Build a Gateway for your Community.

  • Turn Open Science into Practice.
  • It takes your open and linked research outcomes.
  • A service customized to your needs.

Community Gateways already in action

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Our mission for an Open and FAIR science

A Virtual Research Environment
An overlay platform making it easy to share, link, disseminate and monitor all your publications, data, software, methods. In one place.

  • Access to OpenAIRE research graph
  • Moderated, front-end linking
  • Cross-platform search
Open Science in action
A time-saving bundle of services for researchers to effortlessly practice open science. An integral part of the European Open Science Cloud.

  • Use of OpenAIRE Guidelines
  • Publish and get DOIs with Zenodo
  • EOSC Single Sign-On
Customized to your needs
A Gateway with your own brand, rules for aggregation, text & data mining, and presentation. Run by you via a simple, yet powerful backend administration tool.

  • Access control
  • Analytics: rich set of indicators
  • Look & feel to match your brand
  • Find a repository to deposit your research outcome

    This is OpenAIRE’s key service for research communities, both established and emerging ones. Our service helps you reach out and engage all your researchers to practice open science out-of-the-box.
  • Link your research output with your community, funding, and other research products

    This is OpenAIRE’s key service for research communities, both established and emerging ones. Our service helps you reach out and engage all your researchers to practice open science out-of-the-box.
  • View community's overview at a glance

    This is OpenAIRE’s key service for research communities, both established and emerging ones. Our service helps you reach out and engage all your researchers to practice open science out-of-the-box.
  • Search & browse your community's research products.

    This is OpenAIRE’s key service for research communities, both established and emerging ones. Our service helps you reach out and engage all your researchers to practice open science out-of-the-box.
  • View statistics for your community's research products.

    This is OpenAIRE’s key service for research communities, both established and emerging ones. Our service helps you reach out and engage all your researchers to practice open science out-of-the-box.

Let us Help you Develop a Collaborative Science
Gateway. It is fast. It is reliable.

Get in touch with our team to find out how.