import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import {ConfigurationService} from '../configuration.service'; import UIkit from 'uikit'; import {Settings} from '../settings/settings'; import {DocumentResult} from './document-result'; import {Match} from './match'; import {DocSamplesMetadata} from '../doc-samples-metadata'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; @Component({ selector: 'app-resultspreview', templateUrl: './resultspreview.component.html', styleUrls: ['./resultspreview.component.css'] }) export class ResultspreviewComponent implements OnInit { public docSamples: Array = []; public docNameLoaded = ''; public documentsLoaded = 0; public runingMining = false; public resultsArray: Array = []; public matches_number = ''; public prev_matches_number = ''; constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router, private configurationService: ConfigurationService) { } ngOnInit() { this.getDocSamples(); this.getLoadedDocuments(); this.docNameLoaded = localStorage.getItem('docname'); } getDocSamples(): void { this.configurationService.getDocSamples() .subscribe(res => this.docSamples = res); } getLoadedDocuments(): void { this.configurationService.getLoadedDocumentsNumber() .subscribe(res => { this.documentsLoaded =; localStorage.setItem('docsnumber', res.toString()); if ( > 0) { } else { } }); } chooseSample(choice: string): void { this.configurationService.chooseDocumentsSample(choice) .subscribe(res => { this.documentsLoaded = res; this.docNameLoaded = choice; localStorage.setItem('docname', choice); localStorage.setItem('docsnumber', res.toString()); }); } fileChangeUpload(event): void { const fileList: FileList =; if (fileList && fileList.length === 1) { const file: File = fileList[0]; // get new profile data this.configurationService.uploadDocuments(file) .subscribe(res => { this.documentsLoaded = res; this.docNameLoaded =; localStorage.setItem('docname',; localStorage.setItem('docsnumber', res.toString()); }); } } getSettingsFromLocalStorage(): Settings { return { docname: localStorage.getItem('docname'), docsnumber: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('docsnumber')), profileid: localStorage.getItem('profileid'), poswords: localStorage.getItem('poswords'), negwords: localStorage.getItem('negwords'), contextprev: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('contextprev')), contextnext: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('contextnext')), wordssplitnum: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('wordssplitnum')), punctuation: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('punctuation')), stopwords: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stopwords')), lowercase: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('lowercase')), stemming: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stemming')), }; } saveProfile(): void { this.configurationService.saveProfileParameters(this.getSettingsFromLocalStorage()) .subscribe(() => this.router.navigate(['../save-profile'], {relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'})); } highlightInElement(element: string, text: string): string { var elementHtml = element; var tags = []; var tagLocations = []; var htmlTagRegEx = /<{1}\/{0,1}\w+>{1}/; // Strip the tags from the elementHtml and keep track of them var htmlTag; while (htmlTag = elementHtml.match(htmlTagRegEx)) { tagLocations[tagLocations.length] =; tags[tags.length] = htmlTag; elementHtml = elementHtml.replace(htmlTag, ''); } // Search for the text in the stripped html var textLocation =; if (textLocation) { //Add the highlight var highlightHTMLStart = ''; var highlightHTMLEnd = ''; elementHtml = elementHtml.replace(text, highlightHTMLStart + text + highlightHTMLEnd); // Plug back in the HTML tags var textEndLocation = textLocation + text.length; for(let i = tagLocations.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var location = tagLocations[i]; if(location > textEndLocation){ location += highlightHTMLStart.length + highlightHTMLEnd.length; } else if (location > textLocation) { location += highlightHTMLStart.length; } elementHtml = elementHtml.substring(0, location) + tags[i] + elementHtml.substring(location); } } // Update the innerHTML of the element element = elementHtml; return element; } runMining(): void { if (this.documentsLoaded) { // display wait message this.runingMining = true; // document.getElementById('wait-spinner-modal-center').addClass("uk-open"); this.configurationService.runMining(this.getSettingsFromLocalStorage()) .subscribe( res => { // hide wait message this.runingMining = false; UIkit.modal(document.getElementById('wait-spinner-modal-center')).hide(); // enable sticky UIkit.sticky(document.getElementById("cm-run-test-section"), { top: 25, showOnUp: true, animation: "uk-animation-slide-top", bottom: ".cm-results-section" }); this.resultsArray.length = 0; let matchcounter = 0; for (let title in res.matches) { if (title) { const matches = res.matches[title]; let resultClass: DocumentResult = new DocumentResult(); resultClass.docTitle = title; let matchesArray: Array = []; resultClass.matches = matchesArray; for (let values of matches) { let match: Match = new Match(); match.match = values.match; match.extraprev = values.extraprev; match.extranext = values.extranext; let context = values.prev + ' ' + values.middle + ' ' +; // hightlight positive words for (let posword in JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('poswords'))) { const search_regexp = new RegExp(posword, 'g'); context = context.replace(search_regexp, function (x) { return '' + x + ''; }); } // hightlight acknowledgment keywords for (let ackn of values.acknmatch) { const search_regexp = new RegExp(ackn.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, '\\$&'), 'g'); context = context.replace(search_regexp, '' + ackn + ''); } // hightlight negative words for (let negword in JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('negwords'))) { const search_regexp = new RegExp(negword, 'g'); context = context.replace(search_regexp, function (x) { return '' + x + ''; }); } context = this.highlightInElement(context, values.match); match.context = context; match.matchcounter = ++matchcounter; matchesArray.push(match); } this.resultsArray.push(resultClass); } } this.prev_matches_number = this.matches_number; this.matches_number = matchcounter + ''; }); } } }