import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import UIkit from 'uikit'; import {SaveprofileService} from './saveprofile.service'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; @Component({ selector: 'app-saveprofile', templateUrl: './saveprofile.component.html', styleUrls: ['./saveprofile.component.css'] }) export class SaveprofileComponent implements OnInit { public profileName = 'New profile name'; public docnName = ''; public docsNumber = 0; constructor(private saveprofileService: SaveprofileService, private route: ActivatedRoute, private router: Router) { } ngOnInit() { if (localStorage.getItem('profilename') && localStorage.getItem('profilename') !== 'undefined') { this.profileName = localStorage.getItem('profilename'); } if (localStorage.getItem('docname') && localStorage.getItem('docname') !== 'undefined') { this.docnName = localStorage.getItem('docname'); } if (localStorage.getItem('docsnumber') && localStorage.getItem('docsnumber') !== 'undefined') { this.docsNumber = Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('docsnumber')); } } saveProfile(): void { if (this.profileName === '') { UIkit.notification({ message: 'You have to provide a name to your new profile', status: 'danger', pos: 'top-center', timeout: 4000 }); return; } else { this.saveprofileService.saveProfile(this.profileName, localStorage.getItem('profileid'), this.docnName, this.docsNumber) .subscribe(() => this.router.navigate(['../manage-profiles'], {relativeTo: this.route})); } } }