1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: Added Beta badge and "View all" link.
2. fundedBy.component.ts: Added @Input isMobile and relative checks in html | Updated how projects appear in mobile | Added ng-template for #funder and #dropInfo.
3. relatedTo.component.ts: Added @Input isMobile and relative checks in html | Added uk-margin-small-bottom between communities in mobile.
4. showSubjects.component.ts:
a. Added @Input isMobile and relative checks in html.
b. Added @Input() viewAllSubjects: boolean = false, @Input() viewAllClassifiedSubjects: boolean = false, @Output() viewAllClicked = new EventEmitter(); and methods "viewAllSubjectsClicked()", "viewAllSubjectsByVocabularyClicked()" to show subjects properly in mobile.
5. full-screen-modal.component.ts: Added method "backClicked()" and field public stayOpenInBack: boolean = false.
6. resultLanding.module.ts: Imported FullScreenModalModule.
7. resultLanding.component.ts & resultLanding.component.html: Redesign for small screens (mobile) for main info and its tabs (Summary, References, etc..).
1. claimContextSearchForm.component.ts & claimProjectSearchForm.component.ts & claimResultSearchForm.component.ts: Added "@Input() public centerAlign: boolean = false".
2. claimContextSearchForm.component.html & claimProjectSearchForm.component.html & claimResultSearchForm.component.html: align search form to the center if centerAlign is true (in direct linking).
3. linkingGeneric.component.ts:
a. Scroll to top smoothly when changing step.
b. Added method "getEntityName()" to resolve entity name from entity type.
4. linkingGeneric.component.html: Redesign in direct linking:
a. Hidden stepper.
b. Title before search form
c. Back button instead of breadcrumb.
d. Search form aligned to the center.
e. In basket, no tabs, but source on top of link source to.
f. Button to Step 3 renamed to "Summarise".
5. HelperFunctions.class.ts: In methods "scroll()" and "scrollTo()" added parameter "smooth: boolean = false" for smooth scroll.
6. tsconfig.json: Commented "angularCompilerOptions": { "strictTemplates": true}.
1. sdg.component.html: Added link for more information to joomla article (Canada's request).
2. timeout-interceptor.service.ts: Excluded from timeout interceptor properties.searchCrossrefAPIURL and properties.searchDataciteAPIURL.
3. searchDatacite.service.ts: In method "getDataciteResultByDOI()", for requests coming from file uploaded in linking added timeout to 20 sec, and for other requests timeout similar to the interceptor (6 sec for production, 12 otherwise).
4. searchCrossref.service.ts: In method "searchCrossrefByDOIs()", added timeout similar to the interceptor (6 sec for production, 12 otherwise) | Added method "searchCrossrefByDOI()", called for requests coming from file uploaded in linking.
5. bulkClaim.component.ts: Call new API method for Crossref requests for DOIs | Fixed tooltip to appear.
1. resultLanding.service.ts: [Bug fix] Spelling error in parsing of "eoscifguidelines" field.
2. showSubjects.component.ts: [Bug fix] Do not show "EOSC" label in classified subjects, when no "eoscSubjects" parsed.
3. searchFields.ts: In RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS added "eoscifguidelines" | Added method "getResultAdvancedFields()", which does not include "eoscifguidelines" in "RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS" when environment == "production".
4. searchAll.component.ts & searchResearchResults.component.ts: Get searchFields.RESULT_ADVANCED_FIELDS from "getResultAdvancedFields()".
1. fundedBy.component.ts: Added local field "provenancesCalculated" to check for each provenance label only once and do not show provenance if no vocabulary or if not label for this value.
2. result-preview.component.ts: Do not show provenance if no vocabulary or if no label for this value.
3. HelperFunctions.class.ts: In method "getVocabularyLabel()" added parameter "returnIfNotFound: boolean = true" to return null if no vocabulary or if no label for this value, when it is false.
1. resultLanding.service.ts: Added in parsing field "eoscifgiudelines" (resultLandingInfo.eoscSubjects).
2. parsingFunctions.class.ts: Added method "parseEoscSubjects()" | Method "checkAndAddEoscSubject()" updated - do not add eosc subjects in classifiedSubjects.
3. resultLanding.component.html: In <showSubjects> added [eoscSubjects]="resultLandingInfo.eoscSubjects".
4. showSubjects.component.ts: Added @Input() eoscSubjects: any[]; and show them as classifiedSubjects too.