Regex support

This commit is contained in:
tasosgig 2018-11-28 18:55:22 +02:00
parent 18e8b009a0
commit c13b86c031
18 changed files with 478 additions and 75 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,328 @@
# coding: utf-8
import setpath
import re
from lib import porter2 as porter
import functions
import unicodedata
import itertools
# Increase regular expression cache
re._MAXCACHE = 1000
# Every regular expression containing \W \w \D \d \b \S \s needs to be compiled
# like below. If you want to embed the UNICODE directive inside the
# regular expression use:
# (?u) like re.sub(ur'(?u)[\W\d]', ' ', o)
text_tokens = re.compile(ur'([\d.]+\b|\w+|\$[\d.]+)', re.UNICODE)
strip_remove_newlines=re.compile(u'(?:\\s+$|^\\s+|(?<=[^\\s\\d\\w.;,!?])\n+)', re.UNICODE)
reduce_spaces=re.compile(ur'\s+', re.UNICODE)
cqlterms=('title', 'subject', 'person', 'enter', 'creator', 'isbn')
replchars = re.compile(r'[\n\r]')
def textacknowledgments(txt,span = 10,maxlen = 3,pattern = r'(?:support)|(?:thank)|(?:in part)|(?:research)|(?:\bwork\b)|(?:\bgrants?\b)|(?:project)|(?:science)|(?:fund)|(?:nation)|(?:author)|(?:foundation)|(?:\bprogram\b)|(?:\bhelp\b)|(?:paper)|(?:technolog)|(?:partial)|(?:acknowledg)|(?:provid)|(?:grate)|(?:\bcenter\b)|(?:study)|(?:discuss)|(?:particip)|(?:ministry)|(?:contribut)|(?:european)|(?:number)|(?:valuabl)|(?:education)|(?:council)|(?:award)|(?:contract)|(?:institut)' ):
.. function:: textacknowledgments(text, span = 10, maxlen = 5, pattern = (\b|_)(1|2)\d{3,3}(\b|_))
Returns the "Reference" section of documents. To find it, it searches for parts of the document that
have a high density of pattern matches.
.. parameters:: txt,maxlen,pattern
txt: input text.
span: the size of the string in words that the txt is splited
maxlen: the size of the scrolling window over the text in which the density is calculated.
pattern: regular expression that is matched against the lines of the text. By default the pattern matches
year occurences so as to extract sections that look like references.
>>> sql("select textacknowledgments('')")
exp = re.sub('\r\n','\n',txt)
exp = reduce_spaces.sub(' ', strip_remove_newlines.sub('', exp))
if exp.count(' ') < span * 10:
return exp
acknowledgments = []
origwords = exp.split(' ')
words = exp.lower()
words = words.split(' ')
stemed = []
# for k in words:
# if len(k) > 0:
# stemed.append(porter.stem(k))
spanedorigtext = [' '.join(origwords[i:i+span]) for i in range(0, len(origwords), span)]
spanedstemtext = [' '.join(words[i:i+span]) for i in range(0, len(words), span)]
reversedtext = iter(spanedstemtext)
results = []
densities = []
for i in xrange(maxlen/2):
for i in reversedtext:
count = sum(1 for m in re.finditer(pattern, i))
if count:
for i in xrange(maxlen/2):
#print len(spanedorigtext), len(spanedstemtext), len(results), len(results)-maxlen/2 - maxlen/2
out = 0
temp = 0
for i in xrange(maxlen/2,len(results)-maxlen/2):
# for cnt, i in enumerate(spanedorigtext):
# print i, results[maxlen/2+cnt], densities[cnt]
threshold = 1
paragraphsum = []
paragraphs = []
prev = -10
current = 0
maxsum = 0
maxi = 0
for line in spanedorigtext:
if densities[current] > threshold:
# new paragraph first visit
if (prev+1) != current:
paragraphsum[-1] += results[maxlen/2+current]
prev = current
current += 1
for cnt, paragraph in enumerate(paragraphs):
if paragraphsum[cnt] > maxsum:
maxsum = paragraphsum[cnt]
maxi = cnt
# print '\n'.join(paragraph), paragraphsum[cnt], '\n'
# print '!!!!!!!!', maxsum, maxi
if paragraphsum[maxi] > 2:
return '\n'.join(paragraphs[maxi])
#return ('\n'.join(paragraphs[maxi]))+" "+str(paragraphsum[maxi])
return ''
def textacknowledgmentsstem(txt,span = 10,maxlen = 3,pattern = r'(?:support)|(?:thank)|(?:research)|(?:\bwork\b)|(?:\bgrant\b)|(?:project)|(?:scienc)|(?:\bfund\b)|(?:nation)|(?:author)|(?:foundat)|(?:\bprogram\b)|(?:\bhelp\b)|(?:univers)|(?:paper)|(?:technolog)|(?:partial)|(?:comment)|(?:develop)|(?:acknowledg)|(?:review)|(?:provid)|(?:grate)|(?:\bcenter\b)|(?:studi)|(?:discuss)|(?:particip)|(?:ministri)|(?:contribut)|(?:european)|(?:system)|(?:comput)|(?:number)|(?:valuabl)|(?:educ)|(?:council)|(?:award)|(?:contract)|(?:inform)|(?:institut)' ):
.. function:: textacknowledgmentsstem(text, span = 10, maxlen = 5, pattern = (\b|_)(1|2)\d{3,3}(\b|_))
Returns the "Reference" section of documents. To find it, it searches for parts of the document that
have a high density of pattern matches.
.. parameters:: txt,maxlen,pattern
txt: input text.
span: the size of the string in words that the txt is splited
maxlen: the size of the scrolling window over the text in which the density is calculated.
pattern: regular expression that is matched against the lines of the text. By default the pattern matches
year occurences so as to extract sections that look like references.
>>> sql("select textacknowledgmentsstem('')")
exp = re.sub('\r\n','\n',txt)
exp = reduce_spaces.sub(' ', strip_remove_newlines.sub('', exp))
if exp.count(' ') < span * 10:
return exp
acknowledgments = []
origwords = exp.split(' ')
words = exp.lower()
words = words.split(' ')
stemed = []
for k in words:
if len(k) > 0:
except Exception:
spanedorigtext = [' '.join(origwords[i:i+span]) for i in range(0, len(origwords), span)]
spanedstemtext = [' '.join(stemed[i:i+span]) for i in range(0, len(stemed), span)]
reversedtext = iter(spanedstemtext)
results = []
densities = []
for i in xrange(maxlen/2):
for i in reversedtext:
count = sum(1 for m in re.finditer(pattern, i))
if count:
for i in xrange(maxlen/2):
for i in xrange(maxlen/2,len(results)-maxlen/2):
threshold = 1
current = 0
for i in spanedorigtext:
if len(i)>10:
if densities[current] > threshold:
return '\n'.join(acknowledgments)
