package; import; import; import; import; import eu.dnetlib.dnetrolemanagement.utils.HttpUtils; import eu.dnetlib.dnetrolemanagement.utils.JsonUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.mitre.openid.connect.model.OIDCAuthenticationToken; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import; import org.springframework.stereotype.Service; import java.util.*; @Service public class RegistryService { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(RegistryService.class); private final String coid; public HttpUtils httpUtils; public JsonUtils jsonUtils; @Autowired public RegistryService(HttpUtils httpUtils, JsonUtils jsonUtils, RegistryProperties registryProperties) { this.coid = registryProperties.getCoid(); this.httpUtils = httpUtils; this.jsonUtils = jsonUtils; } /** * 1.1 Get CoPersonId by Email */ public List getCoPersonIdsByEmail(String email) { if (email != null) { List coPersonIds = new ArrayList<>(); Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("coid", coid); params.put("mail", email); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("co_people.json", params); if (response != null) { JsonArray coPeople = response.getAsJsonObject().get("CoPeople").getAsJsonArray(); for (int i = 0; i < coPeople.size(); i++) { coPersonIds.add(coPeople.get(i).getAsJsonObject().get("Id").getAsInt()); } } return coPersonIds; } else { Integer coPersonId = getCoPersonIdByIdentifier(); return (coPersonId != null) ? Collections.singletonList(coPersonId) : new ArrayList<>(); } } /** * 1.2 Get CoPersonId by AAI identifier */ public Integer getCoPersonIdByIdentifier() { try { OIDCAuthenticationToken authentication = (OIDCAuthenticationToken) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication(); String sub = authentication.getUserInfo().getSub(); return getCoPersonIdByIdentifier(sub); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Get User info: An error occurred ", e); return null; } } public Integer getCoPersonIdByIdentifier(String sub) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("coid", coid); params.put("search.identifier", sub); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("co_people.json", params); return (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("CoPeople").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("Id").getAsInt() : null; } /** * 2 Get AAI identifier by CoPersonId */ public String getIdentifierByCoPersonId(Integer coPersonId) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("copersonid", coPersonId.toString()); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("identifiers.json", params); JsonArray ids = (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("Identifiers").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); if (ids.size() > 0) { return ids.get(0).getAsJsonObject().get("Identifier").getAsString(); } return null; } /** * 3.1 Get OpenAIRE cous with a specific name(or substring) */ public JsonArray getCous(String name) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("coid", coid); if (name != null) { params.put("name", name.toLowerCase()); } JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("cous.json", params); return (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("Cous").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); } /** * 3.2 Get all OpenAIRE cous */ public JsonArray getCous() { return getCous(null); } /** * 4.1 Get a couId by name * * @param name * @return */ public Integer getCouId(String name) { JsonArray cous = getCous(name); for (JsonElement cou : cous) { if (cou.getAsJsonObject().get("Name").getAsString().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) { return cou.getAsJsonObject().get("Id").getAsInt(); } } return null; } /** * 5. Get User non admin roles */ public JsonArray getRoles(Integer coPersonId) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("copersonid", coPersonId.toString()); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("co_person_roles.json", params); return (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("CoPersonRoles").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); } /** * 6. Get Role id of User base on couId. */ public Integer getRoleId(Integer coPersonId, Integer couId) { JsonArray roles = getRoles(coPersonId); for (JsonElement role : roles) { JsonObject object = role.getAsJsonObject(); if (object.get("CouId").getAsInt() == couId && !object.get("Status").getAsString().equals("Deleted")) { return object.get("Id").getAsInt(); } } return null; } /** * 7. Get User Groups */ public JsonArray getUserGroups(Integer coPersonId) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("copersonid", coPersonId.toString()); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("co_groups.json", params); return (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("CoGroups").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); } /** * 8. Get User Admin Group of a Cou */ public JsonObject getUserAdminGroup(Integer coPersonId, Integer couId) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("copersonid", coPersonId.toString()); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("co_groups.json", params); JsonArray roles = (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("CoGroups").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); for (JsonElement role : roles) { JsonObject object = role.getAsJsonObject(); if (object.get("CouId") != null && object.get("CouId").getAsInt() == couId) { if (object.get("Name").getAsString().contains("admins")) { return object; } } } return null; } /** * 9. Get Groups of a Cou */ public JsonArray getCouGroups(Integer couId) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("coid", coid); params.put("couid", couId.toString()); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("co_groups.json", params); return (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("CoGroups").