Default rules

Select your mining strategy. Choose between high recall or high precision.


Custom rules

  • Positive phrases {{positivePhrasesArray.length}} phrase{{positivePhrasesArray.length===1?'':'s'}}

    Add phrases that are very likely to be near a match. You can use different weights to divide between important and less important phrases.

    {{positivePhrasesArray.length}} positive word{{positivePhrasesArray.length!==1 ? 's' : ''}}
  • Negative phrases {{negativePhrasesArray.length}} phrase{{negativePhrasesArray.length===1?'':'s'}}

    Add negative phrases. If these phrases are found around the match, this is possibly a false possitive. You can use different weights to assign importance.

    {{negativePhrasesArray.length}} negative word{{negativePhrasesArray.length!==1 ? 's' : ''}}
  • Text preprocessing

    Select among the following text preprocessing steps.

  • Mining area size before: {{settings.contextprev}} after: {{settings.contextnext}}

    You may edit the length of the text area that the algorithm uses to decide if a match is a true positive.
    For advanced users only