[develop WIP] upload dois: add filters, stats progress bar

This commit is contained in:
argirok 2023-11-09 15:35:44 +02:00
parent 373e7c7c42
commit bd46630319
4 changed files with 411 additions and 108 deletions

View File

@ -1,42 +1,170 @@
<div class="uk-float-left"> <div style="background: #F9FBFC;">
<span class="js-upload" uk-form-custom> <div style="background: #DCE9E3; height: 200px" class="uk-grid uk-padding-large">
<input id="exampleInputFile" class="uk-width-medium" type="file" (change)="fileChangeEvent($event)"/> <div class="uk-width-expand">
<span class="uk-link " style="text-decoration: underline;">Upload a DOI's CSV file </span> <div>Title</div>
<div>Lorem ipsum.......</div>
<div *ngIf="filesToUpload && !loading" class="uk-width-xlarge">
<div class="uk-text-right">
<span class="js-upload uk-button uk-button-primary" uk-form-custom>
<input id="upload-new" class="uk-width-medium" type="file" (change)="fileChangeEvent($event)"/>
<span uk-icon="upload"></span>
upload new file
<!-- <span class="uk-link " style="text-decoration: underline;">Upload a DOI's CSV file </span>-->
</span> </span>
<!--button class="uk-button portal-button" type="button" tabindex="-1" [class.disabled]="!enableUpload" ><span class="uk-margin-small-right uk-icon" > </div>
<svg width="20" height="20" viewBox="0 0 20 20" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <polyline fill="none" stroke="#000" points="5 8 9.5 3.5 14 8 "></polyline> <rect x="3" y="17" width="13" height="1"></rect> <div *ngIf="filesToUpload[0]" class="uk-grid">
<line fill="none" stroke="#000" x1="9.5" y1="15" x2="9.5" y2="4"></line></svg></span> Select</button--> <div class="uk-width-auto">
<!--helper div="link-result-bulk" tooltip=true ></helper--> <span uk-icon="icon: file-text; ratio:3"></span>
<span class=" " uk-tooltip><span class="uk-icon" uk-icon="icon: info; ratio: 0.8">&nbsp; </span> </span> </div>
</div> <div class="uk-width-expand">
<div class="uk-width-1-1"> {{filesToUpload[0].name}}
All valid DOIs: {{allIds.length}} <br> <progress class="uk-progress" [value]="enableUpload?100:10" max="100"></progress>
invalid DOIs: {{noValidIds.length}} <br> </div>
duplicate: {{duplicateIds.length}} <br> </div>
found in Openaire: {{foundIds.length}} <br> </div>
not found in Openaire: {{notFoundIds.length}} <br> </div>
</div> <div *ngIf="!filesToUpload || loading" class="uk-section uk-container uk-flex uk-flex-center">
<div class="js-upload uk-placeholder uk-text-center uk-width-xlarge" uk-form-custom>
<div><span uk-icon="icon: upload; ratio: 3"></span></div>
<div><span class="uk-text-large">Drag and Drop your file here</span></div>
<div class="uk-text-meta uk-text-small">File supported: CSV</div>
<div class="uk-padding">or</div>
<div class="uk-button uk-button-secondary">
<input id="exampleInputFile" class="" type="file" (change)="fileChangeEvent($event)"/>
<span class="uk-link">CHOOSE FILE</span>
<div class="uk-text-meta uk-text-small uk-margin-small-top">Maximum size: 5 MB</div>
<div *ngIf="loading" class="uk-section uk-container uk-flex uk-flex-center">
<div *ngIf="filesToUpload[0]" class="uk-grid">
<div class="uk-width-auto">
<span uk-icon="icon: file-text; ratio:3"></span>
<div class="uk-width-expand">
<progress class="uk-progress" [value]="this.getercentage(this.foundIds.length + this.notFoundIds.length, false)" max="100"></progress>
<div><span *ngIf="loading">{{this.getercentage(this.foundIds.length + this.notFoundIds.length, false)}}% done</span>
<div *ngIf="filesToUpload && !loading"class=" uk-padding-large">
<div class="uk-grid ">
<div *ngIf="foundIds.length + notFoundIds.length <allIds.length"> Fetching {{foundIds.length + notFoundIds.length}}/{{allIds.length}}... </div> <div class="uk-width-3-4">
{{results.length}} <modal-loading
<div> [message]="'Uploading, reading your document and fetching results. Please give us a moment..'"></modal-loading>
<paging-no-load [totalResults]="foundIds.length" [size]="size" [currentPage]="page" (pageChange)="updatePage($event)"></paging-no-load> <div>
<table class="uk-table uk-table-responsive uk-table-striped"> <!-- Filters-->
<tr *ngFor="let result of results.slice((page-1)*size,page*size)"> <div class="uk-grid">
