[common-assets & Library | new-theme]: Fixes for orcid dropdown in authors and increase timeout for addThis check for warning.

1. addThis.component.ts: [Bug fix] Increased timeout to 4 sec and fix check (sometimes innerText was undefined).
2. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: [Bug fix] Removed uk-animation-fade from results and added uk-scrollspy.
3. showAuthors.component.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed copy to clipboard - data-clipboard-target was not working because we have multiple clipboards in the same page (reverted code to old way of copying).
4. timeout-interceptor.service.ts: Reverted timeout time for client.
5. utils.css: Added custom css for .orcid-dropdown input (orcid dropdown in authors).
Konstantina Galouni 2 years ago
parent e4e2c0aeba
commit 41b3db27a6

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Subproject commit 7d563c19a8cc7e19f0ad65d19ace3eaaa361ebed
Subproject commit 9577c7841d5671d86f1c9c1252384c2508bc3c73

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit e0ff4127402ee93a1c757c8aee246fe2c20b18af
Subproject commit 170a0490e6ecf0d2e31d5a4cea3967cc14efa5af