Build a Gateway for your Community.

Turn Open Science into Practice.
It takes your open and linked {{entities.RESULTS | lowercase}}.
A service customized to your needs.

Find a repository to deposit your {{entities.RESULT | lowercase}} .

Link your {{entities.RESULT | lowercase}} with your community, funding, and other {{entities.RESULTS | lowercase}} .

View community's overview at a glance.

Search & browse your community's {{entities.RESULTS | lowercase}} .

View statistics for your community's {{entities.RESULTS | lowercase}} .


Find the best for your community.

Our mission for an Open and FAIR science.

A Virtual Research Environment

A Virtual Research Environment

An overlay platform making it easy to share, link, disseminate and monitor all your {{entities.PUBLICATIONS | lowercase}}, {{entities.DATASETS | lowercase}}, {{entities.SOFTWARE | lowercase}}, methods. In one place.

  • Access to OpenAIRE research graph
  • Moderated, front-end linking
  • Cross-platform search
Open science in action

Open Science in action

A time-saving bundle of services for researchers to effortlessly practice open science. An integral part of the European Open Science Cloud.

  • Use of OpenAIRE Guidelines
  • Publish and get DOIs with Zenodo
  • EOSC Single Sign-On
Customized to your needs

Customized to your needs

A Gateway with your own brand, rules for aggregation, text & data mining, and presentation. Run by you via a simple, yet powerful backend administration tool.

  • Access control
  • Analytics: rich set of indicators
  • Look & feel to match your brand

Community Gateways already in action.

Let us Help you Develop a Collaborative Science Gateway.
It is fast. It is reliable.

Contact us