# without tara: pattern=r'(?:\bthank)|(?:\barticl)|(?:\bpmc\b)|(?:\bsupport)|(?:\bsampl)|(?:\bexpedit)|(?:\bfoundat)|(?:\bresearch)|(?:\bhelp)|(?:\binstitut)|(?:\bmarin)|(?:\bnation)|(?:\backnowledg)|(?:\bcomment)|(?:\bcontribut)|(?:\bfund)|(?:\bgrate)|(?:\bprovid)|(?:\bproject)|(?:\bpossibl)|(?:\bscienc)|(?:author)|(?:grant)|(?:fellowship)|(?:program)|(?:programm)|(?:suggest)|(?:taraexpedit)|(?:université)|(?:valuabl)|(?:without)|(?:pmc articles)|(?:oceans expedition)|(?:oceans consortium)|(?:anonymous reviewers)|(?:article contribution)|(?:environment foundation)|(?:people sponsors)|(?:projects? poseidon)|(?:wish thank)|(?:commitment following)|(?:continuous support)|(?:data analysis)|(?:exist without)|(?:tara girus)|(?:keen thank)|(?:oceans taraexpeditions)|(?:possible thanks)|(?:sponsors made)|(?:technical assistance)|(?:thank commitment)|(?:without continuous)'
# with tara: pattern=r'(?:\bthank)|(?:\btara\b)|(?:\barticl)|(?:\bocean\b)|(?:\bpmc\b)|(?:\bsupport)|(?:\bsampl)|(?:\bexpedit)|(?:\bfoundat)|(?:\bresearch)|(?:\bhelp)|(?:\binstitut)|(?:\bmarin)|(?:\bnation)|(?:\backnowledg)|(?:\bcomment)|(?:\bcontribut)|(?:\bfund)|(?:\bgrate)|(?:\bprovid)|(?:\bproject)|(?:\bpossibl)|(?:\bscienc)|(?:author)|(?:grant)|(?:fellowship)|(?:program)|(?:programm)|(?:suggest)|(?:taraexpedit)|(?:université)|(?:valuabl)|(?:without)|(?:pmc articles)|(?:tara oceans)|(?:oceans expedition)|(?:oceans consortium)|(?:anonymous reviewers)|(?:article contribution)|(?:environment foundation)|(?:people sponsors)|(?:projects? poseidon)|(?:wish thank)|(?:commitment following)|(?:continuous support)|(?:data analysis)|(?:exist without)|(?:tara girus)|(?:tara schooner)|(?:keen thank)|(?:oceans taraexpeditions)|(?:possible thanks)|(?:sponsors made)|(?:technical assistance)|(?:thank commitment)|(?:without continuous)'
# with tara v1: pattern=r'(?:\bthank)|(?:\bpmc\b)|(?:\bsupport)|(?:\bsampl)|(?:\bfoundat)|(?:\bresearch)|(?:\bhelp)|(?:\binstitut)|(?:\bnation)|(?:\backnowledg)|(?:\bcomment)|(?:\bcontribut)|(?:\bfund)|(?:\bgrate)|(?:\bprovid)|(?:\bproject)|(?:\bpossibl)|(?:\bscienc)|(?:author)|(?:grant)|(?:fellowship)|(?:program)|(?:suggest)|(?:université)|(?:valuabl)|(?:without)|(?:pmc articles)|(?:oceans consortium)|(?:anonymous reviewers)|(?:article contribution)|(?:environment foundation)|(?:people sponsors)|(?:projects? poseidon)|(?:wish thank)|(?:commitment following)|(?:continuous support)|(?:data analysis)|(?:exist without)|(?:keen thank)|(?:possible thanks)|(?:sponsors made)|(?:technical assistance)|(?:thank commitment)|(?:without continuous)'
def textacknowledgmentstara(txt, span=20, maxlen=7,
pattern=r'(?:crew)|(?:research)|(?:acknowledgements)|(?:acknowledge)|(?:acknowledg)|(?:assistance)|(?:commitment of)|(?:comments)|(?:particular(?:ly)?)|(?:fellowships?)|(?:authors?)|(?:program(?:s|mmes?)?)|(?:projects?)|(?:institutes?)|(?:sponsors)|(?:\bthanks?\b)|(?:possible)|(?:\bgrant(?:ed|s)?)|(?:\bsampl(?:e[sd]?|ing))|(?:\bsupport(?:ing)?\b)|(?:foundation)|(?:expedition)|(?:anr-)|(?:\bthis work\b)|(?:\bfunded by\b)|(?:\bthis study\b)|(?:following (?:people|individuals|institutions?|organizations?|sponsors))|(?:contribution (?:no|number))|(?:\bwish thanks?\b)|(?:\b23 institutes\b)|(?:\bgrateful(?: in| to| for|ly))|(?:supported (?:by|in))|(?:continuous support)|(?:exist without)|(?:following people)|(?:without continuous support)|(?:part of the)'):
.. function:: textacknowledgments(text, span = 10, maxlen = 5, pattern = (\b|_)(1|2)\d{3,3}(\b|_))
Returns the "Reference" section of documents. To find it, it searches for parts of the document that
have a high density of pattern matches.
.. parameters:: txt,maxlen,pattern
txt: input text.
span: the size of the string in words that the txt is splited
maxlen: the size of the scrolling window over the text in which the density is calculated.
pattern: regular expression that is matched against the lines of the text. By default the pattern matches
year occurences so as to extract sections that look like references.
>>> sql("select textacknowledgments('')")
# clean text from \r\n
exp = re.sub('\r\n', '\n', txt)
# dedublicate spaces
exp = reduce_spaces.sub(' ', strip_remove_newlines.sub('', exp))
# if text is small, return it
if exp.count(' ') < span * 10:
return exp
acknowledgments = []
origwords = exp.split(' ')
words = exp.lower()
words = words.split(' ')
stemed = []
# for k in words:
# if len(k) > 0:
# stemed.append(porter.stem(k))
spanedorigtext = [' '.join(origwords[i:i + span]) for i in range(0, len(origwords), span)]
spanedstemtext = [' '.join(words[i:i + span]) for i in range(0, len(words), span)]
reversedtext = iter(spanedstemtext)
results = []
densities = []
for i in xrange(maxlen / 2):
for i in reversedtext:
count = sum(1 for m in re.finditer(pattern, i))
if count:
for i in xrange(maxlen / 2):
# print len(spanedorigtext), len(spanedstemtext), len(results), len(results)-maxlen/2 - maxlen/2
out = 0
temp = 0
for i in xrange(maxlen / 2, len(results) - maxlen / 2):
densities.append(sum(results[i - maxlen / 2:i - maxlen / 2 + maxlen]) * 1.0 / maxlen)
# for cnt, i in enumerate(spanedorigtext):
# print results[maxlen/2+cnt], densities[cnt], i
threshold = 1
paragraphsum = []
paragraphs = []
prev = -10
current = 0
maxsum = 0
maxi = 0
for line in spanedorigtext:
if densities[current] > threshold:
# new paragraph first visit
if (prev + 1) != current:
paragraphsum[-1] += results[maxlen / 2 + current]
prev = current
current += 1
for cnt, paragraph in enumerate(paragraphs):
if paragraphsum[cnt] > maxsum:
maxsum = paragraphsum[cnt]
maxi = cnt
# print '\n'.join(paragraph), paragraphsum[cnt], '\n'
# print '!!!!!!!!', maxsum, maxi
if paragraphsum[maxi] > 2:
return '\n'.join(paragraphs[maxi])
# return ('\n'.join(paragraphs[maxi]))+" "+str(paragraphsum[maxi])
return ''
textacknowledgmentstara.registered = True
if not ('.' in __name__):
This is needed to be able to test the function, put it at the end of every
new function you create
import sys
import setpath
from functions import *
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest

