# Irish Monitor Service Irish Monitor Service is a service that integrates both OpenAIRE Login API and OpenAIRE Monitor API and provide all functionalities for National Open Access Monitor, Ireland. ## Maven Java Version: 1.8, Sprint boot Version: 1.5.8.RELEASE This service has dependencies downloaded from [D4Science Nexus repository](https://maven.research-infrastructures.eu/nexus/content/repositories/dnet45-releases), so there is a definition of this repository inside [pom.xml](pom.xml). ### Install mvn clean install -DskipTests -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true; #### Standalone (Recommended) 1. Create a new system service and enable in order to start up at boot. cd /etc/systemd/system sudo vim service-name.service 2. Add the following content by replacing () accordingly. [Unit] Description=service-name After=syslog.target [Service] User=root ExecStart=(/home/user/spring-boot/)irish-monitor-service.war (--spring.profiles.active=swagger) --server.port=(port) (--server.context-path=/irish-monitor-service) --spring.config.location=file:///(home/user/spring-boot/config/application.properties) SuccessExitStatus=143 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target 3. Configure the service. sudo systemctl daemon-reload sudo systemctl enable service-name 4. Handle service. sudo systemctl start service-name sudo systemctl stop service-name sudo systemctl restart service-name sudo systemctl status service-name #### Container (eg Tomcat) 1. Add the war in the _webapps_ folder. 2. Create application.properties file in _lib_ folder. ## Configuration In order to configure this service you have to set the following properties: stats-tool.rfo=?json= stats-tool.rpo=?json= stats-tool.repository=?json= ## Login core This dependency provides the Authentication and Authorization functionality. In order to configure it you have to set the following properties: authentication.domain= authentication.oidc.home=/openid_connect_login authentication.oidc.scope=openid,profile,email,eduperson_entitlement,orcid authentication.oidc.id= authentication.oidc.secret= authentication.oidc.issuer=https://aai.openaire.eu/auth/realms/openaire authentication.oidc.redirect=/redirect authentication.session=irishSession authentication.redirect= authentication.redis.host= authentication.redis.port= authentication.redis.passwork= authentication.authorities-mapper=irish.eduperson_entitlement // DO NOT CHANGE authentication.keycloak=true ## Monitor Service This dependency provides the main service functionality in order to create/edit/delete monitor profiles and their content. In order to configure it you have to set the following properties: monitorservice.mongodb.host= monitorservice.mongodb.port= monitorservice.mongodb.database= monitorservice.mongodb.username= monitorservice.mongodb.password= ## Admin Tools Library (integrated in Monitor Service) This dependency provides utilities to store dynamic HTML content, send Email and verify Google recaptcha. In order to configure it you have to set the following properties: admintoolslibrary.mail.from = admintoolslibrary.mail.username = admintoolslibrary.mail.password = admintoolslibrary.mail.host = admintoolslibrary.mail.port = admintoolslibrary.mail.auth = true admintoolslibrary.mail.sslProtocols = TLSv1.2 admintoolslibrary.mail.defaultEncoding=UTF-8 admintoolslibrary.mail.protocol= admintoolslibrary.mail.testConnection=false admintoolslibrary.google.secret =