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); } /** * 10. Get Admin Group of a Cou */ public JsonObject getCouAdminGroup(Integer couId) { JsonArray groups = getCouGroups(couId); for (JsonElement group : groups) { if (group.getAsJsonObject().get("Name").getAsString().contains("admins")) { return group.getAsJsonObject(); } } return null; } /** * 11. Get users of a group */ public JsonArray getGroupMembers(Integer coGroupId) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("cogroupid", coGroupId.toString()); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("co_group_members.json", params); return (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("CoGroupMembers").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); } /** * 12. Get Users' email of a Cou */ public JsonArray getUserEmailByCouId(Integer couId, boolean admin) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("couid", couId.toString()); if (admin) { params.put("admin", "true"); } JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("email_addresses.json", params); JsonArray infos = (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("EmailAddresses").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); JsonArray emails = new JsonArray(); infos.forEach(info -> { JsonObject user = new JsonObject(); user.addProperty("coPersonId", info.getAsJsonObject().get("Person").getAsJsonObject().get("Id").getAsString()); user.addProperty("email", info.getAsJsonObject().get("Mail").getAsString()); user.addProperty("memberSince", info.getAsJsonObject().get("Created").getAsString()); emails.add(user); }); return emails; } /** * 13. Get Users' names of a Cou */ public JsonArray getUserNamesByCouId(Integer couId, boolean admin) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("couid", couId.toString()); if (admin) { params.put("admin", "true"); } JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("names.json", params); JsonArray infos = (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("Names").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); JsonArray names = new JsonArray(); infos.forEach(info -> { JsonObject user = new JsonObject(); user.addProperty("coPersonId", info.getAsJsonObject().get("Person").getAsJsonObject().get("Id").getAsString()); user.addProperty("name", info.getAsJsonObject().get("Given").getAsString() + " " + info.getAsJsonObject().get("Family").getAsString()); user.addProperty("memberSince", info.getAsJsonObject().get("Created").getAsString()); names.add(user); }); return names; } /** * 14. Get Users' identifiers of a Cou */ public JsonArray getUserIdByCouId(Integer couId, boolean admin) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("couid", couId.toString()); if (admin) { params.put("admin", "true"); } JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("identifiers.json", params); JsonArray infos = (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("Identifiers").getAsJsonArray() : new JsonArray(); JsonArray ids = new JsonArray(); infos.forEach(info -> { JsonObject user = new JsonObject(); user.addProperty("coPersonId", info.getAsJsonObject().get("Person").getAsJsonObject().get("Id").getAsString()); user.addProperty("id", info.getAsJsonObject().get("Identifier").getAsString()); user.addProperty("memberSince", info.getAsJsonObject().get("Created").getAsString()); ids.add(user); }); return ids; } /** * 15. Assign a member role to a User */ public void assignMemberRole(Integer coPersonId, Integer couId, Integer id) { if (id != null) { httpUtils.put("co_person_roles/" + id + ".json", jsonUtils.coPersonRoles(coPersonId, couId, "Active")); } else {"co_person_roles.json", jsonUtils.coPersonRoles(coPersonId, couId, "Active")); } } /** * 16. Remove a member role from a User */ public void removeMemberRole(Integer coPersonId, Integer couId, Integer id) { if (id != null) { httpUtils.put("co_person_roles/" + id + ".json", jsonUtils.coPersonRoles(coPersonId, couId, "Deleted")); } } /** * 17. Create a new role */ public Integer createRole(String name, String description) { JsonElement element ="cous.json", jsonUtils.createNewCou(name, description)); return element.getAsJsonObject().get("Id").getAsInt(); } /** * 18. Get User's email */ public String getUserEmail(Integer coPersonId) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("copersonid", coPersonId.toString()); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("email_addresses.json", params); JsonObject info = (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("EmailAddresses").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject() : null; return (info != null) ? info.getAsJsonObject().get("Mail").getAsString() : null; } /** * 19. Get User's names */ public String getUserNames(Integer coPersonId) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("copersonid", coPersonId.toString()); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("names.json", params); JsonObject info = (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("Names").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject() : null; return (info != null) ? info.getAsJsonObject().get("Given").getAsString() + " " + info.getAsJsonObject().get("Family").getAsString() : null; } /** * 20. Get User's identifier */ public String getUserId(Integer coPersonId) { Map params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("copersonid", coPersonId.toString()); JsonElement response = httpUtils.get("identifiers.json", params); JsonObject info = (response != null) ? response.getAsJsonObject().get("Identifiers").getAsJsonArray().get(0).getAsJsonObject() : null; return (info != null) ? info.getAsJsonObject().get("Identifier").getAsString() : null; } /** * 21. Assign an admin role to a User */ public void assignAdminRole(Integer coPersonId, Integer couId) { JsonObject group = getCouAdminGroup(couId); if (group != null) {"co_group_members.json", jsonUtils.coGroupMembers(group.get("Id").getAsInt(), coPersonId, true)); } } /** * 22. Remove an admin role from a User */ public void removeAdminRole(Integer coPersonId, Integer couId) { JsonObject adminGroup = this.getCouAdminGroup(couId); JsonArray admins = this.getGroupMembers(adminGroup.get("Id").getAsInt()); Integer id = null; for (JsonElement admin : admins) { if (admin.getAsJsonObject().get("Person").getAsJsonObject().get("Id").getAsInt() == coPersonId) { id = admin.getAsJsonObject().get("Id").getAsInt(); } } if (id != null) { httpUtils.delete("co_group_members/" + id + ".json"); } } }