View File

@ -49,6 +49,9 @@ export class ConfigurationComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
if (!localStorage.getItem('stemming') || localStorage.getItem('stemming') === 'undefined') { if (!localStorage.getItem('stemming') || localStorage.getItem('stemming') === 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('stemming', '0'); localStorage.setItem('stemming', '0');
} }
if (!localStorage.getItem('documentarea') || localStorage.getItem('documentarea') === 'undefined') {
localStorage.setItem('documentarea', 'full');
} }
promptToLeave(nextUrl: string): boolean { promptToLeave(nextUrl: string): boolean {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
.uk-accordion-title::after {
background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,;
.uk-open>.uk-accordion-title::after {
background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,;

View File

@ -57,10 +57,10 @@
<div id="results-section" class="cm-results-rows"> <div id="results-section" class="cm-results-rows">
<ul id="docs-results" uk-accordion="multiple: true"> <ul id="docs-results" uk-accordion="multiple: true">
<li *ngFor="let result of resultsArray;" class="uk-card uk-card-default uk-card-small uk-card-body uk-open"> <li *ngFor="let result of resultsArray;" class="uk-card uk-card-default uk-card-small uk-card-body uk-open">
<h3 class="uk-accordion-title">{{result.docTitle}}</h3> <h3 class="uk-accordion-title"><span class="uk-text-meta">document:</span> {{result.docTitle}}</h3>
<div class="uk-accordion-content" aria-hidden="false"> <div class="uk-accordion-content" aria-hidden="false">
<div *ngFor="let match of result.matches"> <div *ngFor="let match of result.matches">
<div class="match">Match {{match.matchcounter}}: {{match.match}}</div> <div class="match"><span class="uk-text-meta">match #{{match.matchcounter}}:</span> {{match.match}}</div>
<p class="cm-document-result"> <p class="cm-document-result">
{{match.extraprev}} <span class="textwindow" [innerHTML]="match.context"></span> {{match.extranext}} {{match.extraprev}} <span class="textwindow" [innerHTML]="match.context"></span> {{match.extranext}}
</p> </p>

View File

@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ export class ResultspreviewComponent implements OnInit {
stopwords: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stopwords')), stopwords: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stopwords')),
lowercase: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('lowercase')), lowercase: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('lowercase')),
stemming: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stemming')), stemming: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stemming')),
documentarea: localStorage.getItem('documentarea'),
}; };
} }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
.uk-accordion-title::after {
background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,;
.uk-open>.uk-accordion-title::after {
background-image: url(data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,;

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
<span *ngIf="positivePhrasesArray.length > 0" class="uk-text-small uk-margin-small-left">{{positivePhrasesArray.length}} phrase{{positivePhrasesArray.length===1?'':'s'}}</span> <span *ngIf="positivePhrasesArray.length > 0" class="uk-text-small uk-margin-small-left">{{positivePhrasesArray.length}} phrase{{positivePhrasesArray.length===1?'':'s'}}</span>
</div> </div>
<div class="uk-accordion-content"> <div class="uk-accordion-content">
<p class="uk-text-small">Add phrases that are very likely to be near a match. You can use different weights to divide between important and less important phrases.</p> <p class="uk-text-small">Add phrases that are very <b>likely to be near a match</b>. You can use different <b>weights</b> to divide between <b>important</b> and less important phrases. Phrase can be a valid <b>Regular expression</b></p>
<div class="cm-phrases-container"> <div class="cm-phrases-container">
<header> <header>
<form [formGroup]="positivePhraseForm" id="word-form-pos" class="uk-grid-collapse uk-child-width-expand@s uk-text-center" uk-grid (ngSubmit)="phraseSubmit(true)"> <form [formGroup]="positivePhraseForm" id="word-form-pos" class="uk-grid-collapse uk-child-width-expand@s uk-text-center" uk-grid (ngSubmit)="phraseSubmit(true)">
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@
<span *ngIf="negativePhrasesArray.length > 0" class="uk-text-small uk-margin-small-left">{{negativePhrasesArray.length}} phrase{{negativePhrasesArray.length===1?'':'s'}}</span> <span *ngIf="negativePhrasesArray.length > 0" class="uk-text-small uk-margin-small-left">{{negativePhrasesArray.length}} phrase{{negativePhrasesArray.length===1?'':'s'}}</span>
</div> </div>
<div class="uk-accordion-content"> <div class="uk-accordion-content">
<p class="uk-text-small">Add negative phrases. If these phrases are found around the match, this is possibly a false possitive. You can use different weights to assign importance.</p> <p class="uk-text-small">Add negative phrases. If these phrases are found around the match, this is possibly a <b>false possitive</b>. You can use different <b>weights</b> to assign <b>importance</b>. Phrase can be a valid <b>Regular expression</b></p>
<div class="word-container"> <div class="word-container">
<div class="cm-phrases-container"> <div class="cm-phrases-container">
<header> <header>
@ -135,6 +135,29 @@
</form> </form>
</div> </div>
</li> </li>
<div class="uk-accordion-title">
<span class="uk-text-bold uk-text-uppercase">Document section</span>
<span *ngIf="settings.documentarea==='acknowledgment'" class="uk-text-small uk-margin-small-left">acknowledgment</span>
<span *ngIf="settings.documentarea==='citations'" class="uk-text-small uk-margin-small-left">citations</span>
<div class="uk-accordion-content">
<p class="uk-text-small">Select the part of the document that will be processed.</p>
<form class="uk-form-stacked">
<div class="uk-form-controls">
<div class="uk-margin-small">
<label class="uk-form-label"><input class="uk-radio" type="radio" name="documentarea" [checked]="settings.documentarea==='full'" (click)="documentAreaChange('full')"> Full document <span class="cm-tooltip" uk-icon="icon: info" title="The <b>full document</b> is processed" uk-tooltip="pos: right"></span></label>
<div class="uk-margin-small">
<label class="uk-form-label"><input class="uk-radio" type="radio" name="documentarea" [checked]="settings.documentarea==='acknowledgment'" (click)="documentAreaChange('acknowledgment')"> Acknowledgement section <span class="cm-tooltip" uk-icon="icon: info" title="Only the <b>acknowledgment</b> section is processed<br><span class='uk-text-danger'>Experimental feature</span>" uk-tooltip="pos: right"></span></label>
<div class="uk-margin-small">
<label class="uk-form-label"><input class="uk-radio" type="radio" name="documentarea" [checked]="settings.documentarea==='citations'" (click)="documentAreaChange('citations')"> Citations section <span class="cm-tooltip" uk-icon="icon: info" title="Only the <b>citations</b> section is processed<br><span class='uk-text-danger'>Experimental feature</span>" uk-tooltip="pos: right"></span></label>
<li> <li>
<div class="uk-accordion-title"> <div class="uk-accordion-title">
<span class="uk-text-bold uk-text-uppercase">Mining area size</span> <span class="uk-text-bold uk-text-uppercase">Mining area size</span>

