import {Component, OnDestroy, OnInit, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {EmailService} from '../openaireLibrary/utils/email/email.service'; import {Email} from '../openaireLibrary/utils/email/email'; import {EnvProperties} from '../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties'; import {Composer} from '../openaireLibrary/utils/email/composer'; import {Meta, Title} from '@angular/platform-browser'; import {HelperFunctions} from '../openaireLibrary/utils/HelperFunctions.class'; import {FormBuilder, FormGroup, Validators} from '@angular/forms'; import {properties} from '../../environments/environment'; import {FAQ} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/entities/FAQ"; import {Breadcrumb} from "../openaireLibrary/utils/breadcrumbs/breadcrumbs.component"; import {Subscription} from 'rxjs'; import {PiwikService} from '../openaireLibrary/utils/piwik/piwik.service'; import {SEOService} from '../openaireLibrary/sharedComponents/SEO/SEO.service'; @Component({ selector: 'contact', templateUrl: './contact.component.html', styleUrls: ['contact.component.css'] }) export class ContactComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy { public showLoading = true; public errorMessage = ''; public email: Email; public faqs: FAQ[] = []; public properties: EnvProperties = properties; subs: Subscription[] = []; description = "Do you have questions? Contact us"; title = "OpenAIRE - Research Graph | Support"; public contactForm: FormGroup; @ViewChild('AlertModal') modal; @ViewChild('recaptcha') recaptcha; public breadcrumbs: Breadcrumb[] = [ { name: 'home', route: '/' }, { name: 'support' } ]; constructor(private router: Router, private route: ActivatedRoute, private emailService: EmailService, private _title: Title, private _piwikService:PiwikService, private _meta: Meta, private seoService: SEOService, private fb: FormBuilder) { this.setFaqs(); } ngOnInit() { this._title.setTitle(this.title); this._meta.updateTag({content:this.description},"name='description'"); this._meta.updateTag({content:this.description},"property='og:description'"); this._meta.updateTag({content:this.title},"property='og:title'"); = {body: '', subject: '', recipients: []}; this.reset(); this.showLoading = false; var url = +; this.seoService.createLinkForCanonicalURL(url, false); this._meta.updateTag({content:url},"property='og:url'"); if( && (typeof document !== 'undefined')){ this.subs.push(this._piwikService.trackView(, this.title).subscribe()); } } public send(event) { HelperFunctions.scroll(); if (event.valid === true) { this.sendMail(; } else { this.errorMessage = 'Please fill in all the required fields!'; } } public reset() { this.contactForm ={ name: this.fb.control('', Validators.required), email: this.fb.control('', [Validators.required,]), affiliation: this.fb.control('', Validators.required), organization: this.fb.control('', Validators.required), description: this.fb.control('', Validators.required), recaptcha: this.fb.control('', Validators.required), }); this.errorMessage = ''; } private sendMail(admins: any) { this.showLoading = true; this.subs.push(, Composer.composeEmailForGraph(this.contactForm.value, admins), this.contactForm.value.recaptcha).subscribe( res => { this.showLoading = false; if (res) { this.reset(); this.modalOpen(); } else { this.errorMessage = 'Email sent failed! Please try again.'; this.contactForm.get('recaptcha').setValue(''); } }, error => { this.handleError('Email sent failed! Please try again.', error); this.showLoading = false; this.contactForm.get('recaptcha').setValue(''); } )); } public modalOpen() { this.modal.okButton = true; this.modal.alertTitle = 'Your request has been successfully submitted'; this.modal.alertMessage = false; this.modal.cancelButton = false; this.modal.okButtonLeft = false; this.modal.okButtonText = 'OK';; } handleError(message: string, error) { this.errorMessage = message; console.log('Server responded: ' + error); this.showLoading = false; } public goToHome() { this.router.navigate(['/']); } private setFaqs() { this.faqs.push({ "question": "What are \"trusted\" sources?", "answer": "OpenAIRE data sources are considered \"trusted\" when researchers rely on them to share, discover, monitor, and assess their scientific products. " + "Known sources collected by OpenAIRE are institutional repositories (e.g. university archives, libraries), catch-all repositories (e.g. Zenodo, Figshare, Dryad, B2Share, etc.), " + "data repositories (e.g. Pangaea, GESIS, bio sources), thematic repositories (e.g. ArXiv, EuropePMC, RePec, etc.), " + "Open Access publishers (e.g. F1000, OpenEdition, etc.), knowledge graphs (e.g. Microsoft Academic Graph, OpenCitations), " + "registries (e.g. CrossRef, DataCite, ORCID,, OpenDOAR,, etc), aggregators " + "(e.g. Unpaywall, BASE, Scielo, DOAJ, CORE-UK, etc.), funders (e.g. European Commission, NSF, Wellcome Trust, etc.)." }); this.faqs.push({ "question": "What do you mean with “transparent graph”?", "answer": "The OpenAIRE Research Graph is transparent because it keeps tracks of the provenance of each and every information it contains. " + "For each field you can know if they have been collected from one of our sources, if it has been inferred (and with which algorithm and with which confidence level)" }); } public ngOnDestroy() { this.subs.forEach(sub => { if(sub instanceof Subscription) { sub.unsubscribe(); } }); } }