import {Component, Input, Output, EventEmitter, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {JSONP_PROVIDERS} from '@angular/http'; import {Observable} from 'rxjs/Observable'; import { RouteParams, RouteConfig, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, Router } from '@angular/router-deprecated'; import {ClaimsService} from '../../../services/claims.service'; import {PublicationTitleFormatter} from '../../../common/publicationTitleFormatter.component'; import {Loading} from '../../../common/modal/loading.component'; @Component({ selector: 'claim-insert', directives: [...ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, Loading], template: `
Now show my claims
`, providers:[JSONP_PROVIDERS, ClaimsService] }) export class ClaimInsertComponent { constructor (private claimService: ClaimsService, private _routeParams: RouteParams, private _router:Router) {} ngOnInit() { } @Input() contexts=[]; @Input() projects=[]; @Input() publications=[]; @Input() datasets=[]; @Input() show='claim'; @Output() showChange = new EventEmitter(); @ViewChild (Loading) loading : Loading ; claiming =false; error = false; errorMessage = ""; claimsTODO:number = 0; claims:number = 0; insert(){ this.claiming = true; var user="" if( this.datasets.length == 0 && this.publications.length == 0){ this.errorMessage = "There are no publications or datasets selected."; this.error = true; }else if(this.contexts.length == 0 && this.projects.length == 0){ this.errorMessage = "There are no projects or concepts to link."; this.error = true; }else{; for (var i = 0; i < this.publications.length; i++) { var result=this.publications[i]; this.insertClaim(result,user); } for (var i = 0; i < this.datasets.length; i++) { var result=this.datasets[i]; this.insertClaim(result,user); } } } claimInserted(){; if( == this.claimsTODO){ = "myclaims"; this.loading.close(); // this.showChange.emit({ // value: // }); this._router.navigate( ['MyClaims'] ); } } insertClaim(result:any, user:any){ for (var j = 0; j < this.contexts.length; j++) { var context=this.contexts[j]; var claim = { claimedBy : user, sourceId :, sourceType : "context", sourceCollectedFrom:"openaire", sourceAccessRights:"OPEN", sourceEmbargoEndDate:"", targetId : , targetType : result.type, targetCollectedFrom: result.source, targetAccessRights:result.accessRights, targetEmbargoEndDate:result.embargoEndDate};"Trying to insert context - result relation: contextId: "+claim.sourceId +" resultId : " + claim.targetId + " "+ claim.targetEmbargoEndDate ); this.claimsTODO +=1; this.claimService.insertClaim(claim).subscribe( data => { this.claimInserted(); }, err => console.error(err) ); } for (var j = 0; j < this.projects.length; j++) { var project=this.projects[j]; var claim = { claimedBy : user, sourceId : project.projectId, sourceType : "project", sourceCollectedFrom:"openaire", sourceAccessRights:"OPEN", sourceEmbargoEndDate:"", targetId : , targetType : result.type, targetCollectedFrom: result.source, targetAccessRights:result.accessRights, targetEmbargoEndDate:result.embargoEndDate};"Trying to insert project - result relation: projectId: "+claim.sourceId +" resultId : " + claim.targetId + " "+ claim.targetEmbargoEndDate ); this.claimsTODO +=1; this.claimService.insertClaim(claim).subscribe( data => { this.claimInserted(); }, err => console.error(err) ); } } }