<td>{{result.doi}}</td> <div>
<ng-container *ngIf="result.found"> <a class="uk-link uk-width-small" >Filter by</a>
<td>{{result.title}}</td> <div uk-dropdown>
<td>{{result.accessMode}}</td> <ul class="uk-nav uk-dropdown-nav">
<td>{{result.accessRoute}}</td> <li *ngFor="let option of filterByOptions" [class.uk-active]="filterBy == option.value"><a [class.uk-disabled]="stats[option[option.value]]==0" (click)="updateFilterBy(option.value)">{{option.label}}</a></li>
</ng-container> </ul>
<ng-container *ngIf="!result.found"> </div>
<td> not found </td> </div>
</ng-container> <div>
<a class="uk-link uk-width-small" >Sort by</a>
<div uk-dropdown>
<ul class="uk-nav uk-dropdown-nav">
<li *ngFor="let option of sortByOptions" [class.uk-active]="filterBy == option.value"><a (click)="updateSortBy(option.value)">{{option.label}}</a></li>
<div search-input [value]="keyword" (valueChange)="updateKeyword($event)"></div>
Viewing {{(page-1)*size}}-{{resultsToShow.length>(page)*size? (page)*size : resultsToShow.length}} of {{resultsToShow.length}}
<div *ngIf="resultsToShow.length > size">
<ul [class.uk-invisible]="resultsToShow.length<size" class="uk-pagination">
<li ><a class="uk-icon-button uk-icon-button-small" [class.uk-disabled]="page <= 1" (click)="updatePage(page-1)"><span uk-pagination-previous></span></a></li>
<li><a class="uk-icon-button uk-icon-button-small" [class.uk-disabled]="page*size > resultsToShow.length" (click)="updatePage(page+1)"><span uk-pagination-next></span></a></li>
<!--<paging-no-load [totalResults]="foundIds.length" [size]="size" [currentPage]="page"
<table class="uk-table uk-table-responsive uk-table-striped">
<!-- <th>DOI</th>-->
<th>Access Mode</th>
<th>Access Route</th>
<th> in OpenAIRE</th>
<tr *ngFor="let result of resultsToShow.slice((page-1)*size,page*size)">
<ng-container *ngIf="result.found">
<td><a [href]="'https://beta.explore.openaire.eu/search/result?pid='+result.doi"
<ng-container *ngIf="!result.found">
<td colspan="3"> {{result.doi}}</td>
<td><span *ngIf="result.found" uk-icon="check" class="uk-text-success"></span></td>
<div class="uk-width-1-4">
<div class="uk-margin-top">
<span class="uk-text-bold uk-margin-small-bottom">{{foundIds.length}} results</span> found in Irish Monitor
<div class=" uk-card uk-card-default uk-padding-small uk-margin-small-top uk-margin-small-bottom">
<div class="uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom uk-text-large">Access Rights</div>
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-remove-top"><div class="uk-width-expand"><span class="dot open"></span> Open Access</div><div class="uk-text-right uk-width-auto"> {{stats['open']}} ({{getercentage(stats['open'])}}%)</div></div>
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-remove-top"><div class="uk-width-expand"><span class="dot restricted"></span> Restricted</div><div class="uk-text-right uk-width-auto"> {{stats['restricted']}} ({{getercentage(stats['restricted'])}}%)</div></div>
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-remove-top"><div class="uk-width-expand"><span class="dot embargo"></span> Embargo</div><div class="uk-text-right uk-width-auto"> {{stats['embargo']}} ({{getercentage(stats['embargo'])}}%)</div></div>
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-remove-top"><div class="uk-width-expand"><span class="dot closed"></span> Closed</div><div class="uk-text-right uk-width-auto"> {{stats['closed']}} ({{getercentage(stats['closed'])}}%)</div></div>
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-remove-top"><div class="uk-width-expand"><span class="dot green"></span> Green</div><div class="uk-text-right uk-width-auto"> {{stats['green']}} ({{getercentage(stats['green'])}}%)</div></div>
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-remove-top"><div class="uk-width-expand"><span class="dot gold"></span> Gold</div><div class="uk-text-right uk-width-auto"> {{stats['gold']}} ({{getercentage(stats['gold'])}}%)</div></div>
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-remove-top"><div class="uk-width-expand"><span class="dot hybrid"></span> Hybrid</div><div class="uk-text-right uk-width-auto"> {{stats['hybrid']}} ({{getercentage(stats['hybrid'])}}%)</div></div>