View File

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ export class SettingsComponent implements OnInit {
stopwords: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stopwords')), stopwords: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stopwords')),
lowercase: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('lowercase')), lowercase: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('lowercase')),
stemming: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stemming')), stemming: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stemming')),
documentarea: localStorage.getItem('documentarea'),
}; };
// show positive phrases // show positive phrases
this.positivePhrasesArray.length = 0; this.positivePhrasesArray.length = 0;
@ -225,6 +226,11 @@ export class SettingsComponent implements OnInit {
this.settings.stemming = value ? 1 : 0; this.settings.stemming = value ? 1 : 0;
} }
documentAreaChange(value: string): void {
localStorage.setItem('documentarea', value);
this.settings.documentarea = value;
getSettingsFromLocalStorage(): Settings { getSettingsFromLocalStorage(): Settings {
return this.settings = { return this.settings = {
docname: localStorage.getItem('docname'), docname: localStorage.getItem('docname'),
@ -239,6 +245,7 @@ export class SettingsComponent implements OnInit {
stopwords: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stopwords')), stopwords: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stopwords')),
lowercase: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('lowercase')), lowercase: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('lowercase')),
stemming: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stemming')), stemming: Number.parseInt(localStorage.getItem('stemming')),
documentarea: localStorage.getItem('documentarea')
}; };
} }

View File

@ -11,4 +11,5 @@ export interface Settings {
stopwords: number; stopwords: number;
lowercase: number; lowercase: number;
stemming: number; stemming: number;
documentarea: string;
} }

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
<div class="uk-section uk-section-default" style="padding-top: 20px;"> <div class="uk-section uk-section-default" style="padding-top: 20px;">
<div class="uk-container uk-container-expand"> <div class="uk-container uk-container-expand">
<div class="uk-grid-collapse uk-child-width-expand uk-text-middle" uk-grid> <div class="uk-grid-collapse uk-child-width-expand uk-text-middle" uk-grid>
<p class="uk-margin-small-left">Use the table or the upload form to add your concepts <span class="cm-tooltip" uk-icon="icon: info" title="Provide <b>two columns</b> of data. The first column is a list of keywords that must be found in a publications fulltext. Such <b>keyword</b> may be a concept name, the name of an initiative of a community etc.<br>The second column provide a context. The <b>context</b> may be an acknowledgement statement or other phrase that is expected to be found when the concept in the first column is acknowledged." uk-tooltip="pos: right"></span></p> <p class="uk-margin-small-left">Use the table or the upload form to add your concepts <span class="cm-tooltip" uk-icon="icon: info" title="Provide <b>two columns</b> of data. The first column is a list of keywords that must be found in a publications fulltext. Such <b>keyword</b> may be a concept name, the name of an initiative of a community etc.<br>The second column provide a context. The <b>context</b> may be an acknowledgement statement or other phrase that is expected to be found when the concept in the first column is acknowledged. Both columns accept a valid <b>Regular expression</b>." uk-tooltip="pos: right"></span></p>
<div class="uk-text-right"> <div class="uk-text-right">
<button class="uk-button cm-button-primary" [disabled]="!isAnyContent()" (click)="saveAndContinue()">Continue</button> <button class="uk-button cm-button-primary" [disabled]="!isAnyContent()" (click)="saveAndContinue()">Continue</button>
</div> </div>

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import {Component, OnInit, ViewChildren} from '@angular/core'; import {Component, OnInit, ViewChildren} from '@angular/core';
import UIkit from 'uikit'; import UIkit from 'uikit';
import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {ActivatedRoute, NavigationEnd, Router} from '@angular/router';
import {Content} from './content'; import {Content} from './content';
import {ContentsService} from './contents.service'; import {ContentsService} from './contents.service';
@ -21,6 +21,12 @@ export class ContentComponent implements OnInit {
ngOnInit() { ngOnInit() {
this.getContent(); this.getContent(); => {
if (!(evt instanceof NavigationEnd)) {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
} }
getContent(): void { getContent(): void {

View File

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ export class ManageprofilesComponent implements OnInit {
localStorage.setItem('stopwords', res.stopwords); localStorage.setItem('stopwords', res.stopwords);
localStorage.setItem('lowercase', res.lowercase); localStorage.setItem('lowercase', res.lowercase);
localStorage.setItem('stemming', res.stemming); localStorage.setItem('stemming', res.stemming);
localStorage.setItem('documentarea', res.documentarea);
this.router.navigate(['../upload-content'], {relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'}); this.router.navigate(['../upload-content'], {relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'});
}); });
} }
@ -133,6 +134,7 @@ export class ManageprofilesComponent implements OnInit {
localStorage.setItem('stopwords', res.stopwords); localStorage.setItem('stopwords', res.stopwords);
localStorage.setItem('lowercase', res.lowercase); localStorage.setItem('lowercase', res.lowercase);
localStorage.setItem('stemming', res.stemming); localStorage.setItem('stemming', res.stemming);
localStorage.setItem('documentarea', res.documentarea);
this.router.navigate(['../upload-content'], {relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'}); this.router.navigate(['../upload-content'], {relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'});
}); });
} }
@ -180,6 +182,7 @@ export class ManageprofilesComponent implements OnInit {
localStorage.setItem('stopwords', res.stopwords); localStorage.setItem('stopwords', res.stopwords);
localStorage.setItem('lowercase', res.lowercase); localStorage.setItem('lowercase', res.lowercase);
localStorage.setItem('stemming', res.stemming); localStorage.setItem('stemming', res.stemming);
localStorage.setItem('documentarea', res.documentarea);
this.router.navigate(['../upload-content'], {relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'}); this.router.navigate(['../upload-content'], {relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'});
}); });
} }
@ -210,6 +213,7 @@ export class ManageprofilesComponent implements OnInit {
localStorage.setItem('stopwords', res.stopwords); localStorage.setItem('stopwords', res.stopwords);
localStorage.setItem('lowercase', res.lowercase); localStorage.setItem('lowercase', res.lowercase);
localStorage.setItem('stemming', res.stemming); localStorage.setItem('stemming', res.stemming);
localStorage.setItem('documentarea', res.documentarea);
this.router.navigate(['../upload-content'], {relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'}); this.router.navigate(['../upload-content'], {relativeTo: this.route, queryParamsHandling: 'preserve'});
}); });
} }
@ -232,6 +236,7 @@ export class ManageprofilesComponent implements OnInit {
localStorage.removeItem('stopwords'); localStorage.removeItem('stopwords');
localStorage.removeItem('lowercase'); localStorage.removeItem('lowercase');
localStorage.removeItem('stemming'); localStorage.removeItem('stemming');
} }
} }

