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-- First of all download
-- To find the XML keys inside above XML and under the "article" tag, execute.
select jgroupunion(jdictkeys(c1)) from (xmlparse root:article fast:1 file 'dblp.xml.gz');
-- ["article/@/mdate","article/@/key","article/author","article/title/*","article/journal","article/volume","article/month","article/year","article/cdrom","article/ee","article/url","article/@/publtype","article/editor","article/publisher","article/pages","article/number","article/cite","article/cite/@/label","article/crossref","article/booktitle","article/note","article/@/rating","article/@/reviewid"]
-- We do the same for "www" and "inproceedings" tags.
select jgroupunion(jdictkeys(c1)) from (xmlparse root:www fast:1 file 'dblp.gz');
select jgroupunion(jdictkeys(c1)) from (xmlparse root:inproceedings fast:1 file 'dblp.xml.gz');
-- We create the article, www and inproceedings tables.
create table article as
select * from (
xmlparse '["article/@/mdate","article/@/key","article/author","article/title/*","article/journal","article/volume","article/month","article/year","article/cdrom","article/ee","article/url","article/@/publtype","article/editor","article/publisher","article/pages","article/number","article/cite","article/cite/@/label","article/crossref","article/booktitle","article/note","article/@/rating","article/@/reviewid"]' fast:1 file 'dblp.xml.gz' );
create table www as select * from (xmlparse '["www/@/mdate","www/@/key","www/author","www/title","www/year","www/url","www/editor","www/booktitle","www/note","www/crossref","www/cite","www/ee","www/note/@/type","www/author/@/bibtex"]' fast:1 file 'dblp.xml.gz');
create table inproceedings as select * from (xmlparse '["inproceedings/@/mdate","inproceedings/@/key","inproceedings/author","inproceedings/title/*","inproceedings/pages","inproceedings/year","inproceedings/booktitle","inproceedings/month","inproceedings/url","inproceedings/note","inproceedings/cdrom","inproceedings/ee","inproceedings/crossref","inproceedings/cite","inproceedings/editor","inproceedings/cite/@/label","inproceedings/@/publtype","inproceedings/number"]' fast:1 file 'dblp.xml.gz');
-- Lets say that we want to find the author tenure dates from the data. We'll do it by using a heuristic method, where the "oldest" author among a paper's author list is considered to be the "professor". Please NOTE that the used heuristic is very unreliable.
-- We start by creating a table that will contain author and his publication years.
create table authorpubyear as select jsplitv(t2j(author)) as author, year from article;
-- From author's publications we find the oldest one.
create table authorminyear as select author,min(year) as year from authorpubyear group by author;
create index idxauthorminyear on authorminyear(author);
-- For articles that have multiple authors (XMLPARSE uses TAB for multiple values on the same key, this is why we use "like '%TAB%'" below), find their minyear and select the author having the minimum minyear among them.
create table professors as
select minrow(myear,author) as pauthor,pyear from (
(select authorminyear.year from authorminyear where as myear,
(select key,jsplitv(t2j(author)) as author,year as pyear from article where author like '% %') as a
) group by key;
-- We assume that the first time that an author appeared as a professor in a paper, is his tenure year.
create table tenures as select pauthor,min(pyear) as tyear from professors group by pauthor;
-- Now, lets calculate some other statistics.
-- Number of per author publications before tenure
select pauthor,count(year) from authorpubyear, tenures where and authorpubyear.year<tenures.tyear group by pauthor;
-- Distribution of number of publications before tenure
select btyear,count(btyear) from (select pauthor,count(year) as btyear from authorpubyear, tenures where and authorpubyear.year<tenures.tyear group by pauthor) group by btyear;
-- Top 100 number of coauthors per author
select author1, coauths from (select author1, count(distinct author2) as coauths from (select jpermutations(t2j(author),2) as author from article where author like '% %') group by author1) order by coauths desc limit 100;
-- And run 5 steps of the PageRank algorithm on the graph created from author paper collaborations.
create table authorlinks as select distinct * from (select jpermutations(t2j(author),2) as author from article where author like '% %');
create index idxauthor1 on authorlinks(author1);
create table authorank as select author, 1.0 as rank,(select count(author1) from authorlinks where author1=author) as linkcount from (select distinct(author1) as author from authorlinks);
create index idxauthorank on authorank(author);
update authorank set rank=1.0;
update authorank set rank=0.15+0.85*(select sum(rank/linkcount) from authorlinks al,authorank ar where and;
update authorank set rank=0.15+0.85*(select sum(rank/linkcount) from authorlinks al,authorank ar where and;
update authorank set rank=0.15+0.85*(select sum(rank/linkcount) from authorlinks al,authorank ar where and;
update authorank set rank=0.15+0.85*(select sum(rank/linkcount) from authorlinks al,authorank ar where and;
update authorank set rank=0.15+0.85*(select sum(rank/linkcount) from authorlinks al,authorank ar where and;