You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Katerina e08b72eec2 changes to match the summary table addition of the api 5 months ago
app changes to match the summary table addition of the api 5 months ago
assets [Validator | main]: oaipmh-analysis.component.html: When no rule name, replaced - with [No title available] & added link in rule name | oaipmh-analysis.component.html: Commented option "all" for recordsNum & increased limit to 100 | oaipmh-validator.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added @ViewChild('customRecordsNum') customRecordsNum and in method updateRecordsNum(), if there is this input, mark it as checked & initialize form with this.recordsNum. 5 months ago
environments oaipmh-analysis.component.ts & oaipmh-history.component.ts & oaipmh-validator.component.ts & single-record-validator.component.ts & app.module.ts: Updated imports to get shared files from openaire-library | environment.ts: Added export let properties: EnvProperties | package.json & package-lock.json: Updated angular version from 14.1.0 to 14.2.3 and added dependency @angular/material": "^14.2.2". 9 months ago
favicon.ico initial commit 2 years ago
index.html First commit for the single record validator 2 years ago
main.ts initial commit 2 years ago
polyfills.ts initial commit 2 years ago
styles.less [Validator]: validator-custom.less: [NEW] file for validator specific colors and rules | single-record-validator.component.html: Removed check icon from validate button | styles.less: Imported new validator-custom.less and moved custom rules to validator-custom.less. 1 year ago
test.ts Migrate angular core and cli to version 15 and update dependencies to be compatible with the newer version. 9 months ago