View File

@ -12,4 +12,5 @@ export interface ProfileData {
stopwords: string; stopwords: string;
lowercase: string; lowercase: string;
stemming: string; stemming: string;
documentarea: string;
} }

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import {HttpErrorResponse} from '@angular/common/http';
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver/FileSaver'; import { saveAs } from 'file-saver/FileSaver';
import { Response } from '@angular/http'; import { Response } from '@angular/http';
import {ErrorObservable} from 'rxjs/observable/ErrorObservable'; import {ErrorObservable} from 'rxjs/observable/ErrorObservable';
import { environment } from '../environments/environment';
import {Observable} from 'rxjs'; import {Observable} from 'rxjs';
export class Util { export class Util {
@ -28,7 +29,8 @@ export class Util {
} }
public getBackendServerAddress(): string { public getBackendServerAddress(): string {
return localStorage.getItem('mining_backend_address'); // return localStorage.getItem('mining_backend_address');
return environment.miningbackendserveraddress;
} }
public getIsCommunityManager(): string { public getIsCommunityManager(): string {

View File

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
export const environment = { export const environment = {
production: true production: true,
miningbackendserveraddress: ''
}; };

View File

@ -4,5 +4,6 @@
// The list of which env maps to which file can be found in `.angular-cli.json`. // The list of which env maps to which file can be found in `.angular-cli.json`.
export const environment = { export const environment = {
production: false production: false,
miningbackendserveraddress: 'http://localhost:8080'
}; };

