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Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. 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K.", "family": "Hall" } ], "issued": [ { "date-parts": [ "1957", "1", "1" ] } ], "container-title": "Journal of the American Chemical Society", "volume": "79", "issue": "20", "page": "5441-5444" } ]'; var Cite = require('../home/citation-0.2.js'); var opt = { format: 'string', type : 'string', style : 'citation-apa', lang : 'en-US' }; // var Cite = require('citation-js'); var cite = new Cite(data, opt); console.log("APA:"+cite.get()); opt = { format: 'string', type : 'string', style : 'citation-harvard1', lang : 'en-US' }; cite = new Cite(data, opt); // cite.set(data); console.log("harvard1: "+cite.get()); var opt_template = { format: 'string', type : 'string', style : 'citation-ieee', lang : 'en-US', template : ' ' }; // var opt = { format: 'string', type : 'string', style : 'citation-', lang : 'en-US', template : }; var cite_template = new Cite(data, opt_template); cite_template.set(data); console.log("IEEE: "+cite_template.get()); } bibtex:string =` `; ieee_csl:string =` `; }