Dashboard (all items visible and logo of monitor used) | Set value for MenuItem.routeActive when adding menu items of topics and users.
2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 3d4335c89f Remove padding from edit-stakeholder. Fix margins in monitor page. Update libraries 2 years ago
Alex Martzios 6fab4e6fea admin dashboard - changes for general and users pages -redesign 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 57b98cd9b5 Remove page-content from pages of monitor dashboard except monitor.component.ts 2 years ago
Alex Martzios 5246ddd3be update openaire-theme repo 2 years ago
Alex Martzios c19646f846 redesign of admin-dashboard pages and update submodules 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 1b7fb83001 Monitor page: Move sub categories to inner content 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 2188f7da81 Scale header if sticky in monitor page 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 06d032e45c Change grid of indicatos base on new mocks. Add blend mode in iframes 2 years ago
Alex Martzios 36d09164de update openaireLibrary repo 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 2c09c400d8 change svg to png for logos 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 1f653c10d5 Add new uikit version. Change sticky in monitor page 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 586b28aeb3 Add logoUrl in header of monitor page and hide it if header is sticky 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 885a57f47c Change visibillity icons. Update libraries. Customize variables 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 8ede7a8db0 Add graph icon instead of file. Update all libraries 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 31e09a542a Merge branch 'new-theme' of into new-theme 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 338e7d0115 Change sidebar animation sticky to true. Remove fix position from navbar 2 years ago
Alex Martzios 30f2787f48 update openaireLibrary repo 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 9c67703a2d Change stakeholder page with the new theme. Some fixes in methodology and develop 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou fa77e9871f Develop and methodology mobile view justify. Change header rules in app component 2 years ago
Alex Martzios c758d33f8b develop and methodology pages redesign 2 years ago
Alex Martzios 07f5c322a2 progress on develop page re-design 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou ab4c684e6d Start new branch for monitor dashboard redesign 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou f76fd578c2 Update submodule before make a new branch 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 3553ce4d0d Fix upload bug when creating a stakeholder. 2 years ago
Alex Martzios 85b1fc7a9a update dynamically the stakeholders' alias list on create, edit, delete 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 7734212747 Update library and assets. Change route in manage stakeholders to absolute 2 years ago
argirok e5d390d299 new login properties for prod 2 years ago
argirok 0403ca6dee import indicators: use this.index to get the index of the category to import the indicators - used to import them always in the active subcategory 2 years ago
argirok e902ebaed5 extract stakeholder info even it is not in the first groupfilter 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou cebc5b08fe Merge branch 'master' of 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 8c0247c4c5 Change reorder of indicators in order to update uikit version 2 years ago
argirok c071795dad update login properties for beta single login service, copy url: remove check for dev 2 years ago
Alex Martzios 04c064fa38 Add 'Copy URL' button for number/chart URL(indicators) - dev only 2 years ago
Alex Martzios e2e43c6825 Add search input for stakeholders and default stakeholders 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou f8290a54b8 Add new upload methods in edit stakeholder form 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 46a09e886e Update develop links to graph/develop links 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 3e11718df1 Indicator Component: Remove filters. Cache number responses. Fix bug with delete save in subcategories. 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou e418fea31f Delete old theme assets 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 845ccf4cae Fix logoUrl upload. Add logoUrl pipe in stakeholders logoUrl 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou 54a095d05b Update Library and assets. Add new login/logout/userInfo in development properties 2 years ago
Konstantinos Triantafyllou b47c502279 Fix uk-grid for print button 2 years ago