View File

@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ class InitialClientHandshakeHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing arguement community id.") self.write("Missing arguement community id.")
return return
community_id = self.request.arguments['communityId'][0] community_id = self.request.arguments['communityId'][0][:128]
import sys import sys
sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH) sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH)
import madis import madis
@ -398,17 +398,17 @@ class InitialClientHandshakeHandler(BaseHandler):
# get the database cursor # get the database cursor
cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor() cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor()
# Create database table # Create database table
cursor.execute("drop table if exists community", parse=False) cursor.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS community''', parse=False)
cursor.execute("create table community(id)", parse=False) cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE community(id)''', parse=False)
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO community VALUES("{0}")'.format(community_id), parse=False) cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO community VALUES(?)''', (community_id,), parse=False)
cursor.execute("drop table if exists database", parse=False) cursor.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS database''', parse=False)
cursor.execute("create table database(id,name,datecreated,status,matches,docname,docsnumber)", parse=False) cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE database(id,name,datecreated,status,matches,docname,docsnumber)''', parse=False)
cursor.close() cursor.close()
else: else:
cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor() cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor()
cursor.execute("drop table if exists community", parse=False) cursor.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS community''', parse=False)
cursor.execute("create table community(id)", parse=False) cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE community(id)''', parse=False)
cursor.execute('INSERT INTO community VALUES("{0}")'.format(community_id), parse=False) cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO community VALUES(?)''', (community_id,), parse=False)
cursor.close() cursor.close()
else: else:
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
@ -444,7 +444,8 @@ class GetUsersProfilesHandler(BaseHandler):
self.write("Must be an admin") self.write("Must be an admin")
return return
# list users # list users
users = ['OAMiningProfilesDatabase_([w0-9]+).+', f).group(1) for f in os.listdir('./users_files') if re.match(r'OAMiningProfilesDatabase_[w0-9]+\.db', f)] users = ['OAMiningProfilesDatabase_([\\w0-9]+).+', f).group(1) for f in os.listdir('./users_files') if re.match(r'OAMiningProfilesDatabase_[\w0-9]+\.db', f)]
print users
# for every user, read its database to find his profiles # for every user, read its database to find his profiles
import sys import sys
sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH) sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH)
@ -462,11 +463,11 @@ class GetUsersProfilesHandler(BaseHandler):
cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor() cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor()
try: try:
# get community id # get community id
community_id = [r for r in cursor.execute("SELECT id FROM community")][0] community_id = [r for r in cursor.execute('''SELECT id FROM community''')][0]
except Exception as ints: except Exception as ints:
print ints print ints
community_id = 'Unkown '+user community_id = 'Unkown '+user
for r in cursor.execute("SELECT id,name,datecreated,status,matches,docname FROM database order by rowid desc"): for r in cursor.execute('''SELECT id,name,datecreated,status,matches,docname FROM database order by rowid desc'''):
users_profiles.append({"user":community_id,"userId":user,"profileId":r[0], "profile": r[1], "datecreated": r[2], "status": r[3], "matches": r[4], "docname": r[5]}) users_profiles.append({"user":community_id,"userId":user,"profileId":r[0], "profile": r[1], "datecreated": r[2], "status": r[3], "matches": r[4], "docname": r[5]})
data['profiles'] = users_profiles data['profiles'] = users_profiles
self.write(json.dumps(data)) self.write(json.dumps(data))
@ -502,8 +503,8 @@ class UpdateProfileStatusHandler(BaseHandler):
import sys import sys
sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH) sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH)
import madis import madis
user = request_arguments['user'] user = request_arguments['user'][:128]
profile_id = request_arguments['id'] profile_id = request_arguments['id'][:128]
database_file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfilesDatabase_{0}.db".format(user) database_file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfilesDatabase_{0}.db".format(user)
if not os.path.isfile(database_file_name): if not os.path.isfile(database_file_name):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
@ -512,7 +513,7 @@ class UpdateProfileStatusHandler(BaseHandler):
cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor() cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor()
# Write new Profile status to users database # Write new Profile status to users database
status = request_arguments['status'] status = request_arguments['status']
cursor.execute('UPDATE database set status="{1}" where id="{0}"'.format(profile_id,status), parse=False) cursor.execute('''UPDATE database set status=? where id=?''', (profile_id,status,), parse=False)
cursor.close() cursor.close()
self.write(json.dumps({})) self.write(json.dumps({}))
self.finish() self.finish()
@ -543,7 +544,7 @@ class GetUserProfilesHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id parameter") self.write("Missing user's id parameter")
return return
user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0] user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0][:128]
# extract data from database # extract data from database
import sys import sys
sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH) sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH)
@ -559,7 +560,7 @@ class GetUserProfilesHandler(BaseHandler):
# data to be sent # data to be sent
data = {} data = {}
user_profiles = [] user_profiles = []
for r in cursor.execute("SELECT id,name,datecreated,status,matches,docname FROM database order by rowid desc"): for r in cursor.execute('''SELECT id,name,datecreated,status,matches,docname FROM database order by rowid desc'''):
user_profiles.append({"id":r[0], "name": r[1], "datecreated": r[2], "status": r[3], "matches": r[4], "docname": r[5]}) user_profiles.append({"id":r[0], "name": r[1], "datecreated": r[2], "status": r[3], "matches": r[4], "docname": r[5]})
data['profiles'] = user_profiles data['profiles'] = user_profiles
cursor.close() cursor.close()
@ -593,13 +594,13 @@ class LoadUserProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id argument") self.write("Missing user's id argument")
return return
user_id = request_arguments['user'] user_id = request_arguments['user'][:128]
# get data # get data
if 'id' not in request_arguments or request_arguments['id'] == '': if 'id' not in request_arguments or request_arguments['id'] == '':
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing profiles id argument") self.write("Missing profiles id argument")
return return
profile_id = request_arguments['id'] profile_id = request_arguments['id'][:128]
# delete profile from database # delete profile from database
import sys import sys
sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH) sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH)
@ -609,7 +610,7 @@ class LoadUserProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
# get the database cursor # get the database cursor
cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor() cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor()
# check if this profile exists # check if this profile exists
profile_data = [r for r in cursor.execute('select docname,docsnumber from database where id="{0}"'.format(profile_id))] profile_data = [r for r in cursor.execute('''SELECT docname,docsnumber FROM database WHERE id=?''', (profile_id,))]
if len(profile_data) == 0: if len(profile_data) == 0:
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("There is no profile with this name") self.write("There is no profile with this name")
@ -658,13 +659,13 @@ class DeleteUserProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id argument") self.write("Missing user's id argument")
return return
user_id = request_arguments['user'] user_id = request_arguments['user'][:128]
# get data # get data
if 'id' not in request_arguments or request_arguments['id'] == '': if 'id' not in request_arguments or request_arguments['id'] == '':
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing profiles id argument") self.write("Missing profiles id argument")
return return
profile_id = request_arguments['id'] profile_id = request_arguments['id'][:128]
# delete profile from database # delete profile from database
import sys import sys
sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH) sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH)
@ -674,7 +675,7 @@ class DeleteUserProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
