[develop | DONE | ADDED] Add favicons, replacements for prod index.html, robots.txt, add small log in menu

This commit is contained in:
argirok 2023-12-13 11:13:30 +02:00
parent ebdff9eb44
commit f6fe83e8af
15 changed files with 305 additions and 7 deletions

View File

@ -91,7 +91,7 @@
"type": "initial",
"maximumWarning": "2mb",
"maximumError": "20mb"
"maximumError": "30mb"
"type": "anyComponentStyle",
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
"type": "initial",
"maximumWarning": "2mb",
"maximumError": "20mb"
"maximumError": "30mb"
"type": "anyComponentStyle",
@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
"type": "initial",
"maximumWarning": "2mb",
"maximumError": "20mb"
"maximumError": "30mb"
"type": "anyComponentStyle",

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ export class AppComponent extends ResearcherBaseComponent implements OnInit {
route: "/",
title: "Noami",
logoUrl: 'assets/logo/main.svg',
logoSmallUrl: null,
logoSmallUrl: 'assets/logo/small.svg',
position: 'left',
badge: true,
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ export class AppComponent extends ResearcherBaseComponent implements OnInit {
if (this.user) {
this.userMenuItems = [];
this.user.orcid = '0000-0003-4768-182X';
// this.user.orcid = '0000-0003-4768-182X';
if(this.user.orcid) {
this.authorId = this.user.orcid;
this.results = {

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src/assets/logo/favicon.ico Normal file