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-remove-top"><div class="uk-width-expand"><span class="dot bronze"></span> Bronze</div><div class="uk-text-right uk-width-auto"> {{stats['bronze']}} ({{getercentage(stats['bronze'])}}%)</div></div>
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-remove-top"><div class="uk-width-expand"><span class="dot diamond"></span> Diamond</div><div class="uk-text-right uk-width-auto"> {{stats['diamond']}} ({{getercentage(stats['diamond'])}}%)</div></div>
<div class=" uk-card uk-card-default uk-padding-small uk-margin-small-top uk-margin-small-bottom">
<div class="uk-grid uk-child-width-1-3 ">
<div *ngIf="allIds.length > 0" class="uk-text-center ">
<div class=""><span uk-icon="icon:check; ratio:2" class="uk-icon-button"></span></div>
<div> <div>valid</div>
<div class="uk-text-bold">{{allIds.length}}</div>
<div *ngIf="notFoundIds.length > 0" class="uk-text-center ">
<div class=""><span uk-icon="icon:question; ratio:2" class="uk-icon-button"></span></div>
<div> <div>not found</div>
<div class="uk-text-bold">{{notFoundIds.length}}</div>
<div *ngIf="duplicateIds.length > 0" class="uk-text-center ">
<div class=""><span uk-icon="icon:copy; ratio:2" class="uk-icon-button"></span></div>
<div> <div>duplicates</div>
<div class="uk-text-bold">{{duplicateIds.length}}</div>
<!--<div *ngIf="noValidIds.length > 0" class="uk-text-center ">
<div class=""><span uk-icon="icon:close; ratio:2" class="uk-icon-button"></span></div>
<div> <div>invalid</div>
<div class="uk-text-bold">{{noValidIds.length}}</div>
</div> </div>
</div> </div>
[message]="'Uploading, reading your document and fetching results. Please give us a moment..'"></modal-loading>

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
.dot {
height: 8px;
width: 8px;
background-color: #bbb;
border-radius: 50%;
display: inline-block;
margin-right: 4px;
background-color: orange;
background-color: #920192;
background-color: #003E92;
background-color: #E34950;
background-color: #24B050;
background-color: #EAB201;
background-color: #ED7D31;
background-color: #806001;
background-color: #595959;

View File

@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
import {Component, Input, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {Component, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {Dates, DOI, Identifier, StringUtils} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/string-utils.class"; import {DOI, Identifier} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/string-utils.class";
import {EnvProperties} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties"; import {EnvProperties} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties";
import {ErrorCodes} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/errorCodes"; import {ErrorCodes} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/errorCodes";
import {Subscriber, timer} from "rxjs"; import {Subscriber, timer} from "rxjs";
import {properties} from "../../environments/environment"; import {properties} from "../../environments/environment";
import {ClaimEntity} from "../openaireLibrary/claims/claim-utils/claimHelper.class";
import {ModalLoading} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/modal/loading.component";
import {SearchResearchResultsService} from "../openaireLibrary/services/searchResearchResults.service"; import {SearchResearchResultsService} from "../openaireLibrary/services/searchResearchResults.service";
import {map} from "rxjs/operators"; import {map} from "rxjs/operators";
@Component({ @Component({
selector: 'upload-dois', selector: 'upload-dois',
templateUrl: './upload-dois.component.html', templateUrl: './upload-dois.component.html',
}) })
export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit { export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
page: number = 1; page: number = 1;
size: number = 20; size: number = 2;
public keyword: string = "";//"paolo manghi";//'0000-0001-7291-3210';
properties: EnvProperties = properties; properties: EnvProperties = properties;
