[develop | DONE | CHANGED]: explore-assets/funders/logos: Renamed all funder logos by using only their shortnames | funders.component.ts: For static logos, split funder id and get only their shortname, to get the static logo - Special characters where causing problems in pulling the project in Windows environment.

Konstantina Galouni 4 months ago
parent 5b86f1a4d1
commit 9ca57b8f4d

@ -220,7 +220,9 @@ export class FundersComponent implements OnInit {
value.openAccessPercentage = Math.round((value.openAccessResearchProducts / value.researchProducts) * 100);
if(!value.logoUrl && this.staticLogos.has(value.id)) {
value.logoUrl = "assets/explore-assets/funders/logos/"+value.id+".png";
let split = value.id.split("||");
let shortname = (split && split.length==3) ? value.id.split("||")[2] : value.id;
value.logoUrl = "assets/explore-assets/funders/logos/"+shortname+".png";
// convert funders map into an array