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View File

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108 -46 17 -8 47 -21 66 -29 19 -8 39 -15 45 -15 6 0 27 -7 48 -16 55 -24 71
-30 148 -54 39 -13 84 -28 100 -34 17 -6 35 -12 40 -13 6 -1 26 -6 45 -12 114
-31 272 -71 297 -76 15 -2 39 -7 53 -10 14 -4 39 -9 55 -12 46 -8 60 -11 60
-13 0 -1 14 -3 30 -5 17 -2 75 -11 130 -20 55 -9 120 -18 145 -20 25 -2 63 -6
86 -9 231 -28 767 -28 979 -1 22 3 63 7 90 10 28 2 61 6 75 9 14 2 44 7 68 10
23 3 61 9 85 13 23 4 52 7 65 7 12 1 22 3 22 6 0 3 10 7 23 8 24 2 62 10 62
12 0 1 13 3 28 5 34 5 221 49 297 71 185 54 485 158 508 176 6 6 12 8 12 5 0
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129 262 139 4 6 8 8 8 4 0 -27 565 346 676 447 7 5 29 24 49 40 43 34 95 79
169 145 77 69 334 328 396 399 30 34 60 68 66 74 39 44 204 258 204 266 0 5 3
11 8 13 4 2 21 22 39 46 l31 43 38 -53 c21 -29 42 -54 46 -56 5 -2 8 -8 8 -13
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65 9 65 7 102 13 131 20 14 3 40 8 59 11 19 2 55 9 80 15 25 6 57 13 71 15 60
12 121 27 220 55 58 17 110 31 115 33 6 1 37 11 70 21 33 11 63 20 68 21 4 1
8 2 10 4 1 1 9 3 17 5 25 5 263 96 304 116 22 10 44 19 49 19 4 0 92 41 193
90 102 50 187 90 190 90 3 0 10 5 17 10 18 16 169 100 179 100 4 0 8 5 8 10 0
6 4 10 10 10 5 0 63 35 127 77 65 43 122 80 128 82 5 2 15 10 22 17 7 6 28 22
48 34 19 12 35 26 35 31 0 5 6 9 13 9 6 0 27 14 46 30 18 17 37 30 40 30 3 0
17 10 31 23 14 12 45 38 69 57 25 19 56 46 70 60 13 13 26 20 27 15 1 -6 5
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-59 127 -117 364 -201 554 -197 98 2 211 20 271 43 13 5 27 9 32 10 4 0 35 15
70 32 230 116 388 307 459 554 l23 80 0 3970 0 3970 -21 65 c-12 36 -23 72
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188 -25 13 -48 29 -52 34 -4 6 -8 6 -8 1 0 -5 -7 -3 -15 4 -13 11 -270 140
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20 -8 2 -41 11 -72 19 -32 8 -58 13 -58 10 0 -3 -7 0 -15 7 -8 7 -15 10 -15 7
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-26 -16 -77 -48 -114 -70 -36 -22 -72 -45 -78 -50 -7 -6 -39 -28 -72 -50 -33
-22 -62 -42 -65 -45 -3 -3 -30 -23 -60 -45 -110 -80 -261 -202 -341 -277 -22
-21 -42 -38 -45 -38 -6 0 -307 -302 -344 -346 -54 -63 -186 -219 -195 -232 -5
-7 -18 -21 -27 -29 -9 -9 -15 -20 -12 -25 3 -4 1 -8 -4 -8 -5 0 -29 -28 -53
-62 -23 -35 -46 -65 -49 -68 -4 -3 -12 -15 -19 -28 l-12 -23 -20 25 c-10 13
-19 29 -19 34 0 5 -7 12 -15 16 -8 3 -15 10 -15 16 0 5 -8 20 -19 32 -10 13
-64 79 -119 148 -115 143 -124 154 -235 274 -105 114 -87 95 -217 216 -63 58
-124 115 -137 128 -13 12 -25 22 -27 22 -2 0 -17 13 -34 28 -16 16 -44 39 -62
53 -17 13 -61 48 -98 77 -37 29 -116 87 -177 130 -60 42 -111 80 -113 84 -2 5
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5 -19 17 -36 25 -203 104 -272 138 -282 138 -7 0 -13 5 -13 10 0 6 -6 10 -13
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-11 3 -25 5 -14 1 -70 8 -125 14 -55 6 -125 14 -155 17 -60 6 -647 14 -652 9z
m542 -1739 c14 -3 54 -7 90 -10 36 -3 78 -8 93 -11 15 -3 45 -7 67 -8 22 -1
