1. assets/connect-assets/home/entities: svg files added for entity types in community first page.
2. connect-custom.css: Classes added for icons in entity types in community first page.
3. community.component: Analytics tab redesigned - entity tabs added & charts in cards.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-connect-portal/trunk@58676 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. community.component:
a. [Bug fix] Add 'uk-tab' and 'uk-active' class to load css without javascript enabled.
b. In tab 'Summary', reorder information - description goes on top.
c. Cut description in first 500 characters, if length > 600, otherwise do not cut it.
2. curators.component: Add 'view all/ less' functionality.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-connect-portal/trunk@58653 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. community.component.ts: Add fields 'public thresholdDescription: number = 550;' and 'subscribers: number = 0;' and method 'public countSubscribersEvent($event)'.
2. community.component.html:
a. Move curatos, projects & content providers, zenodo communities inside tab 'Summary'.
b. In tab names add class 'tab-header' and remove 'uk-text-bold'.
c. Cut description according to 'thresholdDescription'.
3. curators.component.html: Add 'uk-inline-block' class in <a>, in order not to break name and surname of a curator into 2 lines.
4. results.component.ts: Add 'view all' link on top right corner too and change class of link to 'uk-button uk-button-text'.
5. subscribe.component.ts: Add output event when getting subscribers number (used by community.component to add margin in needed).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-connect-portal/trunk@58616 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. subscribe.component.ts: Remove unnecessary prints.
2. searchCommunities.component.ts:
a. [Bug fix - sometimes on 1st load] Remove data binding for 'sort' in <new-search-page>.
b. [Bug fix - no results on 1st load] Remove data binding for 'filters' in <new-search-page>.
c. Add field 'private userFilterLoaded:boolean = false;' to init all filters correctly when user is logged in.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-connect-portal/trunk@58595 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. app-routing.module.ts: Add route '/subjects'.
2. app.component.ts: Group subscribe and invite buttons under id="subscribeAndInviteBtn" (keep distance between them alwayes the same) | uncomment menu item 'Subjects' in About.
3. app.module.ts: import 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status).
4. libUser.module.ts & subscribe.module.ts: remove import of 'SubscribeService' (singleton service to update everywhere subscriber status).
5. community.component.html:
a. Improve some checks
b. In main tabs of the page (class main-tabs) add class 'uk-text-truncate' and remove class 'uk-width-3-4' (each tab has max-width)
c. Add icon in 'Analytics' tab
d. [Bug fix] In description, fix overflow and max height of box
6. community.component.ts: Add field '@ViewChild(SubscribeComponent) subscribeComponent: SubscribeComponent' to add some checks in html.
7. curators.component.html: Remove div with class 'image-front-topbar' | Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Add user icon for each curator.
8. curators.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb | [Bug fix] In methods 'getPageContents()' and 'getDivContents()' use communityId (instead of 'connect').
9. curators.module.ts & organizationsPage.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: import 'BreadcrumbsModule'.
10. organizationsPage.component.ts: Update css for title | Add <breadcrumbs> | Initialize breadcrumb.
11. subjects.component.ts, subjects.module.ts, subjects-routing.module.ts: Add page for Subjects.
12. invite.component.html: Add <breadcrumbs> in longView | Add icon in button 'Invite users'.
13. invite.component.ts: Initialize breadcrumb.
14. subscribe.component.ts:
a. Add icon in button "Subscribe"/ "Subscribed"
b. Add class 'uk-display-inline-block' in showNumbers (members)
c. Initialize and get subscriber status with new methods of service (initIsSubscribedToCommunity() & isSubscribed - BehaviorSubject instead of isSubscribedToCommunity())
15. connect-custom.css: Group css for #subscribeBtn, #inviteBtn into #subscribeAndInviteBtn | Add css for class 'user-circle-background' (background of user icon in curators).
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-connect-portal/trunk@58574 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3
1. app.component.ts: <subscribe> and <invite> components added (floating buttons on the right side of each page for communities).
2. community.component.html:
3. community.component.ts:
a. 'projectsCalculated' and 'contentProvidersCalculated' fields added, to calculate tootlip after both requests complete
b. added methods for building tootips
c. 'activeTab' set to 'summary'.
4. affiliations.component.html: minor phrasing changes (e.g. title).
5. curators.component.html: shortview changed.
6. results.component.ts: Title changed | 'View all' moved to the bottom.
7. customization.component.ts: Changed '--portal-main-color' from '#4C9CD5' to '#4687E6' | Changed '--portal-dark-color' from '#24857F' to '#2D72D6'.
8. invite.component.html: shortview changed.
9. invite.component.ts: 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component).
10. invite.module.ts & inviteBasic.module.ts: InviteBasicModule created to declare InviteComponent without routing and login guard | InviteModule imports InviteBasicModule and adds routing and login guar$
11. subscribe.component.ts: Changes for subscribe button and members | 'properties' field as input (get it is called from app.component).
12. connect-custom.css: css for subscribe and invite buttons and for tooltip with 'community-page-tooltip' class.
13. customization.css: class 'communityBackground' added and css for 'subtitle' class inside 'communityBackground'.
git-svn-id: https://svn.driver.research-infrastructures.eu/driver/dnet40/modules/uoa-connect-portal/trunk@58549 d315682c-612b-4755-9ff5-7f18f6832af3