public errorCodes: ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes(); public errorCodes: ErrorCodes = new ErrorCodes();
public warningMessage = ""; public warningMessage = "";
@ -26,7 +24,8 @@ export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
filesToUpload: Array<File>; filesToUpload: Array<File>;
public select: boolean = true; public select: boolean = true;
public results =[]; public results = [];
public resultsToShow = [];
allIds: string[] = []; allIds: string[] = [];
foundIds: string[] = []; foundIds: string[] = [];
@ -38,11 +37,41 @@ export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
noValidIds: string[] = []; noValidIds: string[] = [];
noValidIdsRow: number[] = []; noValidIdsRow: number[] = [];
showReport: boolean = false; showReport: boolean = false;
@ViewChild(ModalLoading) loading: ModalLoading;
errorMessage = ""; errorMessage = "";
enableUpload: boolean = true; enableUpload: boolean = true;
exceedsLimit = false; exceedsLimit = false;
fileLimit = 5; fileLimit = 5;
stats = {
open: 0,
closed: 0,
embargo: 0,
restricted: 0,
filterBy = null;
filterByOptions = [{label: "In Openaire", value: "openaire"},
{label: "Not found", value: "notFound"},
{label: "Open Access", value: "access-open"},
{label: "Embargo", value: "access-embargo"},
{label: "Restricted", value: "access-restricted"},
{label: "Closed", value: "access-closed"},
{label: "Green", value: "route-green"},
{label: "Gold", value: "route-gold"},
{label: "Hybrid", value: "route-hybrid"},
{label: "Bronze", value: "route-bronze"},
{label: "Diamond", value: "route-diamond"},
sortBy = null;
sortByOptions = [{label: "Title", value: "title"},
{label: "Access mode", value: "accessMode"},
keyword = "";
loading = false;
constructor(private _searchResearchResultsService: SearchResearchResultsService) { constructor(private _searchResearchResultsService: SearchResearchResultsService) {
} }
@ -58,11 +87,17 @@ export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
} }
}); });
} }
upload() { upload() {
this.loading = true;
this.enableUpload = false; this.enableUpload = false;
this.showReport = false; this.showReport = false;
this.errorMessage = ""; this.errorMessage = "";
console.log(this.filesToUpload); this.results = [];
this.resultsToShow = [];
this.sortBy = null;
this.filterBy = null;
this.keyword = "";
if (this.filesToUpload.length == 0) { if (this.filesToUpload.length == 0) {
this.errorMessage = "There is no selected file to upload."; this.errorMessage = "There is no selected file to upload.";
return; return;
@ -73,8 +108,6 @@ export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
return; return;
} }
} }
// this.loading.open();
this.makeFileRequest(this.properties.utilsService + '/upload', [], this.filesToUpload).then((result) => { this.makeFileRequest(this.properties.utilsService + '/upload', [], this.filesToUpload).then((result) => {
const rows = (result as any).split('\n'); // I have used space, you can use any thing. const rows = (result as any).split('\n'); // I have used space, you can use any thing.
@ -87,18 +120,18 @@ export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
this.noValidIds = []; this.noValidIds = [];
// this.results.slice(0, this.results.length); // this.results.slice(0, this.results.length);
this.notFoundIds = []; this.notFoundIds = [];
if(rows.length > this.fileLimit){ if (rows.length > this.fileLimit) {
this.exceedsLimit = true; this.exceedsLimit = true;
} }
for (let i = 0; i < ( rows.length); i++) {23 for (let i = 0; i < (rows.length); i++) {
if (rows[i] && rows[i] != null && rows[i]!="") { if (rows[i] && rows[i] != null && rows[i] != "") {
const values = rows[i].split(','); const values = rows[i].split(',');
let id = this.removeDoubleQuotes(values[0]); let id = this.removeDoubleQuotes(values[0]);
if (DOI.isValidDOI(id)) { if (DOI.isValidDOI(id)) {
id = Identifier.getRawDOIValue(id); id = Identifier.getRawDOIValue(id);
console.log(id, id.split("\r")[0]); console.log(id, id.split("\r")[0]);
id=id.split("\r")[0] id = id.split("\r")[0]
if (this.allIds.indexOf(id) > -1) { if (this.allIds.indexOf(id) > -1) {
this.duplicateIds.push(id); this.duplicateIds.push(id);
this.duplicateIdsRow.push(i + 1); this.duplicateIdsRow.push(i + 1);
