#ATTENTION #DON'T run it in svn folder - it REMOVES files #Copy project in another file "deploy-folder" #cd "deploy-folder" #run the script ## cp the file according to the deploy environment # cp production-properties.json ../src/assets/env-properties.json; # cp test-properties.json ../src/assets/env-properties.json; # cp beta-properties.json ../src/assets/env-properties.json; ## uncommect from here--> # echo -n 'Check properties service to have the url for the deployment environment!!'; # echo -n "Press key:"; # read -n1 ans # echo -n "Pressed"; # pico ../src/app/openaireLibrary/utils/properties/environment-specific.service.ts; # echo 'For Production keep meta for bots'; # echo -n 'Check index.html: For test keep meta for noindex, for production remove noindex and keep meta for Search engines verification'; # echo -n "Press key:"; # read -n1 ans # echo -n "Pressed"; # pico ../src/index.html; # echo -n 'Check Robots.txt: For test and beta add "Diasallow /", for production remove it!'; # echo -n "Press key:"; # read -n1 ans # echo -n "Pressed"; # pico ../src/robots.txt; # rm -rf ../src/assets/common-assets/.svn/; # rm -rf ../src/app/openaireLibrary/.svn/; # echo 'Run "cd ..; npm run build:dynamic; cd deploy;" '; # echo 'Then run prepary deploy script'; ##<-- to here