1. env-properties.ts:
a. In Dashboard type added "aggregator".
b. In PortalType added "funder", "ri", "project", "organization", "aggregator", "eosc".
2. environments/: Set "dashboard" property to "aggregator" and only for eosc set "adminToolsPortalType" property to "eosc".
3. entitiesSelection.component.ts: Added check if adminToolsPortalType is "eosc".
4. resultLanding.component.ts: In method "hasRightSidebarInfo()" check if adminToolsPortalType is "eosc" to show "Check compatible EOSC services" button.
5. resultLanding.component.html: Show "Check compatible EOSC services" for adminToolsPortalType "explore" or "eosc".
1. aggregators.ts: Added in PortalAggregators.disabled object, service entity & route.
2. app.component.ts: Added in menuItems "Serive" and use for menuItems entity names from OpenaireEntities.
3. app-routing.module.ts: Added routes for service landing, search and advanced search pages.
4. environments/: Added values for properties searchLinkToService, searchLinkToServices, searchLinkToAdvancedServices, errorLink
5. [NEW] Files added for services landing, search and advanced search pages: landingPages/service/, advancedSearchServices.component.ts, advancedSearchServices.module.ts, advancedSearchServices-routing.module.ts, searchServices.component.ts, searchServices.module.ts, searchServices-routing.module.ts