Open. Transparent. Interconnected.

OpenAIRE Research Graph is an open resource that aggregates a collection of research data properties (metadata, links) available within the OpenAIRE Open Science infrastructure for funders, organizations, researchers, research communities and publishers to interlink information by using a semantic graph database approach.

Learn more

How it works

360° View on linked open science.

From open and authoritative sources around the globe.

Why OpenAIRE Research Graph

Unlock the power of open science data
Open and transparent
It is available for download and re-use as CC-BY (due to some input sources whose license is CC-BY); parts of the graphs can be re-used as CC-0; provenance is tracked at the level of the records and, when these are the result of full-text mining, of the properties (provenance also includes an indicator of trust, in the range [0..1]).
Decentralized and interoperable
Metadata and links are collected from data sources, such as institutional/data/software repositories, publishers, registries, and re-distributed to such sources via brokering services.
Intelligent linking
Abstracts, full-texts of Open Access publications and links are processed by several algorithms that infer new links and enrich the graph.
Intelligent linking
Abstracts, full-texts of Open Access publications and links are processed by several algorithms that infer new links and enrich the graph.
Embedded metrics
Powers up calculation of advanced statistics and metrics about Open Science and research impact.
Embedded metrics
Powers up calculation of advanced statistics and metrics about Open Science and research impact.

Use cases

Brief presentations of our success stories

Open Knowledge maps

VIPER, the Visual Project Explorer enables funders, institutions and researchers to systematically explore a project’s output, and to understand its reception in different areas.

European Commission

The EC Participant Portal is using the OpenAIRE Research Graph to collect information about publications and datasets resulting from H2020 funded projects.


ORCID data is used to enrich the research product records of the OpenAIRE Research Graph. Through EXPLORE, ORCID users can instantly identify their works, enrich the OpenAIRE Research Graph and their ORCID profiles.

Research Graph is used in OpenAIRE services


Who benefits


Intelligent and contextual discovery of research

  • Open Access versions
  • Navigation through publication, data and software
  • Discovery of data and software

Service Providers

Contribute to and use the graph for new services

  • Metadata and collections interoperable
  • Research Graph dump and APIs
  • New services

Research managers & Policy makers

Used in metrics

  • Open Science trends
  • Compliance to funder mandates
  • Research Impact

We believe in Numbers