40 -5 40 -8 0 -4 17 -9 38 -12 51 -7 77 -12 147 -30 130 -33 183 -49 250 -73
39 -14 89 -32 111 -39 23 -7 50 -18 60 -23 11 -5 30 -14 44 -20 139 -56 507
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103 -79 112 -88 9 -9 36 -32 59 -51 55 -46 256 -247 291 -292 15 -19 37 -46
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13 -24 29 -48 160 -238 326 -643 396 -963 1 -5 5 -21 8 -35 4 -14 9 -43 12
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0 -13 -37 -83 -50 -95 -3 -3 -6 -12 -8 -20 -2 -8 -10 -22 -18 -31 -8 -8 -14
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-58 -40 -29 -22 -56 -44 -62 -48 -5 -4 -35 -23 -65 -42 -30 -19 -57 -37 -60
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-4 -17 -7 -20 -8 -3 -1 -12 -5 -20 -8 -49 -20 -345 -91 -428 -102 -15 -2 -40
-6 -57 -9 -216 -37 -657 -42 -860 -11 -16 3 -46 7 -65 9 -19 3 -35 6 -35 7 0
1 -16 3 -35 4 -19 2 -35 4 -35 5 0 1 -28 7 -62 13 -10 1 -24 6 -31 11 -7 4
-16 5 -19 2 -3 -3 -20 1 -38 9 -19 7 -36 11 -39 8 -2 -3 -11 -1 -18 3 -7 4
-19 9 -28 10 -49 7 -242 71 -375 125 -136 55 -404 191 -417 213 -4 6 -8 8 -8
4 0 -9 -184 112 -188 124 -2 4 -10 8 -18 8 -8 0 -14 4 -14 9 0 5 -8 12 -17 15
-10 4 -38 24 -63 46 -25 22 -48 40 -51 40 -4 0 -23 16 -42 35 -19 19 -38 35
-41 35 -4 0 -42 35 -86 78 -44 43 -80 77 -80 75 0 -1 -21 21 -47 50 -27 28
-57 61 -69 73 -11 12 -38 43 -60 70 -21 27 -47 58 -57 69 -11 11 -33 40 -50
65 -17 25 -34 47 -37 50 -23 17 -210 321 -210 340 0 6 -5 10 -12 10 -6 0 -8 3
-5 7 4 3 3 11 -2 17 -15 18 -81 146 -75 146 2 0 -7 20 -20 45 -14 25 -24 45
-21 45 2 0 -5 21 -17 46 -35 80 -77 202 -70 208 3 3 0 6 -7 6 -7 0 -10 4 -7 8
3 5 -1 20 -9 35 -8 15 -12 27 -10 27 2 0 -1 15 -6 33 -14 42 -14 43 -28 112
-7 33 -15 67 -18 75 -8 20 -8 18 -17 73 -4 27 -9 56 -11 65 -1 10 -6 37 -9 62
-3 25 -8 55 -11 68 -19 101 -26 503 -10 662 4 47 8 106 9 132 1 27 4 48 7 48
3 0 6 6 6 13 1 24 14 103 25 142 5 22 12 51 14 65 2 14 6 34 8 45 7 26 43 166
45 173 1 1 1 3 1 5 0 5 89 254 104 289 9 21 17 40 17 43 0 2 29 63 65 135 35
72 63 133 63 137 0 3 4 9 9 12 5 3 24 33 43 66 42 75 181 281 226 336 10 11
25 29 33 39 8 9 33 39 55 66 40 51 264 276 325 329 19 17 58 48 85 70 28 22
52 42 55 45 3 3 34 27 70 52 36 26 71 52 78 58 6 6 12 7 12 3 0 -4 4 -3 8 2 4
6 30 25 57 43 28 17 55 36 61 41 6 4 20 12 32 15 12 4 22 12 22 17 0 6 4 8 9
5 5 -3 14 1 21 9 7 8 18 15 24 15 7 0 18 6 25 13 6 6 15 12 19 13 9 0 145 67
152 74 3 3 32 16 65 29 33 13 75 30 93 38 59 26 197 75 212 75 8 1 20 5 27 10
7 5 17 7 23 3 5 -3 10 -1 10 5 0 6 4 9 9 5 5 -3 12 -1 16 4 3 5 13 10 23 10 9
0 46 7 82 16 36 10 72 18 80 20 8 2 15 4 15 5 0 2 65 12 83 13 6 0 12 3 12 7
0 3 13 5 28 4 16 -1 45 4 65 11 21 7 37 9 37 3 0 -5 4 -7 8 -4 14 8 57 14 155
22 50 3 94 8 96 10 5 5 423 -4 451 -10z m7940 0 c30 -4 78 -9 105 -12 52 -6
76 -9 135 -19 19 -4 46 -8 60 -10 14 -2 36 -7 50 -10 66 -15 110 -22 115 -17
3 3 5 0 5 -6 0 -7 11 -12 24 -12 20 0 61 -10 106 -27 8 -3 24 -8 35 -10 114
-21 482 -183 672 -295 86 -50 263 -168 293 -195 8 -7 53 -43 100 -81 81 -64