# get the database cursor # get the database cursor
cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor() cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor()
# data to be sent # data to be sent
cursor.execute('delete from database where id="{0}"'.format(profile_id), parse=False) cursor.execute('''DELETE FROM database WHERE id=?''',(profile_id,), parse=False)
cursor.close() cursor.close()
# delete profile from disk # delete profile from disk
file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfile_%s_%s.oamp" % (user_id,profile_id) file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfile_%s_%s.oamp" % (user_id,profile_id)
@ -745,7 +746,7 @@ class CreateNewProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id parameter") self.write("Missing user's id parameter")
return return
user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0] user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0][:128]
deleteAllUserFiles(user_id) deleteAllUserFiles(user_id)
self.write(json.dumps({})) self.write(json.dumps({}))
self.finish() self.finish()
@ -777,13 +778,13 @@ class LoadExampleProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id parameter") self.write("Missing user's id parameter")
return return
user_id = request_arguments['user'] user_id = request_arguments['user'][:128]
# get data # get data
if 'name' not in request_arguments or request_arguments['name'] == '': if 'name' not in request_arguments or request_arguments['name'] == '':
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing example profiles name parameter") self.write("Missing example profiles name parameter")
return return
example_name = request_arguments['name'] example_name = request_arguments['name'][:128]
# reset everything # reset everything
deleteAllUserFiles(user_id) deleteAllUserFiles(user_id)
data = {} data = {}
@ -825,9 +826,9 @@ class UploadProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id parameter") self.write("Missing user's id parameter")
return return
user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0] user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0][:128]
# get file info and body from post data # get file info and body from post data
fileinfo = self.request.files['upload'][0] fileinfo = self.request.files['upload'][0][:128]
fname = fileinfo['filename'] fname = fileinfo['filename']
extn = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] extn = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
# must be .pdf or .json # must be .pdf or .json
@ -869,7 +870,7 @@ class AlreadyConceptsHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id parameter") self.write("Missing user's id parameter")
return return
user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0] user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0][:128]
data = {} data = {}
data['data'] = {} data['data'] = {}
file_name = "users_files/p%s.tsv" % (user_id) file_name = "users_files/p%s.tsv" % (user_id)
@ -917,9 +918,9 @@ class UploadContentFileHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id parameter") self.write("Missing user's id parameter")
return return
user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0] user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0][:128]
# get file info and body from post data # get file info and body from post data
fileinfo = self.request.files['upload'][0] fileinfo = self.request.files['upload'][0][:128]
fname = fileinfo['filename'] fname = fileinfo['filename']
extn = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] extn = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
# must be .pdf or .json # must be .pdf or .json
@ -975,7 +976,7 @@ class UpdateConceptsHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id argument") self.write("Missing user's id argument")
return return
user_id = request_arguments['user'] user_id = request_arguments['user'][:128]
# get data # get data
concepts = json.loads(json.loads(self.request.body)['concepts']) concepts = json.loads(json.loads(self.request.body)['concepts'])
# write data to physical file # write data to physical file
@ -1026,7 +1027,7 @@ class GetDocSamplesHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id parameter") self.write("Missing user's id parameter")
return return
user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0] user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0][:128]
data = {} data = {}
doc_samples = [] doc_samples = []
doc_samples.append({'name': 'Egi', 'documents': 104}) doc_samples.append({'name': 'Egi', 'documents': 104})
@ -1066,8 +1067,8 @@ class UploadDocumentsHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id parameter") self.write("Missing user's id parameter")
return return
user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0] user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0][:128]
fileinfo = self.request.files['upload'][0] fileinfo = self.request.files['upload'][0][:128]
fname = fileinfo['filename'] fname = fileinfo['filename']
extn = os.path.splitext(fname)[1] extn = os.path.splitext(fname)[1]
# data to be sent # data to be sent
@ -1151,12 +1152,12 @@ class ChooseDocSampleHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id argument") self.write("Missing user's id argument")
return return
user_id = request_arguments['user'] user_id = request_arguments['user'][:128]
if 'docsample' not in request_arguments or request_arguments['docsample'] == '': if 'docsample' not in request_arguments or request_arguments['docsample'] == '':
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("A doc sample name must be provided") self.write("A doc sample name must be provided")
return return
doc_sample = request_arguments['docsample'] doc_sample = request_arguments['docsample'][:128]
sample_file_name = "" sample_file_name = ""
if doc_sample == "Egi": if doc_sample == "Egi":
sample_file_name = "static/egi_sample.tsv" sample_file_name = "static/egi_sample.tsv"
@ -1218,7 +1219,7 @@ class AlreadyDocumentsHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id parameter") self.write("Missing user's id parameter")
return return
user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0] user_id = self.request.arguments['user'][0][:128]
data = {} data = {}
if msettings.RESET_FIELDS == 1: if msettings.RESET_FIELDS == 1:
data['data'] = -1 data['data'] = -1
@ -1258,7 +1259,7 @@ class RunMiningHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id argument") self.write("Missing user's id argument")
return return
user_id = request_arguments['user'] user_id = request_arguments['user'][:128]
mining_parameters = request_arguments['parameters'] mining_parameters = request_arguments['parameters']
# get the database cursor # get the database cursor
cursor=msettings.Connection.cursor() cursor=msettings.Connection.cursor()
@ -1270,7 +1271,7 @@ class RunMiningHandler(BaseHandler):
contextprev = 10 contextprev = 10
contextnext = 5 contextnext = 5
# Automatically find middle size from grant codes white spaces # Automatically find middle size from grant codes white spaces
querygrantsize = "select max(p1) from (select regexpcountwords('\s',stripchars(p1)) as p1 from (setschema 'p1,p2' file 'users_files/p{0}.tsv' dialect:tsv))".format(user_id) querygrantsize = '''SELECT max(p1) FROM (SELECT regexpcountwords('\s',stripchars(p1)) AS p1 FROM (setschema 'p1,p2' file 'users_files/p{0}.tsv' dialect:tsv))'''.format(user_id)
contextmiddle = [r for r in cursor.execute(querygrantsize)][0][0]+1 contextmiddle = [r for r in cursor.execute(querygrantsize)][0][0]+1
if 'contextprev' in mining_parameters and mining_parameters['contextprev'] != '': if 'contextprev' in mining_parameters and mining_parameters['contextprev'] != '':
contextprev = int(mining_parameters['contextprev']) contextprev = int(mining_parameters['contextprev'])
@ -1357,8 +1358,16 @@ class RunMiningHandler(BaseHandler):
whr_conf = 'and conf>=0' whr_conf = 'and conf>=0'
print conf print conf
# docs proccess
if numberOfDocsUploaded(user_id) != 0: if numberOfDocsUploaded(user_id) != 0:
doc_filters = "comprspaces(regexpr('[\n|\r]',d2,' '))" document_source = 'd2'
if 'documentarea' in mining_parameters and mining_parameters['documentarea'] != '':
print mining_parameters['documentarea']
if mining_parameters['documentarea'] == 'acknowledgment':
document_source = 'textacknowledgments('+document_source+')'
elif mining_parameters['documentarea'] == 'citations':
document_source = 'textreferences('+document_source+')'
doc_filters = "comprspaces(regexpr('[\n|\r]',"+document_source+",' '))"
grant_filters = "stripchars(comprspaces(regexpr(\"\\'\", p1,'')))" grant_filters = "stripchars(comprspaces(regexpr(\"\\'\", p1,'')))"
ackn_filters = "comprspaces(regexpr(\"\\'\", p2,''))" ackn_filters = "comprspaces(regexpr(\"\\'\", p2,''))"
if 'punctuation' in mining_parameters and mining_parameters['punctuation'] == 1: if 'punctuation' in mining_parameters and mining_parameters['punctuation'] == 1:
@ -1380,9 +1389,9 @@ class RunMiningHandler(BaseHandler):
list(cursor.execute("drop table if exists grantstemp"+user_id, parse=False)) list(cursor.execute("drop table if exists grantstemp"+user_id, parse=False))
query_pre_grants = "create temp table grantstemp{0} as select {1} as gt1, case when p2 is null then null else {2} end as gt2 from (setschema 'p1,p2' file 'users_files/p{0}.tsv' dialect:tsv)".format(user_id, grant_filters, ackn_filters) query_pre_grants = "create temp table grantstemp{0} as select {1} as gt1, case when p2 is null then null else {2} end as gt2 from (setschema 'p1,p2' file 'users_files/p{0}.tsv' dialect:tsv)".format(user_id, grant_filters, ackn_filters)
