[Explore & Library | new-theme]: Updates of paging in claims and orcid links pages | Fixes for server side rendering.

1. fos.component.ts & sdg.component.ts: [Bug fix] Added properties.domain as prefix in request for vocabulary - Network error on server.
2. displayClaims.component.html: Used <results-and-pages> before results and <paging-no-load> after results.
3. searchMyOrcidResults.component.html: After results use <paging-no-load>.
4. displayClaims.module.ts & searchMyOrcidResults.module.ts: Imported NoLoadPaging.
5. dataProvider.component.ts & organization.component.ts & project.component.ts & resultLanding.component.ts: [Bug fix] Fixed checks in ngAfterContentChecked, not to run on server.
6. dataProvider.service.ts: Added check if there are subjects.
7. orcid-work.component.ts: [Bug fix] On search view, add classes uk-button uk-button-link in orcid actions.
8. newSearchPage.component.ts: Removed console.log.
Konstantina Galouni 2 years ago
parent b18a4d0229
commit 3be9891320

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export class FosComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
ngOnInit() {
this.keywordControl = this.fb.control('');
this.httpClient.get('/assets/vocabulary/fos.json').subscribe(data => {
this.httpClient.get(properties.domain+'/assets/vocabulary/fos.json').subscribe(data => {
this.fos = data['fos'];
this.subscriptions.push(this.route.queryParams.subscribe(params => {
if(params.keyword) {

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 8e0ae783831226ea1d9f30eca81cad84a3bf4e45
Subproject commit 7d563c19a8cc7e19f0ad65d19ace3eaaa361ebed

@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export class SdgComponent implements OnInit, OnDestroy {
ngOnInit() {
this.loading = true;
this.httpClient.get('/assets/vocabulary/sdg.json').subscribe(data => {
this.httpClient.get(properties.domain+'/assets/vocabulary/sdg.json').subscribe(data => {
this.sdgs = data['sdg'];
this.refineFieldResultsService.getRefineFieldsResultsByEntityName(['sdg'], 'result', this.properties, null).subscribe(data => {

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit fd632de294187bf79f34fbc8aac70c54328158b8
Subproject commit e7f2543b7a01368a09f9100c001fe7fb76018658