const axios = require('axios'); var express = require("express"); var bodyParser = require("body-parser"); var cookieParser = require('cookie-parser'); var multer = require("multer"); var PropertiesReader = require('properties-reader'); var properties = PropertiesReader('./properties.file'); var app = express(); var http = null; // Properties if (properties.get('ssl')) { http = require("https"); } else { http = require("http"); } var searchServiceAPIUrl = properties.get('searchServiceAPIUrl'); var monitorServiceAPIUrl = properties.get('monitorAPIUrl'); var auth = properties.get('userInfoUrl'); /** @deprecated*/ var authDeprecated = auth.includes("accessToken"); var localPath = properties.get('localPath'); var maxSize = properties.get('max.size') * 1024; var bigMaxSize = properties.get('big-max.size') * 1024; var storage = multer.diskStorage({ destination: function (req, file, cb) { cb(null, 'uploads') }, filename: function (req, file, cb) { if ( { cb(null, + (req.params.label?('-' + req.params.label):'') + '-' + new Date().getTime() + '.' + file.originalname.split('.').pop()); } else { cb(null, file.originalname); } } }); var upload = multer({storage: storage}) app.use(bodyParser.json()); app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true})); app.use(cookieParser()); app.use(function (req, res, next) { res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.headers.origin); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, x-xsrf-token'); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials', "true"); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, OPTIONS, POST, DELETE'); res.header('Access-Control-Max-Age', "1800"); next(); }); app.get('/download/:filename', function (req, res) {'./uploads/' + req.params.filename); });"/upload", upload.array("uploads[]", 12), function (req, res) { var filepath = (localPath ? "." : __dirname) + "/" + req.files[0].path; let type = req.query.type; if (type === 'json' && req.files[0].mimetype !== 'application/json') { console.error("No proper file type"); res.status(500).send(getResponse(500, "No proper file type")); } else if ((!type || type === 'csv') && req.files[0].mimetype !== 'text/csv' && req.files[0].mimetype !== 'application/') { console.error("No proper file type"); res.status(500).send(getResponse(500, "No proper file type")); } else {; setTimeout(function () { deleteFile(filepath); }, 3000); // deleteFile(filepath); } });['/upload/:id', '/upload/stakeholder/:id', '/upload/:type/:id', '/upload/:type/:id/:label'], upload.single('photo'), (req, res) => { let fileMaxSize = (req.query.big)?bigMaxSize:maxSize sendFile(req, res, fileMaxSize, (result) => { let type = req.params['type']; let id = req.params['id']; let roles = result.roles; if(type) { return isPortalAdmin(roles) || isCurator(type, roles) || isManager(type, id, roles); } else { return result.sub.indexOf(id) !== -1 || isPortalAdmin(roles) || isAnyCurator(roles); } }); }); app.delete(['/delete/:filename', '/delete/stakeholder/:filename', '/delete/:type/:id/:filename'], function (req, res) { deleteFileSend(req, res, (result) => { let roles = result.roles; let type = req.params['type']; let id = req.params['id']; if(type && id) { return isPortalAdmin(roles) || isCurator(type, roles) || isManager(type, id, roles); } else { return result.sub.indexOf(req.params.filename.split('-')[0]) !== -1 || isPortalAdmin(roles) || isAnyCurator(roles); } }); }); app.get('/explore/home', async function (req, res) { try { // Make requests to multiple APIs let requests= [ searchServiceAPIUrl + 'publications/count?format=json', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'datasets/count?format=json', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'software/count?format=json', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'other/count?format=json', searchServiceAPIUrl +'results/?fields=relfunder&sf=relfunder&format=json&size=0', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'datasources/count?format=json', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'resources2/?format=json&size=0&type=organizations&fq=(reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver-openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire3.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire4.