cursor.execute(query_pre_grants) cursor.execute(query_pre_grants)
query00get = "select * from grantstemp{0}".format(user_id) # query00get = "select * from grantstemp{0}".format(user_id)
results00get = [r for r in cursor.execute(query00get)] # results00get = [r for r in cursor.execute(query00get)]
print results00get # print results00get
list(cursor.execute("drop table if exists docs"+user_id, parse=False)) list(cursor.execute("drop table if exists docs"+user_id, parse=False))
query1 = "create temp table docs{0} as select d1, {1} as d2 from (setschema 'd1,d2' select jsonpath(c1, '$.id', '$.text') from (file 'users_files/docs{0}.json'))".format(user_id, doc_filters) query1 = "create temp table docs{0} as select d1, {1} as d2 from (setschema 'd1,d2' select jsonpath(c1, '$.id', '$.text') from (file 'users_files/docs{0}.json'))".format(user_id, doc_filters)
cursor.execute(query1) cursor.execute(query1)
@ -1391,6 +1400,7 @@ class RunMiningHandler(BaseHandler):
self.write("You have to provide atleast 1 document...") self.write("You have to provide atleast 1 document...")
return return
# grants proccess
list(cursor.execute("drop table if exists grants"+user_id, parse=False)) list(cursor.execute("drop table if exists grants"+user_id, parse=False))
# string concatenation workaround because of the special characters conflicts # string concatenation workaround because of the special characters conflicts
if 'wordssplitnum' in mining_parameters and mining_parameters['wordssplitnum'] != '': if 'wordssplitnum' in mining_parameters and mining_parameters['wordssplitnum'] != '':
@ -1465,7 +1475,7 @@ class PrepareSavedProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id argument") self.write("Missing user's id argument")
return return
user_id = request_arguments['user'] user_id = request_arguments['user'][:128]
profile_parameters = request_arguments['parameters'] profile_parameters = request_arguments['parameters']
import sys import sys
sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH) sys.path.append(msettings.MADIS_PATH)
@ -1475,21 +1485,21 @@ class PrepareSavedProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
profile_file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfile_{0}.oamp".format(user_id) profile_file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfile_{0}.oamp".format(user_id)
cursor=madis.functions.Connection(profile_file_name).cursor() cursor=madis.functions.Connection(profile_file_name).cursor()
# Create poswords table # Create poswords table
cursor.execute("drop table if exists poswords", parse=False) cursor.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS poswords''', parse=False)
cursor.execute("create table poswords(c1,c2)", parse=False) cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE poswords(c1,c2)''', parse=False)
# Create negwords table # Create negwords table
cursor.execute("drop table if exists negwords", parse=False) cursor.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS negwords''', parse=False)
cursor.execute("create table negwords(c1,c2)", parse=False) cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE negwords(c1,c2)''', parse=False)
# Create filters table # Create filters table
cursor.execute("drop table if exists filters", parse=False) cursor.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS filters''', parse=False)
cursor.execute("create table filters(c1,c2)", parse=False) cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE filters(c1,c2)''', parse=False)
# Create grants table # Create grants table
cursor.execute("drop table if exists grants", parse=False) cursor.execute('''DROP TABLE IF EXISTS grants''', parse=False)
cursor.execute("create table grants(c1,c2)", parse=False) cursor.execute('''CREATE TABLE grants(c1,c2)''', parse=False)
if 'poswords' in profile_parameters and profile_parameters['poswords'] != '{}': if 'poswords' in profile_parameters and profile_parameters['poswords'] != '{}':
# construct math string for positive words matching calculation with weights # construct math string for positive words matching calculation with weights
pos_words = json.loads(profile_parameters['poswords']) pos_words = json.loads(profile_parameters['poswords'])
cursor.executemany("insert into poswords(c1,c2) values(?,?)", cursor.executemany('''INSERT INTO poswords(c1,c2) VALUES(?,?)''',
( (
(key, value,) for key, value in pos_words.iteritems() (key, value,) for key, value in pos_words.iteritems()
) )
@ -1497,7 +1507,7 @@ class PrepareSavedProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
if 'negwords' in profile_parameters and profile_parameters['negwords'] != '{}': if 'negwords' in profile_parameters and profile_parameters['negwords'] != '{}':
# construct math string for negative words matching calculation with weights # construct math string for negative words matching calculation with weights
neg_words = json.loads(profile_parameters['negwords']) neg_words = json.loads(profile_parameters['negwords'])
cursor.executemany("insert into negwords(c1,c2) values(?,?)", cursor.executemany('''INSERT INTO negwords(c1,c2) VALUES(?,?)''',
( (
(key, value,) for key, value in neg_words.iteritems() (key, value,) for key, value in neg_words.iteritems()
) )
@ -1517,13 +1527,16 @@ class PrepareSavedProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
filters['punctuation'] = profile_parameters['punctuation'] filters['punctuation'] = profile_parameters['punctuation']
if 'stemming' in profile_parameters and profile_parameters['stemming'] != '': if 'stemming' in profile_parameters and profile_parameters['stemming'] != '':
filters['stemming'] = profile_parameters['stemming'] filters['stemming'] = profile_parameters['stemming']
cursor.executemany("insert into filters(c1,c2) values(?,?)", if 'documentarea' in profile_parameters and profile_parameters['documentarea'] != '':
filters['documentarea'] = profile_parameters['documentarea']
cursor.executemany('''INSERT INTO filters(c1,c2) VALUES(?,?)''',
( (
(key, value,) for key, value in filters.iteritems() (key, value,) for key, value in filters.iteritems()
) )
) )
if numberOfGrantsUploaded(user_id, request_arguments['concepts']) != 0: if numberOfGrantsUploaded(user_id, request_arguments['concepts']) != 0:
cursor.execute("insert into grants select stripchars(c1) as c1, stripchars(c2) as c2 from (file 'users_files/p{0}.tsv')".format(user_id)) # cursor.execute('''VAR 'currprofile' VALUES(?)''', ('users_files/p{0}.tsv'.format(user_id),))
cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO grants SELECT stripchars(c1) as c1, stripchars(c2) as c2 FROM (file 'users_files/p{0}.tsv')'''.format(user_id))
cursor.close() cursor.close()
data = {} data = {}
@ -1559,11 +1572,11 @@ class SaveProfileToDatabaseHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id argument") self.write("Missing user's id argument")
return return
user_id = request_arguments['user'] user_id = request_arguments['user'][:128]
# get data # get data
profile_id = request_arguments['id'] profile_id = request_arguments['id'][:128]
profile_name = request_arguments['name'] profile_name = request_arguments['name'][:128]
doc_name = request_arguments['docname'] doc_name = request_arguments['docname'][:128]
docs_number = request_arguments['docsnumber'] docs_number = request_arguments['docsnumber']
# copy profile file to a unique user profile file # copy profile file to a unique user profile file
profile_file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfile_{0}.oamp".format(user_id) profile_file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfile_{0}.oamp".format(user_id)
@ -1590,10 +1603,9 @@ class SaveProfileToDatabaseHandler(BaseHandler):
cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor() cursor=madis.functions.Connection(database_file_name).cursor()
user_profiles = [] user_profiles = []
if old_profile: if old_profile:
query = 'UPDATE database set datecreated="{2}", status="{3}", matches="{4}", docname="{5}", docsnumber="{6}" where id="{0}"'.format(profile_id,profile_name,"%B %d %Y"),"Ready","8/8",doc_name,docs_number) cursor.execute('''UPDATE database SET datecreated=?, status=?, matches=?, docname=?, docsnumber=? WHERE id=?''', ("%B %d %Y"),"Ready","8/8",doc_name,docs_number,profile_id), parse=False)
else: else:
query = 'INSERT INTO database VALUES("{0}","{1}","{2}","{3}","{4}","{5}","{6}")'.format(profile_id,profile_name,"%B %d %Y"),"Saved","8/8",doc_name,docs_number) cursor.execute('''INSERT INTO database VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?)''', (profile_id,profile_name,"%B %d %Y"),"Saved","8/8",doc_name,docs_number,), parse=False)
cursor.execute(query, parse=False)
cursor.close() cursor.close()
self.write(json.dumps({})) self.write(json.dumps({}))
self.finish() self.finish()
@ -1625,8 +1637,8 @@ class DownloadProfileHandler(BaseHandler):
self.set_status(400) self.set_status(400)
self.write("Missing user's id argument") self.write("Missing user's id argument")
return return
user_id = request_arguments['user'] user_id = request_arguments['user'][:128]
profile_id = request_arguments['id'] profile_id = request_arguments['id'][:128]
unique_profile_file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfile_{0}_{1}.oamp".format(user_id,profile_id) unique_profile_file_name = "users_files/OAMiningProfile_{0}_{1}.oamp".format(user_id,profile_id)
buf_size = 4096 buf_size = 4096
self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream') self.set_header('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')