309 -284 380 -367 54 -62 144 -177 166 -210 10 -16 24 -35 30 -42 16 -17 136
-206 173 -273 45 -82 115 -227 146 -300 15 -36 32 -76 38 -90 6 -14 11 -27 12
-30 1 -3 18 -55 38 -117 36 -111 80 -270 90 -328 3 -16 10 -54 16 -84 6 -29 8
-57 5 -62 -3 -5 -1 -9 4 -9 4 0 9 -20 11 -44 1 -25 4 -55 7 -68 18 -87 26
-551 11 -673 -5 -33 -10 -73 -12 -90 -2 -16 -6 -52 -9 -80 -6 -49 -13 -90 -16
-90 -1 0 -3 -13 -5 -30 -2 -16 -7 -41 -11 -55 -3 -14 -8 -36 -10 -50 -9 -45
-54 -207 -80 -282 -13 -40 -24 -74 -24 -76 0 -1 -7 -18 -15 -38 -8 -20 -15
-39 -15 -41 0 -3 -6 -19 -14 -36 -48 -113 -62 -142 -68 -145 -5 -2 -8 -9 -8
-17 0 -18 -102 -212 -155 -295 -25 -38 -45 -73 -45 -76 0 -2 -5 -10 -10 -17
-21 -26 -140 -189 -140 -193 0 -2 -8 -12 -17 -22 -10 -10 -36 -40 -58 -67
-173 -211 -404 -419 -645 -582 -119 -80 -190 -123 -190 -115 0 4 -5 -1 -11
-10 -5 -10 -18 -18 -29 -18 -10 0 -20 -3 -22 -8 -3 -7 -176 -94 -248 -125
-123 -52 -163 -67 -176 -67 -8 0 -14 -4 -14 -8 0 -5 -6 -9 -12 -9 -7 0 -50
-12 -94 -27 -45 -15 -90 -29 -100 -31 -11 -2 -39 -9 -64 -16 -25 -6 -54 -13
-65 -15 -43 -11 -50 -13 -50 -14 0 -2 -24 -7 -72 -14 -21 -3 -49 -8 -63 -10
-173 -32 -301 -41 -540 -39 -201 1 -320 7 -380 18 -14 3 -43 7 -65 10 -22 3
-47 7 -55 9 -8 1 -37 6 -65 10 -27 4 -57 10 -65 13 -8 4 -18 6 -22 5 -21 -4
-321 86 -443 133 -95 37 -120 46 -122 46 -5 -1 -308 152 -313 158 -3 3 -25 17
-50 30 -45 25 -255 165 -276 185 -6 6 -22 18 -34 26 -12 8 -30 22 -40 30 -10
8 -39 33 -66 55 -27 22 -70 61 -96 86 -27 25 -48 45 -48 43 0 -2 -90 91 -155
160 -17 18 -79 90 -116 135 -28 33 -79 102 -129 176 -30 44 -58 82 -62 85 -4
3 -14 22 -23 43 -8 20 -19 37 -24 37 -5 0 -11 8 -14 18 -3 9 -20 42 -38 72
-66 115 -125 241 -200 425 -4 11 -17 49 -29 85 -12 36 -26 73 -32 84 -7 14 -7
16 4 10 11 -6 11 -5 0 8 -7 9 -15 27 -17 39 -3 13 -11 47 -20 74 -23 77 -57
248 -71 350 -3 28 -8 58 -10 68 -25 134 -25 558 1 752 3 22 7 56 9 75 3 19 5
35 6 35 1 0 3 14 6 32 5 44 44 224 51 243 3 8 6 18 5 22 -1 4 3 19 8 33 5 14
12 36 14 48 5 27 71 222 87 257 6 14 15 33 20 42 5 10 9 22 9 28 0 6 23 59 52
118 28 59 52 109 52 112 1 3 13 26 29 52 15 26 27 51 27 57 0 6 4 11 9 11 5 0
11 8 15 18 21 63 239 370 345 487 90 99 257 263 327 321 114 94 117 97 166
130 26 18 44 35 41 38 -4 3 -1 6 6 6 8 0 35 16 61 35 26 19 53 35 59 35 6 0
11 5 11 10 0 6 4 10 9 10 6 0 29 13 53 28 24 16 68 42 98 58 30 16 58 33 61
37 3 5 9 9 12 8 4 0 50 20 104 45 154 72 167 78 178 80 6 1 35 12 65 24 30 12
98 35 150 51 52 16 109 33 125 39 27 8 51 14 110 25 35 7 60 13 60 15 0 2 24
7 72 14 21 3 49 8 62 10 14 3 45 8 70 11 25 3 56 7 69 10 12 2 64 7 115 10 51
4 93 8 94 9 6 5 380 -2 433 -8z"/>
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-6 13 -13 21 -14 8 -1 34 -9 59 -16 57 -17 1041 -22 1063 -5 12 8 14 93 12
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23 39 12 72 26 72 31 0 6 7 10 15 10 24 0 131 112 157 165 26 51 55 164 52
200 -10 113 -28 171 -76 243 -70 103 -179 171 -298 186 -49 6 -80 17 -80 27 0
5 -5 9 -11 9 -23 0 -59 56 -70 110 -23 109 -50 174 -94 228 -61 75 -129 121
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