[Aggregator | Trunk]: Home page spaces and numbers background

git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-aggregator-portal/trunk@59947 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
This commit is contained in:
k.triantafyllou 2020-11-24 09:34:22 +00:00
parent f5ac9cc123
commit de6cd40fc1
3 changed files with 137 additions and 204 deletions

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@ -1,10 +1,8 @@
<div class="image-front-topbar mainPageSearchForm uk-background-norepeat uk-background-cover uk-background-fixed">
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@ -67,113 +65,34 @@
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<!-- <ng-container *ngFor="let type of ['publication','dataset', 'software']">-->
<!-- <li-->
<!-- class="uk-width-1-1 home-logo">-->
<!-- <h1 class="uk-text-center uk-margin-bottom portal-color uk-h3">-->
<!-- <span *ngIf="type=='publication' && showPublications && publicationsSize">-->
<!-- <span class="uk-text-bold">{{publicationsSize.number|number}}{{publicationsSize.size}}-->
<!-- publications</span><span> deduplicated</span>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <span *ngIf="type=='dataset' && showDatasets && (datasetsLinkedSize ||datasetsSize)">-->
<!-- <span *ngIf="datasetsLinkedSize">-->
<!-- <span-->
<!-- class="uk-text-bold">{{datasetsLinkedSize.number|number}}{{datasetsLinkedSize.size}}-->
<!-- datasets</span> interlinked with publications</span>-->
<!-- <span *ngIf="datasetsSize && !datasetsLinkedSize"-->
<!-- class="uk-text-bold">{{datasetsSize.number|number}}{{datasetsSize.size}}-->
<!-- research data</span>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <span *ngIf="type=='software' && showSoftware && (softwareSize ||softwareLinkedSize)">-->
<!-- <span *ngIf="softwareLinkedSize">-->
<!-- <span class="uk-text-bold-->
<!-- ">{{softwareLinkedSize.number|number}}{{softwareLinkedSize.size}} research-->
<!-- software</span> interlinked with publications</span>-->
<!-- <span *ngIf="softwareSize && !softwareLinkedSize"-->
<!-- class="uk-text-bold">{{softwareSize.number|number}}{{softwareSize.size}}-->
<!-- research software</span>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <span *ngIf="type=='persistent'">-->
<!-- <span>Persistent identifiers and registries</span>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- <span *ngIf="type=='funder' && showProjects && fundersSize">-->
<!-- <span class="uk-text-bold">{{fundersSize.number|number}}{{fundersSize.size}}-->
<!-- funders</span><span> and</span>-->
<!-- <span class="uk-text-bold"> {{projectsSize.number|number}}{{projectsSize.size}} funded grants</span>-->
<!-- </span>-->
<!-- </h1>-->
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class="uk-section graph-background uk-margin-top">
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<div class="uk-flex-last@m">
<div [class.lines-10]="!readMore" class="uk-margin-bottom multi-line-ellipsis">
<div class="uk-h3">Extracted <strong>Metadata Combined.</strong></div>
<p>The <a class="graph-color" href="https://graph.openaire.eu" target="blank">OpenAIRE Research Graph</a> is one of the largest open scholarly record collections worldwide, key in fostering Open Science and establishing its practices in the daily research activities. Conceived as a public and transparent good, populated out of data sources trusted by scientists, the Graph aims at bringing discovery, monitoring, and assessment of science back in the hands of the scientific community.<br>
<p>The <a class="graph-color" href="https://graph.openaire.eu" target="blank">OpenAIRE Research Graph</a> is
one of the largest open scholarly record collections worldwide, key in fostering Open Science and
establishing its practices in the daily research activities. Conceived as a public and transparent good,
populated out of data sources trusted by scientists, the Graph aims at bringing discovery, monitoring, and
assessment of science back in the hands of the scientific community.<br>
Imagine a vast collection of research products all linked together, contextualised and openly available. For the past ten years OpenAIRE has been working to gather this valuable record. OpenAIRE is pleased to announce the release of its Research Graph, a massive collection of metadata and links between scientific products such as articles, datasets, software, and other research products, entities like organisations, funders, funding streams, projects, communities, and data sources.<br>
Imagine a vast collection of research products all linked together, contextualised and openly available. For
the past ten years OpenAIRE has been working to gather this valuable record. OpenAIRE is pleased to announce
the release of its Research Graph, a massive collection of metadata and links between scientific products
such as articles, datasets, software, and other research products, entities like organisations, funders,