@ -114,16 +147,16 @@ export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
} }
} }
this.enableUpload = true;
this.fetchAllResults(); this.fetchAllResults();
}, (error) => { }, (error) => {
this.enableUpload = true; this.enableUpload = true;
this.errorMessage = "An error occured."; this.errorMessage = "An error occured.";
this.handleError("Error uploading file", error); this.handleError("Error uploading file", error);
}); });
} }
private removeDoubleQuotes(value) { private removeDoubleQuotes(value) {
if (value.indexOf('"') == 0) { if (value.indexOf('"') == 0) {
value = value.substring(1, value.length); value = value.substring(1, value.length);
} }
@ -134,7 +167,7 @@ export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
return value; return value;
} }
private validateAccessMode(value) { private validateAccessMode(value) {
const accessModes = ["OPEN", "CLOSED", "EMBARGO"]; const accessModes = ["OPEN", "CLOSED", "EMBARGO"];
return accessModes.indexOf(value) > -1; return accessModes.indexOf(value) > -1;
} }
@ -167,51 +200,63 @@ export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
fetchAllResults() { fetchAllResults() {
let page = 1; let page = 1;
let timerSubscription = timer(0, 1000).pipe( let timerSubscription = timer(0, 1000).pipe(
map(() => { map(() => {
if((page-1)*this.size <= this.allIds.length) { if ((page - 1) * this.size <= this.allIds.length) {
this.fetchResultsByPage(page); // load data contains the http request this.fetchResultsByPage(page); // load data contains the http request
page += 1; page += 1;
}else{ } else {
this.stopFetching(timerSubscription); this.stopFetching(timerSubscription);
} }
}) })
).subscribe(); ).subscribe();
this.subscriptions.push(timerSubscription); this.subscriptions.push(timerSubscription);
} }
stopFetching(timerSubscription) {
timerSubscription.unsubscribe(); timerSubscription.unsubscribe();
} this.loading = false;
fetchResultsByPage(page) {
let dois = this.allIds.slice((page-1)*this.size,page*this.size);
if(dois.length == 0){
let query = ""
for (let i = 0; i < dois.length; i++) {
query += (query.length > 0 ? " or " : "") + '(pidclassid exact "doi" and pid="' + StringUtils.URIEncode(dois[i]) + '")';
// this.subscriptions.push(this._searchResearchResultsService.advancedSearchResults("publications",query ,1,this.size,null,properties,"&type=results").subscribe(data=>{
this.subscriptions.push(this._searchResearchResultsService.fetchByDOIs(dois).subscribe( data => {
for(let result of data[1]){
let matchingDOI =this.findMatchingDoi(result.DOIs,dois)
this.results.push({ doi:matchingDOI, title: result.title.name, accessMode:result.title.accessMode, accessRoute:null, found: true})
for(let doi of dois){
if(this.foundIds.indexOf(doi) ==-1){
// this.results.push({ doi:doi, title: null, accessMode:null, accessRoute:null, found: false})
} }
findMatchingDoi(resultDois,requestedDois){ fetchResultsByPage(page) {
for(let doi of resultDois){ let dois = this.allIds.slice((page - 1) * this.size, page * this.size);
if(requestedDois.indexOf(doi)!=-1){ if (dois.length == 0) {
this.subscriptions.push(this._searchResearchResultsService.fetchByDOIs(dois).subscribe(data => {
for (let result of data[1]) {
let matchingDOI = this.findMatchingDoi(result.DOIs, dois);
let showRes = {
doi: matchingDOI,
title: result.title.name,
accessMode: result.title.accessMode,
accessRoute: null,
green: false,
diamond: false,
found: true
if (data[0] < dois.length) {
for (let doi of dois) {
if (this.foundIds.indexOf(doi) == -1) {
this.results.push({doi: doi, title: null, accessMode: null, green: false, openAccessColor:null, diamond: false, accessRoute: null, found: false})
this.resultsToShow = [...this.results];
findMatchingDoi(resultDois, requestedDois) {
for (let doi of resultDois) {
if (requestedDois.indexOf(doi) != -1) {
return doi; return doi;
} }
@ -219,27 +264,118 @@ export class UploadDoisComponent implements OnInit {
return null; return null;
} }
private handleError(message: string, error) { private handleError(message: string, error) {
console.error("Bulk Claim (component): " + message, error); console.error("Upload error: " + message, error);
