1. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & dataProvider.component.html & organization.component.html: In mobile (small) screens, change ratio of icons in bottom action bar from 2 to 1.4.
2. showIdentifiers.component.ts: In mobile (small) screens, added in fs-modal classTitle="uk-tile-default uk-border-bottom".
3. landing.less: Added variable @landing-action-bar-mobile-border: @global-border; to use it in border-top of landing-action-bar-mobile > div | Changed padding of landing-action-bar-mobile > div to 8px in top and bottom.
1. home.component & navigationBar.component: Get portalName by config.portalAsObservable>name and set placeholder to "Search "+portalName.
2. searchAll.component.ts: Set default value of "formPlaceholderText" to "Search".
3. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Set placeholder of input (when there is also the <entities-selection>) to [placeholder]="formPlaceholderText".
1. home.component.ts: Removed field "showQuickContact" | In constructor set quickContactService.setDisplay(false) and in ngOnDestroy quickContactService.setDisplay(true) | Refactor intersectionObserver.
2. app.component.ts: Updated checks for <quick-contact> | Added public bottomNotIntersecting: boolean; and public displayQuickContact: boolean; (check if intersecting with specific section in home page) | Added disconnect in ngOnDestroy for IntersectionObserver subscriptions.
1. searchAll.component.ts: [Bug fix] From previous commit - Set formPlaceholderText outside if condition.
2. advancedSearchForm.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "simpleKeywordChanged()", do not check for selectedEntity when !this.entitiesSelection (selectedEntity is changed only when exists <entities-selection>.
1. searchAll.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Subscribe to layoutService.isMobile and calculate there the "offset" (for sticky tabs).
b. Updated "formPlaceholderText" - different for each entity.
2. newSearchPage.component.html: Added check, so that search form is not sticky in advanced search pages.
1. dataProvider.component.html & project.component.html & resultLanding.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for usage counts iframes and changed the order they appear (first views, then downloads).
2. dataProvider.component.ts & project.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes.
b. [Bug fix] Updated parsing of dataProviderInfo.measure.counts when querying external usage counts api.
3. resultLanding.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Added fields public hasViews: boolean = false; and public hasDownloads: boolean = false; - used in checks for displaying usage counts iframes.
b. [Bug fix] In bipFrameUrl, when environment == "beta", add "&src=beta" parameter.
4. orcid-work.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] Updated disabled class checks, to enable orcid buttons in search too when there are identifiers.
b. When loading - action is in progress, show loading icon next to the label.
c. In my orcid links page: renamed "Add to ORCID" to "Claim" and "Delete from ORCID" to "Remove".
5. newSearchPage.component.html: [Bug fix] Updated checks for "filters" floating button in mobile/ small screens.
6. Added method "detectChanges()" to be called by html.
7. navigationBar.component.html: Updated placeholder of search-input to align with the generic search form (Home page).
8. ISVocabularies.service.ts: [Bug fix] In methods getFos() and getSDGs(), removed check and call to cache - these files are always local.
1. searchFilter.component.ts: [Bug fix] In method "filterKeywords()", set hasMatch and call detectChanges(), only if !hasMatch.
2. searchAll.component.html: Hide numbers of entity tabs on mobile screens.
1. rangeFilter.component: [Bug fix] Removed from method get disabled() check of isDisabled and added this check for class "disabled" in action/button (error on enter, because isDisabled was already true before triggering the action of yearChanged).
2. search-input.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added check for client side in ngAfterViewInit(), before calling "getComputedStyle".
3. searchAll.component:
a. Set "advancedSearchLink" properly and pass it to each search entity page in "simpleSearchLink" parameter.
b. In <advanced-search-form>, pass parameters [entityType]="activeEntity" and [advancedSearchLink]="advancedSearchLink" [advancedSearchLinkParameters]="parameters".
4. advancedSearchForm.component.html: Removed check this.entityType == this.selectedEntity from advanced search link.
5. searchFilter.component.ts: In filterKeywords() method, added cdr.detectChanges().
6. searchResult.component.html: [Bug fix] Reverted [isMobile] parameter to <result-preview" (removed by mistake in a previous merge).
1. Deleted assers/explore-assets/home/graph.svg - Replaced by assets/common-assets/common/graph-nodes.svg.
2. home.component.html:
a. Updated graph image.
b. Added in <div search-input>: [searchInputClass]="'inner background'".
c. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
3. claimResultSearchForm.component.html & searchDataprovidersToDeposit.component.ts: Added in <div search-input>: [searchInputClass]="'inner background'".
4. searchAll.component.html:
a. Updated margins/paddings for sticky tabs.
b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
5. searchAll.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix] In method ngOnInit(), moved loadAll() call inside check - avoid duplicate calls to search for each tab with count query.
b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
6. fos.component.html:
a. Updated paper of SciNoBo - replaced the old one with the newest.
b. Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
7. fos.component.ts: Renamed "OpenAIRE Research Graph" to "OpenAIRE Graph".
8. resultLanding.component.html & project.component.html & organization.component.html & dataProvider.component.html: [Improvement] Updated check and class for <landing-header> when sticky - make it invisible, when not sticky - solved flickering and change of content position.
9. showTitle.component.ts: Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; and when sticky, show only 1 line of the title (class lines-1).
10. landing-header.component.ts: Show only title when sticky and pass isSticky to <showTitle>.
1. searchFields.ts:
a. Added in HIDDEN_FIELDS, "instancetypename" (refine filter for research products).
b. In DEPENDENT_FIELDS, set ["instancetypename"]: "type"
2. quick-selections.component.ts: Added again (as in the past), @Input() vertical: boolean=false and show types using <search-filter> if vertical is true.
3. searchAll.component.html: Changed medium top and bottom margins to uk-margin-top uk-margin-bottom.
4. newSearchPage.component.ts:
a. In method "getFields()", check for HIDDEN_FIELDS, also dependencies to resultTypes.
b. Added method "getFilterById()".
5. newSearchPage.component.html:
a. Moved <quick-selections> to the left as filter (removed "include" line).
b. Added <ng-template #search_filter> and re-arranged the order of the filters