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire-cris_1.1 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0_data or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact hostedBy or relproject=*)', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'projects/?fields=funder&sf=funder&format=json&size=0', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'resources?query=(%20(oaftype%20exact%20result)%20and%20(resulttypeid%20exact%20dataset)%20and%20(relresulttype%3Dpublication)%20%20)&page=0&size=0&format=json', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'resources?query=(%20(oaftype%20exact%20result)%20and%20(resulttypeid%20exact%20software)%20and%20(relresulttype%3Dpublication)%20%20)&page=0&size=0&format=json' ]; const dataPromises = => axios.get( url)); const dataResponses = await Promise.all(dataPromises); // Determine if all additional requests were successful const allRequestsSuccessful = dataResponses.every((response) => response.status === 200); // Combine the data const aggregatedData = { publications: dataResponses[0], datasets: dataResponses[1], software: dataResponses[2], other: dataResponses[3], results: dataResponses[4], /*,*/ datasources: dataResponses[5], organizations: dataResponses[6], projects:dataResponses[7], /*,*/ funders: parseNoOfFunders(dataResponses[4].data, dataResponses[7].data), datasetsInterlinked:dataResponses[8], softwareInterlinked:dataResponses[9], success:allRequestsSuccessful }; // Send the aggregated data as the response res.status(allRequestsSuccessful?200:207).json(aggregatedData); } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching data:', error.message); res.status(500).send('Internal Server Error'); } }); app.get('/explore/search', async function (req, res) { let aggregatedData = {}; try { // Make requests to multiple APIs let requests= [ searchServiceAPIUrl +'resources2/?format=json&size=0&type=results&fq=resultbestaccessright%20exact%20%22Open%20Access%22', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'datasources/count?format=json', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'resources2/?format=json&size=0&type=organizations&fq=(reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact driver-openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire3.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire4.0 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire-cris_1.1 or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact openaire2.0_data or reldatasourcecompatibilityid exact hostedBy or relproject=*)', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'projects/count?format=json' ] const dataPromises = => axios.get( url)); const dataResponses = await Promise.all(dataPromises); // Determine if all additional requests were successful const allRequestsSuccessful = dataResponses.every((response) => response.status === 200); // Combine the data aggregatedData = { results: dataResponses[0], datasources: dataResponses[1], organizations: dataResponses[2], projects:dataResponses[3], success:allRequestsSuccessful }; // Send the aggregated data as the response res.status(allRequestsSuccessful?200:207).json(aggregatedData); } catch (error) { console.log(aggregatedData) console.error('Error fetching data:', error); res.status(500).send('Internal Server Error'); } }); app.get('/explore/funders', async function (req, res) { let aggregatedData = {}; try { // Make requests to multiple APIs let requests= [ searchServiceAPIUrl + 'resources2/?format=json&type=results&fq=relfunder=*&refine=true&fields=relfunder&sf=relfunder&page=0&size=0', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'resources2/?format=json&type=results&fq=relfunder=*&refine=true&fields=relfunder&sf=relfunder&page=0&size=0&fq=resultbestaccessright%20exact%20%22Open%20Access%22', searchServiceAPIUrl + 'resources2/?format=json&type=projects&fq=funder=*&fq=projecttitle<>"unidentified"&refine=true&fields=funder&sf=funder&page=0&size=0', monitorServiceAPIUrl + 'stakeholder?type=funder', ] const dataPromises = => axios.get( url)); const dataResponses = await Promise.all(dataPromises); // Determine if all additional requests were successful const allRequestsSuccessful = dataResponses.every((response) => response.status === 200); let fundersMap = new Map(); let resultsFunders = dataResponses[0].data.refineResults.relfunder; resultsFunders.forEach(queriedFunder => { if (!fundersMap.has( { fundersMap.set(,{name:, id:, results:queriedFunder.count, openResults: null, projects:null, stakeholder:null}); } }); let openResultsFunders = dataResponses[1].data.refineResults.relfunder; openResultsFunders.forEach(queriedFunder => { if (!fundersMap.has( { fundersMap.set(,{name:, id:, results:null, openResults: queriedFunder.count, projects:null, stakeholder:null}); }else{ fundersMap.get( = queriedFunder.count; } }); let projectFunders = dataResponses[2].data.refineResults.funder; projectFunders.forEach(queriedFunder => { if (!fundersMap.has( ) { fundersMap.set(,{name:, id:, results:null, openResults: null, projects:queriedFunder.count, stakeholder:null}); }else{ fundersMap.get( = queriedFunder.count; } }); let stakeholders = dataResponses[3].data; stakeholders.forEach(stakeholder => { let id = stakeholder.index_id + "||" + stakeholder.index_name + "||" + stakeholder.index_shortName; // console.log(id); if (!fundersMap.has(id)) { fundersMap.set(id,{name: stakeholder.index_name, id: id, results:null, openResults: null, projects:null, stakeholder:stakeholder}); }else{ fundersMap.get(id).stakeholder = stakeholder; } }); // Combine the data // Send the aggregated data as the response // console.log(fundersMap) aggregatedData = { count: fundersMap.size, results: dataResponses[0], projects: dataResponses[2], funders: Array.from(fundersMap.values()), success:allRequestsSuccessful }; res.status(allRequestsSuccessful?200:207).json(aggregatedData); } catch (error) { // console.log(aggregatedData) console.error('Error fetching data:', error); res.status(500).send('Internal Server Error'); } }); app.get('/grouped-requests', async function (req, res) { res.json([ "/explore/search", "/explore/home", "/explore/funders" ]); }); function parseNoOfFunders(resultRES, projectsRES){ // combines the refines qeries on funders field, the funders with results and the funders that have at least one project let mergedFundersSet = new Set(); let queriedFunders = resultRES.refineResults.relfunder; queriedFunders.forEach(queriedFunder => { if (!mergedFundersSet.has( { mergedFundersSet.add(; } }); queriedFunders = projectsRES.refineResults.funder; queriedFunders.forEach(queriedFunder => { if(+queriedFunder.count > 1) { if (!mergedFundersSet.has( { mergedFundersSet.add(; } } }); return mergedFundersSet.size; } const server = app.listen(properties.get('port'), function () { console.log("Listening on port %s...", server.address().port); }); function sendFile(req, res, size, authorized) { const cookie = (authDeprecated)?req.cookies['AccessToken']:req.cookies['openAIRESession']; const file = req.file; var filepath = (localPath ? "." : __dirname) + "/" + file.path; if (!cookie) { res.status(401).send(getResponse(401, "Unauthorized")); deleteFile(filepath); } else if (!file || (file.mimetype !== 'image/jpeg' && file.mimetype !== 'image/png')) { res.status(500).send(getResponse(500, "No image file type")); deleteFile(filepath); } else if (file.size > size) { res.status(500).send(getResponse(500, "Exceeds file size limit")); deleteFile(filepath); } else { getUserInfo(authorized, req, res, () => { res.send(file); }); } } function deleteFileSend(req, res, authorized) { const cookie = (authDeprecated)?req.cookies['AccessToken']:req.cookies['openAIRESession']; if (!cookie) { res.status(401).send(getResponse(401, "Unauthorized")); } else { getUserInfo(authorized, req, res, () => { deleteFile('./uploads/' + req.params.filename, res); }); } } function getUserInfo(authorized, req, res, success) { let url = (authDeprecated)?(auth + cookie):auth; http.get(url, {headers: {Cookie: req.header('Cookie')}}, function (resp) { var responseString = ""; resp.on("data", function (data) { responseString += data; }); resp.on("end", function () { var result = JSON.parse(responseString); if (result.error) { res.status(401).send(getResponse(401, "Unauthorized")); } else { if (authorized(result)) { success(); } else { res.status(401).send(getResponse(401, "Unauthorized")); } } }); }); } function getResponse(code, message) { var response = {}; response["code"] = code; response["message"] = message; return response; } function deleteFile(filepath, res = null) { const fs = require('fs'); fs.stat(filepath, function (err, stats) { if (err) { return console.error(err); } try{ fs.unlinkSync(filepath); console.log('file deleted successfully'); if(res) { res.send("File Deleted Successfully"); } } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); } function mapType(type, communityMap = true) { if(type === 'organization') { return 'institution'; } else if(type === 'ri' && communityMap) { return 'community'; } else { return type; } } function isPortalAdmin(roles) { return roles.includes("PORTAL_ADMINISTRATOR"); } function isAnyCurator(roles) { return roles.filter(role => role.includes("CURATOR_")).length > 0; } function isCurator(type, roles) { return roles.includes("CURATOR_" + mapType(type).toUpperCase()); } function isManager(type, id, roles) { return roles.includes(mapType(type).toUpperCase() + "_" + id.toUpperCase() + "_MANAGER"); }