} }
private isSelected(result: ClaimEntity) { addStatsPerResult(result) {
if (result.title.accessMode == "Open Access") {
let found: boolean = false; this.stats.open++;
const id = result.id;
for (let _i = 0; _i < this.results.length; _i++) {
let item = this.results[_i];
if (item.id && item.id == id) {
found = true;
} }
return found; if (result.title.accessMode == "Closed Access") {
// indexOf doesn't work when results came from this.stats.closed++;
// return this.selectedResults.indexOf(entity)!=-1; }
if (result.title.accessMode == "Embargo") {
if (result.title.accessMode == "Restricted") {
//TDO add access routes stats
} }
updatePage($event) { updatePage(page) {
this.page = $event.value; this.page = page;
updateSortBy(sortBy) {
this.sortBy = sortBy;
updateFilterBy(filterBy) {
this.filterBy = filterBy;
this.keyword = keyword;
updateView() {
this.resultsToShow = [...this.results];
if (this.filterBy) {
this.resultsToShow = this.filterResults();
if(this.keyword.length > 0){
this.resultsToShow = this.filterResultsByKeyword();
this.resultsToShow= this.sortResults();
filterResults() {
return this.results.filter(res =>{
if(this.filterBy == "openaire"){
return res.found
}else if(this.filterBy == "notFound"){
return !res.found
}else if(this.filterBy == "access-closed"){
return res.accessMode == "Closed Access";
}else if(this.filterBy == "access-restricted"){
return res.accessMode == "Restricted";
}else if(this.filterBy == "access-open"){
return res.accessMode == "Open Access";
}else if(this.filterBy == "access-embargo") {
return res.accessMode == "Embargo";
}else if(this.filterBy == "route-green") {
return res.green;
}else if(this.filterBy == "route-diamond") {
return res.diamond;
}else if(this.filterBy == "route-gold") {
return res.openAccessColor == "gold";
}else if(this.filterBy == "route-hybrid") {
return res.openAccessColor == "hybrid";
}else if(this.filterBy == "route-bronze") {
return res.openAccessColor == "bronze";
return true;
filterResultsByKeyword() {
return this.resultsToShow.filter(res =>{
return (res.found && (res.title && res.title.toLowerCase().indexOf(this.keyword.toLowerCase()) !=-1))
|| (res.doi && res.doi.indexOf(this.keyword.toLowerCase()) != -1);
return this.resultsToShow.sort((n1, n2) => {
if (n1[this.sortBy] && n2[this.sortBy] && n1[this.sortBy] > n2[this.sortBy]) {
return 1;
if (n1[this.sortBy] && n2[this.sortBy] && n1[this.sortBy] < n2[this.sortBy]) {
return -1;
return 0;
getercentage(number, foundIds = true){
return "";
let from = foundIds?this.foundIds.length:this.allIds.length
var num = new Number((number/from)*100);
return num == 100?100:num.toPrecision(2);
} }
} }

View File

@ -2,17 +2,16 @@ import {NgModule} from '@angular/core';
import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common'; import {CommonModule} from '@angular/common';
import {UploadDoisComponent} from "./upload-dois.component"; import {UploadDoisComponent} from "./upload-dois.component";
import {UploadDoisRoutingModule} from "./upload-dois-routing.module"; import {UploadDoisRoutingModule} from "./upload-dois-routing.module";
import {LoadingModalModule} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/modal/loadingModal.module";
import {SearchResearchResultsServiceModule} from "../openaireLibrary/services/searchResearchResultsService.module"; import {SearchResearchResultsServiceModule} from "../openaireLibrary/services/searchResearchResultsService.module";
import {PagingModule} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/paging.module"; import {PagingModule} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/paging.module";
import {SearchInputModule} from "../openaireLibrary/sharedComponents/search-input/search-input.module";
@NgModule({ @NgModule({
declarations: [UploadDoisComponent], declarations: [UploadDoisComponent],
imports: [ imports: [
CommonModule, UploadDoisRoutingModule, LoadingModalModule, SearchResearchResultsServiceModule, PagingModule CommonModule, UploadDoisRoutingModule, SearchResearchResultsServiceModule, PagingModule, SearchInputModule
], ],
// exports: [UploadDoisComponent]
}) })
export class UploadDoisModule { } export class UploadDoisModule { }