[Library | new-theme]: Allow also ?pid url parameter in datasource landing | Fixes in newSearchPage for service filters.

1. dataProvider.component.ts: [Bug fix] Allow also ?pid url parameter, query accordingly and set canonicalUrl to use it in seoService and scema2jsonld.
2. dataProvider.component.html: Set canonicalUrl into URL of <schema2jsonld> | Use <landing-header> instead of <showTitle>.
3. dataProvider.service.ts: Set url for querying a datasource by pid (if ?pid in landing url param) and parse also the whole record, the objIdentifier and the relcanId.
4. landing-header.component.ts: Added @Input() isSticky: boolean = false; to set less margins when sticky.
5. resultLanding.component.html: Use <landing-header> instead of <showTitle>.
6. resultLanding.component.ts: Use renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
7. metrics.service.ts: Removed console.log.
8. searchDataproviders.service.ts: Added parsing for relcanId.
9. dataProviderInfo.ts: Added relcanId, objIdentifier, record.
10. result-preview.component.ts: Use renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
11. string-utils.class.ts: Renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
12. [SITEMAPS] extractUrlsFromSearch.ts: Use renamed Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers --> Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers.
13. newSearchPage.component.ts: [Bug fix]
   a. entityType for datasources is "dataprovider".
   b. Added service filter options only when entityType == "service".
Konstantina Galouni 2 years ago
parent 9406ad8152
commit 0b53cea58a

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 9a2b8d3632581400af9507421b1a0850979ae9c4
Subproject commit 95549185d91e436df8824c9e691ba82b011b5037

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit e7f2543b7a01368a09f9100c001fe7fb76018658
Subproject commit 7cb184f4f8dd1d0e0b75ce414e24c81ef42ed426

@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ function parseAllUrls_old(response: any, allUrls: any) {
for(let j=0; j<searchResults.length; j++) {
let resultPreview: any = ResultPreview.searchResultConvert(searchResults[j], searchResults[j].entityType);
let pid: any = Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers(resultPreview.identifiers);
let pid: any = Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers(resultPreview.identifiers);
let url;
if(pid && pid.id) {
url = getUrlByType(resultPreview.resultType, pid, encodeURIComponent(pid.id));
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ function parseAllUrls(response: any, allUrls: any, resultsType: string, subject:
let resultPreview: any = ResultPreview.resultLandingInfoConvert(resultLandingInfo, resultLandingInfo.resultType);
let pid: any = Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers(resultPreview.identifiers);
let pid: any = Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers(resultPreview.identifiers);
let url;
if(pid && pid.id) {
url = getUrlByType(resultPreview.resultType, pid, encodeURIComponent(pid.id));
@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ function parseAllUrls(response: any, allUrls: any, resultsType: string, subject:
// if (resData['pid']) {
// let identifiers = p.parseIdentifiers(resData['pid']);
// let pid = string_utils.Identifier.getResultPIDFromIdentifiers(identifiers);
// let pid = string_utils.Identifier.getPIDFromIdentifiers(identifiers);
// if(pid && pid.id) {
// allUrls[i] = getUrlByType(type, pid, pid.id);
