import {Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output, ViewChild} from '@angular/core'; import {ActivatedRoute, Router} from '@angular/router'; import {EnvProperties} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/properties/env-properties'; import {AlertModal} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/modal/alert'; import {CommunityService} from '../../openaireLibrary/connect/community/community.service'; import {SubscribeService} from '../../openaireLibrary/utils/subscribe/subscribe.service'; import {EmailService} from "../../openaireLibrary/utils/email/email.service"; import {Session, User} from '../../openaireLibrary/login/utils/helper.class'; import {Email} from "../../openaireLibrary/utils/email/email"; import {Composer} from "../../openaireLibrary/utils/email/composer"; import {LoginErrorCodes} from '../../openaireLibrary/login/utils/guardHelper.class'; import {UserManagementService} from "../../openaireLibrary/services/user-management.service"; declare var UIkit: any; @Component({ selector: 'subscribe', template: `

Please login first to subscribe

Members {{subscribers}} ` }) export class SubscribeComponent { // @Input() showSubscribe:boolean = true; @Input() showNumbers: boolean; @Input() communityId: string; @Input() showTemplate: boolean = true; @Output() subscribeEvent = new EventEmitter(); public community = null; public emailToInformManagers: Email; loading: boolean = false; subscribed: boolean = null; properties: EnvProperties; subscribers: number = null; showLoginAlert: Boolean = false; @ViewChild(AlertModal) alert; private user: User; constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute, private _subscribeService: SubscribeService, private _emailService: EmailService, private _communityService: CommunityService, private router: Router, private userManagementService: UserManagementService ) { } public ngOnInit() { .subscribe((data: { envSpecific: EnvProperties }) => { = data.envSpecific; if (typeof document !== 'undefined') { this.userManagementService.getUserInfo( => { this.user = user; this.init(); }); } else { this.init(); } }); } private init() { if (!this.showNumbers) { let email = (this.user)?; if (email == null) { this.subscribed = false; } else { if (this.communityId) { this._subscribeService.isSubscribedToCommunity(, this.communityId, email).subscribe( res => { this.subscribed = res; if (this.subscribed) { this.subscribeEvent.emit({ value: "ok" }); } }, error => { this.handleError("Error getting response if email: " + email + " is subscribed to community with id: " + this.communityId, error); }); } } } else { if (this.communityId) { this._subscribeService.getCommunitySubscribers(, this.communityId).subscribe( res => { this.subscribers = (res && res.subscribers && res.subscribers.length) ? res.subscribers.length : 0; }, error => { this.handleError("Error getting community subscribers for community with id: " + this.communityId, error); }); } } if (this.communityId) { this.emailToInformManagers = {body: "", subject: "", recipients: []}; this._communityService.getCommunity(, + this.communityId).subscribe( community => { = community; }, error => { //console.log('System error retrieving community profile', error) this.handleError("Error getting community with id: " + this.communityId, error); } ); } } subscribe() { var email = (this.user)?; if (email == null) { this.subscribed = false; // this.showLoginAlert = true; this.router.navigate(['/user-info'], { queryParams: { "errorCode": LoginErrorCodes.ACTION_REQUIRES_LOGIN, "redirectUrl": this.router.url } }); } else { this.loading = true; this.showLoginAlert = false; this._subscribeService.subscribeToCommunity(this.communityId, email, res => { this.loading = false; if (res.status && res.status != 200) { this.subscribeEvent.emit({ value: "error" }); UIkit.notification({ message: 'An error occured. Please try again!', status: 'warning', timeout: 3000, pos: 'top-center' }); } else { if (!this.subscribed) { this.subscribed = true; this.subscribeEvent.emit({ value: "ok" }); this._emailService.sendEmail( + "/notifyForNewSubscribers/" + this.communityId, Composer.composeEmailToInformManagers(, this.communityId,, email)).subscribe( res => { //console.log("The email has been sent successfully!") }, error => { //console.log(error) this.handleError("Error notifying managers about new subscribers for community with id: " + this.communityId, error); } ); } } }, error => { this.loading = false; this.subscribeEvent.emit({ value: "error" }); UIkit.notification({ message: 'An error occured. Please try again!', status: 'warning', timeout: 3000, pos: 'top-center' }); //console.log(error) this.handleError("Error subscribing email: " + email + " to community with id: " + this.communityId, error); }); } } unsubscribe() { var email = (this.user)?; if (email == null) { this.subscribed = false; } else { this.loading = true; // this._subscribeService.unSubscribeToCommunity(this.communityId, email, res => { this.loading = false; if (res.status && res.status != 200) { UIkit.notification({ message: 'An error occured. Please try again!', status: 'warning', timeout: 3000, pos: 'top-center' }); } else { //console.log(res); if (this.subscribed) { console.log('here') this.subscribed = false; } } }, error => { this.loading = false; UIkit.notification({ message: 'An error occured. Please try again!', status: 'warning', timeout: 3000, pos: 'top-center' }); //console.log(error) this.handleError("Error unsubscribing email: " + email + " from community with id: " + this.communityId, error); }); } } confirmOpen() { this.alert.cancelButton = true; this.alert.okButton = true; this.alert.alertTitle = "Unsubscribe community "; this.alert.message = "Do you want to proceed? "; this.alert.okButtonText = "Yes"; this.alert.cancelButtonText = "No";; } confirmClose(data) { this.unsubscribe(); } private handleError(message: string, error) { console.error("Subscribe (component): " + message, error); } }