funding streams, projects, communities, and data sources.<br>
As of today, the OpenAIRE Research Graph aggregates around 450Mi metadata records with links collecting from 10,000 data sources trusted by scientists! After cleaning, deduplication, and fine-grained classification processes, they narrow down to ~100Mi publications, ~8Mi datasets, ~200K software research products, 8Mi other products linked together with semantic relations.<br>
As of today, the OpenAIRE Research Graph aggregates around 450Mi metadata records with links collecting from
10,000 data sources trusted by scientists! After cleaning, deduplication, and fine-grained classification
processes, they narrow down to ~100Mi publications, ~8Mi datasets, ~200K software research products, 8Mi
other products linked together with semantic relations.<br>
More than 10Mi full-texts of Open Access publications are mined by algorithms to enrich metadata records with additional properties and links among research products, funders, projects, communities, and organizations. Thanks to the mining algorithm, the graph is completed with 480Mi semantic relations.</p>
More than 10Mi full-texts of Open Access publications are mined by algorithms to enrich metadata records
with additional properties and links among research products, funders, projects, communities, and
organizations. Thanks to the mining algorithm, the graph is completed with 480Mi semantic relations.</p>
<div *ngIf="!readMore" class="uk-text-center clickable" (click)="readMore = true">
@ -194,43 +113,52 @@
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<div class="uk-text-center target"><img alt="Share" class="uk-width-1-3@m uk-width-small"
<div class="el-content uk-margin uk-text-large"><span class="uk-text-bold">Deposit</span> your research</div>
<div class="el-content uk-margin uk-text-large"><span class="uk-text-bold">Deposit</span> your research
<div class="uk-margin-small-top uk-text-left card-text uk-flex uk-flex-center">
<div class="uk-margin-left uk-margin-right">Deposit in a repository of your choice.<br>
Select an OpenAIRE compatible<br>
repository (2.0 +) so that your research is linked to your funding information. Use Zenodo, a catch-all repository hosted by CERN to deposit all your research results (publications, data, software, etc.)</div>
repository (2.0 +) so that your research is linked to your funding information. Use Zenodo, a
catch-all repository hosted by CERN to deposit all your research results (publications, data,
software, etc.)
<a class="uk-button portal-button uk-padding uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-margin-small-left ng-star-inserted uk-margin uk-margin-bottom uk-width-1-2" href="/participate/deposit/learn-how" type="submit">Deposit </a></div>
<a class="uk-button portal-button uk-padding uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-margin-small-left ng-star-inserted uk-margin uk-margin-bottom uk-width-1-2"
href="/participate/deposit/learn-how" type="submit">Deposit </a></div>
<div class="el-item uk-card uk-card-default uk-card-medium uk-card-body">
<div class="uk-text-center target"><img alt="Share" class="uk-width-1-3@m uk-width-small" src="assets/link.svg"></div>
<div class="uk-text-center target"><img alt="Share" class="uk-width-1-3@m uk-width-small"
<div class="el-content uk-margin uk-text-large"><span class="uk-text-bold">Link</span> your work</div>
<div class="uk-margin-small-top uk-text-left card-text uk-flex uk-flex-center">
<div class="uk-margin-left uk-margin-right">Connect all your research.<br>
If you can't find your research results in OpenAIRE, don't worry! Use our Link Out service , that reaches out to many<br>
If you can't find your research results in OpenAIRE, don't worry! Use our Link Out service , that
reaches out to many<br>
external sources via APIs, to connect<br>
your research results and claim them to your project.</div>
your research results and claim them to your project.
<a class="uk-button portal-button uk-padding uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-margin-small-left ng-star-inserted uk-margin uk-margin-bottom uk-width-1-2"
href="/participate/claim" type="submit">Link </a></div>
<a class="uk-button portal-button uk-padding uk-padding-remove-vertical uk-margin-small-left ng-star-inserted uk-margin uk-margin-bottom uk-width-1-2" href="/participate/claim" type="submit">Link </a></div>
@ -271,8 +199,8 @@
<div class="numbers-background">
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<div class="uk-container">
<div class="uk-grid uk-margin-auto-left uk-margin-auto-right uk-grid-large uk-child-width-1-2@m" uk-grid>
<div *ngIf="publicationsSize || softwareSize || datasetsSize"
class="uk-margin-medium-bottom uk-flex uk-flex-center">

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@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
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@ -42,3 +42,7 @@
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